Oleander Extract: How This Traditional Turkish Remedy Fights Cancer & Other Diseases
(The Truth About Cancer) In the early 1960s Turkish doctor Huseyin Ziya Ozel was searching for an alternate cancer solution for his family’s beloved pet dog when he discovered an age-old Turkish folk remedy for cancer and other illness. This remedy was based on the common oleander plant.
Dr. Ozel observed that Turkish villagers who were very healthy and who had a low incidence of cancer regularly drank an herbal tea made from oleander leaves. Doctor Ozel also observed these villagers using topical poultices made from crushed oleander leaves and flour to heal wounds and skin cancers.
Little did Dr. Ozel realize that his discovery would lead to him helping many people in his native Turkey and around the world defeat cancer. Read More.
See also:
The Oleander Article Series
Here is another oleander cancer success report that was posted in the Yahoo "Oleander Soup Group" moderated by Luella May and myself:
"I hope my testimony is encouraging to you. I began battling melanoma in 1995 (stage 1), 2003 (stage 3), 2011 (stage 4). At stage 4 I had as many as 20 tumors throughout my body. In 2012 I began oral, gene-targeted chemo which reduced some tumors, but didn't arrest the disease. In August 2012 the late Dr. DC Dean introduced me to the world of alternative medicine, including Oleander Nerium. I began taking it on a daily basis in January 2013. I worked my way up to 6 pills a day for several years. In January 2016 the PET and CT scans indicated no visible tumors! Praise God. I believe God used the Oleander to trigger my immune system to defeat the cancer. To date, I continue to take 1 Oleander pill per day, as well as the other pieces to my regiment. Bless you as you find the right fit."
To find out more about oleander, please see "The Oleander Article Series":
From South Africa comes yet another oleander success story:
I was diagnosed with B-Cell lymphoma in 2010. 12.9cm big mass between stimach and oancreas. Received 7 cycles of CHOP (chemo). All cancer was gone then. Very sick and run down. I started having the same symptoms after 3 months of being in remission and went for a sonar. Found a black mass 3.4cm big. I decided not to do chemo again and met late Marc Swanepoel. He gave me his cancer protocol and I started on the protocol immediately.
Oncology gave me 3 months before they wanted to start chemo again. When they tested after 3 months, all clear. It is 2017 and I am still in remission. Taking Oleander and Sutherlandia every now and then.
Regards Ena
Note: The late Dr. Marc Swanepoel, PhD estimated that his suggested oleander-based protocol was successful 95% of the time for stage I and stage II cancers and 85% of the time for stage III and stage IV cancers - pretty remarkable when one considers that many of the people who chose to follow his protocol had already been treated unsuccessfully by mainstream chemo and/or radiation. You can see Dr. Marc Swanepoel's highly successful oleander protocol here:
You can see more oleander success stories here:
I just wanted to add this quote from black seed oil expert Ingrid Naiman:
"The difference between black cumin and interferon is that there are no known side effects with black cumin when administered in normal dosages. The saying goes that the beauty of black cumin is their capacity to restore harmony."
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