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Do I need B12 (lab results)?
  Views: 654
Published: 7 y

Do I need B12 (lab results)?


My brief background: 10 years illness, 8 of which severest systemic candida ever (yet to find someone so bad), mercury poisoning, and adrenal fatigue (AF is from 2.5 years). Noone ever helped me really, unable to chalete Hg as per Cutlers protocol, unable to treat candida etc...

I have always been taking B complex. One year ago I stopped it and started to take B complex, but without Folate and B12. And I started sublingual methylfolate.

I am struggling with very bad brain tiredness and disfunction. When I do some mental work I get very very easily so tired that I need weeks or months in order to recover so that I can work just one more week. All started from overstudying in University, but went chornic since then. I did the B-vitamin-stuff switch in my program around a month after the first brain tiredness and since then I am not recovered.

Now I did a test with those results:

B12: 306
Homocysteine: 15

So those results are after one year on B complex without B12 and Folate, no B12 and with Methylfolate. I am eating plenty of meat (due to my unheardly restricted candida diet).

Am I B12 deficient and is that a reason for my brain fatigue? Shall I start Freddd's protocol? I am VERY carefule when it comes to B12 as before I tried to "touch it" and even a single drop of sublingual one was giving me "light-headed" symptoms. Jarrows Methylcolabamin initially was gving me ephoria and power, but later anxiety. So I learned that this is a very delicate stuff and I must be sure what I am doing.

Many thanks in advance!



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