As you all know, cataract is a disease that no eye doctor wants to treat, or even consider treating, in blatant violation of the Hippocratic Oath. To them, the human lens does not matter. To the ophthalmology profession, the human lens is just a piece of expendable garbage which God, in his wisdom, put there so that they could make money removing it and replacing it with an expensive, inferior plastic IOL while exposing the patient to surgical risks and secondary complications.
But what if somewhere on this great planet Earth, there was an eye doctor who wanted to find a better way than surgery, and having found it, wanted to share that information with the world free of charge. Someone who knew how important it is to restore the optical clarity of the natural lens. Someone who heard the cries for help of those who fell victim to cataract, and to the arrogant hypocrisy and cruelty of his profession. In the last century, there were several such people, but they are long gone.
CureZone readers all over the world, do any of you know such a doctor who is practising today? I doubt whether there are more than a handful of eye doctors on this planet who want to cure cataract. You are more likely to find an eight-headed shark or Invaders from Mars. But if you do know of one - come on, surprise us and post it here!
Since cataract is a progressive disease, it will usually result in blindness if nothing is done about it. A few days ago, I again asked my eye doctor why the eye profession has chosen to abandon cataract sufferers who can't or don't want to undergo cataract surgery, leaving them to go blind. In a surprising new turn of phrase, she then informed me that cataracts are "social blindness", and quite distinct from "medical blindness". She continued: "At University, we only learn how to treat "medical blindness", therefore we don't have to do anything about "social blindness". So don't any of you worry any more. Blindness is nothing to worry about as long as it's "social blindness"! Perhaps we should rename the 'Cataract Forum' as the 'Social Blindness Forum'?
We know how lucky dogs are when it comes to cataracts, because the eye profession didn't think they generate much surgical income, and allowed them to benefit from cataract reversal eyedrops just for dogs. Now, fish have joined the lucky dogs and cats. The American School in Taiwan did a project last year in which they successfully cleared fish cataracts using a chitosan nanoparticle suspension of a soluble sterol, 25-OH cholesterol, in eyedrops. But it was no more than an academic exercise to prove it could be done. The project team say they have no plans to take it any further to help humans. Whatever. They must have thought it important to help fish see where they're swimming. At least, fish no longer have to have cataract surgery any more! Human compassion will never cease to amaze me!
Hi, I have a little problem with my stool. There are white/grey stuffs, (similiar to dust) on it. (was asking myself why there is dust in my body?) I can't figure out what is my problem. I feel very tired everyday, I have no strenght, and low bloody pressure. I feel better after eating foods with sugar. I also have dry skin under my beard and under my hair.
Hope you can help me, sorry for my English. Thanks!
While reading reviews on Goji berries on Amazon. com, I came across one that said 1/4 cup of berries in warm water to hydrate. after eating the berries drink the soaking water. I was skeptical, but I did it, and it did help 95 %.
Doing a search on Goji berries shows that they are good for eye health. You might try them.
Question and Answer Session with Eye Doctor
Yesterday, I again visited my eye doctor to re-evaluate my cataracts.
Previously, I had shown her the patent specification on the cyclic amide which was claimed to reverse human senile cataract in just one week. She said she had read it, and was quite impressed. I had also previously mentioned N-acetylcysteine amide (NACA), which had reversed severe cataracts in an animal model in one month.
The following is a brief record of the discussion we had.
Q: Doctor, in view of the fact that there are at least 2 potential cataract reversal eyedrop agents discovered in the last 30 years, which were found to be safe and effective based on animal trials, one of which was also tested on human cataracts already, why on earth has the eye profession done nothing to start clinical trials of these agents? Why is the world population still being denied a simpler, safer solution?
A: I also want to have an eyedrop which I could give my patients, but since there isn’t one, my hands are tied. I am forced to send them to surgery, although I really don’t want to. When you ask patients here and there who have had the surgery - they have a wide range of complaints such as glare from lights, shedding tears, or foreign object sensation. But that’s only to be expected - after all, a plastic IOL is not something natural, it’s a foreign object as far as the eye is concerned.
Why is there no eyedrop? My profession thinks that a simple eyedrop which could cure cataract would be far too mundane, too boring, to be worthy of their involvement. They just wouldn’t be satisfied unless they did the surgery.
Q: Who wouldn’t be satisfied? The doctors, or the patients?
A: The doctors.
Q: I see. Thankyou Doctor, for being so frank.
I immediately telephoned the helpline of my local health authority, and the following exchange ensued:
Q: I just saw my eye doctor, and she said that despite the existence of eyedrops that could potentially cure cataract, the eye profession thinks a simple eyedrop would be too mundane and too boring, and that they wouldn’t be satisfied unless they did surgery. What do you think about that?
A: Oh, that’s just because they’re making lots of money from the surgery, isn’t it? There’s nothing we can do about that, we have no control over it. We have no authority to tell them what to do. We recommend you approach a pharmaceutical company to see if they would be interested in making and testing eyedrops.
Q: But pharmaceutical companies won’t listen to suggestions from patients, only from ophthalmologists.
A: That’s true. Well, then, there’s nothing more we can do. Goodbye.
Yes, it is said that castor oil over several months can clear up cataracts. But I found several references stating that 100% castor oil causes apoptosis of corneal cells. I wonder whether a 5% solution of castor oil, for example, would not be toxic to the cornea, and yet still clear up the cataracts?
To know that, we would have to do tests on corneal cell lines.
If it checked out OK at 5%, then we would have to establish that it was still effective even at 5%. But yes, we need to establish lack of toxicity and cataract reversal effect in vivo at several different concentrations of castor oil in a carrier - 1%, 5% and 10%, for example. In fact, we need to determine the optimum concentration of castor oil here to do what we want, and do it safely.
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