Well, guess we now have up to 4 yrs to find out, don't we? And if his career as the AC fails to launch, I'm sure our Dispy brethren will come up with at least another dozen or more plausible candidates for the role. BTW, this guy is convinced it's Prince Harry:
.... one of the featured 'guests' in my satirical OP, and who's already relinquished all claims to the throne since Mark Chisza made most of his YT vids. What? You thought I was only kiddin'? 'Fraid not. Must be quite disheartening though to see your preferred candidate opt out of the route to power that would have catapulted him into AC territory. So it was Pr. William all along after all:
... yet another one of my featured candidates. Again, you thought I was just kiddin', right? Nope. Every single one of those names has been 'seriously' advanced as a candidate for the role of AC. Hit rate so far? 0/100. Now there's a surprise. Still, let's not allow reality or some questionable hermeneutics get in the way of a bit of harmless fun, shall we?
So, who's next? Gotta admit, Kamala is looking decidedly shifty these days .........
Seems that some false 'profits' also need their peccadilloes when they're not too busy date-setting or building their third temple:
Anybody here honest enough to admit if they've been taken for a ride?
Recently posted on Bruce Peter's YT channel, and hopefully he'll take up the challenge soon:
"Bruce, this outfit is not quite in the same category as our date-setting rapture cultists, but they are fundamentally part of the same racket, and they need to be exposed - urgently. They are conning at least 100's of thousands of uninformed or gullible Christians out of their hard-earned cash - sometimes even their entire estates. You need to do an expose of them, and you need to do it ASAP! I know your channel only reaches a few of the duped 'opposition', but if you can save just one Christian from being sucked into this international scam, I reckon you will have rendered valuable service to our Lord and Saviour. This is a fight with which every soldier of the faith should engage.
To whom am I referring? Watch this, and please make sure you watch it all:
They are known as the Temple Institute, and they are no more than a front for an international scam specifically set up to target and fleece gullible Christians, especially the wealthier western demographic, though as you will learn from the video, Asian Christians are by no means exempt from this deception. I'm in no doubt that at least $millions (if not $billions) are pouring into the 'temple fund' coffers right now. To think that this scam has left at least some Christians practically destitute should fill every Bible-believer with absolute revulsion. Meanwhile, our brothers & sisters around the world who are languishing in abject poverty are denied the support and succour those funds could have provided. I urge and implore you to put whatever resources of time you can muster into a video expose of these charlatans. If you need some background to this story that goes back some 90 years! (no, I'm not kiddin'), read this brief intro:
If you need anymore info on the fraudulent character of this outfit, just put 'Temple Institute scam' into any search engine. And if you need any Biblical background on why a literal third temple is a Satanic deception, read this:
...and this:
and this:
....and if you need any more doctrinal/theological/exegetical background, just let me know."
Thx for that link Vekky. Gonna make use of it on the forum. I'm sure you won't object. Did you watch the YT vid. I linked about the mother of all scams?
Trapper (and any other Americans here) - a small favour please. Do you understand this?
"Charles Dyer's 'The Rise of Babylon: Sign of the End Times' suggested that Babylon would be rebuilt before the final battle of Armageddon, and he showed how Saddam Hussein was apparently rebuilding it. The cover shows Saddam in uniform in front of a statue of Nebuchadnezzar. With Saddam's untimely demise, events in Iraq do not appear to be heading in the predicted direction. In 2004, Dyer's sequel presents a toppled Saddam alongside an image of a new enemy - Osama Bin Laden. The actors may change, but the same confident assurance of 'Bible prophecy coming true' remains"
[Steven Sizer, Zion's Christian Soldiers, p. 32, cited by Jonathan Menn, Biblical Eschatology, p. 76.]
Unfortunately for Dyer, Bin Laden's fate 7 years after that sequel is now a matter of record, and I'm quite surprised that Menn didn't mention his 'untimely' exit from the apocalyptic stage. Any tyrants or terrorist leaders should now be quaking in their boots at the prospect of being identified as the dread ogre of Rev. 13 by Dyer or any of his Dispy confederates.
They seem to have an uncanny knack of identifying the next victim of the US military instead. At the very least, the tyrants of this world had better pray to whatever god they believe in that the dread finger is not pointing at them from the next instalment of Dyer's eschatological musings. It can be lethal.
Can you indicate what you think it's about with a brief comment please?
what motivates zionist (mostly fundamentalist) christians in america is seeing prophecy fulfilled before their eyes. the owners are giving the people what they want.
need i say its the jews?
you realize that america is in the hands of the same bolshevics that starved tens of millions of ukranians and are proceding with doing the same thing here, dont you?
In view of recent events that superficially appear to give false prophets reason to jump up and down excitedly while pointing to a verse in Revelation, I thought it was time to give this little piece another airing.
Folks, show a little forbearance - please! I'll have you know that being a false prophet is seriously hard work.
Just think of all the effort that goes into watching out for all those 'signs of the times'; pinning down that verse in the Apocalypse that has just been 'fulfilled before your very eyes' after scanning the latest newspapers and watching hours of newscasts from all the major networks; piecing together all those numerological, astrological, Kabbalistic and Gematriacal clues and tying them up with some random numbers in the Bible to reveal ............. errr ........... almost any date you care to fixate on; watching all those YT vids made by other false prophets to see if they agree with your own delusions (they rarely do) and branding them as the emissaries of Satan and false prophets if they don't, while the supreme irony of what you have just authored shoots straight over the top of your head; posting your latest findings on various social media; recounting and interpreting your latest 'rapture' dream for all those saps who hang onto your every word as if it fell to earth straight from the Throne of God; making false promises that this will definitely be your last vid. coz the secret rapture is about to whisk you into the upper stratosphere, only to follow up your 'promise' with ten more vids on the following day; responding to all the frenzied excitement you have just generated in others who feel compelled to throw in their two penny worth; writing books proclaiming the end of the world in the same year of their publication, only to have them completely trashed within a few short months by the trivial progress of Anno Domini; closely following the career path of the person you have wrongly identified as the antichrist yet again; ......... and finally, of course, not forgetting the stupendous amount of energy expended on ignoring all those warnings in the Bible that expressly condemn all such activity!!
I mean, the list is almost endless. Who has time for work? No, your friendly local false prophet needs your support. They serve an important psycho-social function in testing the level of your credulity, so please give generously. And always remember, a false prophet is not just for Christmas."
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