I've been using Turpentine regularly in several different ways for many problems. I've been using it for about the last 7 years.
Generally, you should regard Turpentine as probably one of the best blood purifiers out there. I use it, at one teaspoon a day for two or three weeks at a time, three or four times a year to purge and purify my blood and tissues of any pathogen species including viruses, bacteria, fungus, mycoplasma, mycobacterium and parasites. It also gently purges and protects my intesines.So, as far as I'm concerned, turpentine is right up there with Colloidal Nano Silver, Lugol's Iodine and Hydrogen Peroxide(all of which I also use).
There's not very much research on Turpentine because the FDA don't really want people to know how effective it is against pathogens. And the FDA won't recommend it because the drugs companies can't patent it or find an equivalent drug from the natural terpenes from turpentine.Turpentine contains monoterpenes that are already well known in research for killing a broad range of pathogen species. But it's mainly the alpha-pinenes and beta-pinenes(and others like cymene) that gives turpentine it's Big Pathogen Kill capability. Both the alpha and beta forms of these pinenes have anti-oxidant action against pathogens. And guess what? After the ant-oxidant form has killed a pathogen it turns into the oxidant pinene form -- which continues killing the pathogens as well. That's why just a teaspoon of Turpentine goes a long way when you use it against pathogens in the blood. It will stay in the blood killing pathogens for quite a while, working its magic, until the liver gets rid of it in the intestines. And then it will continue to kill pathogens and parasites in the intestines as well. How effective is that?
Here's some research:
The Essential Oil of Turpentne and it's Major Volatile Fraction α- and β-pinenes: A Review
I've also incorporated Turpentine into my own successful Anti-Candida protocol, shown here:
Thank you for sharing this useful information with those like me who are new to the area. I'm looking forward to learning more from everyone on this message board. Spider Solitaire 2 Suit will help you relax on interesting cards
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