When your Eurowings flight gets canceled unexpectedly, the first step is to stay calm. These things happen, and there are usually options available to assist affected passengers. The airline typically provides information at the airport or through their customer service channels. Check if they've offered you an alternative flight, or if you're eligible for a refund. In addition to reaching out to Eurowings directly, I recommend using services like AirAdvisor, which can be a valuable resource in cases of flight disruptions. AirAdvisor specializes in helping passengers like you secure compensation and assistance when airlines fail to fulfill their obligations. They have a wealth of experience in dealing with flight cancellations and can provide expert guidance on your rights as a passenger.
(1) EV06 eyedrops to break lens disulfide bonds and soften the lens.
This would allow (2) and (3) below to penetrate the lens.
Contain lipoic acid choline ester.
Bought by Novartis Pharma (which also has a huge surgical lens business) as an eyedrop to cure presbyopia for $465 million. Has already passed Phase II clinical trials in the US, but Novartis says it hasn't. Novartis has no plans to release this eyedrop which is therefore unavailable.
(2) AGE-crystallin crosslink breaker. Would contain phenacyl thiazolium bromide (PTB, synthetic) or chebula (Ayurveda, natural), or any other crosslink breaker. PTB was shown, at the University of Arkansas in 2008, to break crosslinks of AGEs with alpha-crystallin, and thereby reverse loss of chaperone function of alpha-crystallin. This discovery is the key to curing cataract blindness in 90 million people worldwide and alone is worth a Nobel Prize. The eye profession has no plans to use this discovery, therefore no intention to cure world blindness, and it is therefore unavailable.
(3) Alpha-crystallin stabilizers (sterols)
This means lanosterol and other sterols. They have the ability to refold and stabilize alpha-crystallin liberated by (2) from its shackles to AGEs. Once stabilized, alpha-crystallin will then interfere with the electrostatic attraction between beta- and gamma- crystallin protein molecules by masking the electrical charges on their surfaces, thereby separating the molecules, and breaking up large molecular aggregates into smaller ones. This will restore optical transparency to the lens, curing the cataract.
Lanosterol eyedrops are available, but cannot work on alpha-crystallin until the lens is firstly softened, and the alpha-crystallin is secondly released from its bonds to AGEs (Steps (1) and (2)) above.
We invite all eye doctors to make a New Year Resolution for 2017! Don't be shy. Break with tradition, and for the first time in the last 100 years, actually TRY to cure cataract without surgery, and spare the human eye lens from the knife or laser. Go on, be daring, do what a doctor's supposed to do, and TRY. Make a resolution: "This year, I'm gonna TRY to cure human cataract without resorting to surgery, save the lens, and save the human eye in all its integrity! To hell with the $14 billion that we're making from surgery - I don't care any more, I'm gonna do the right thing, and put patients first!" The technology is there. Biologists, chemists and biochemists have, since 1954, come up with a full range of various eye drops that have been found, in animal studies and/or from anecdotal reports, to restore clarity to cataractous lenses. If you TRY to save people's natural lens with these tools, and you fail despite your best efforts, no-one in this world can ever blame you. We certainly won't. But if you don't TRY, well ya know, that's a whole different story. The world will never know what might have been possible. After all, Hippocrates said: "First, do no harm". He didn't say: "Do nothing, so patients are forced to submit to surgery". Did he.
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