Digestive enzymes play key roles in our health by enabling our bodies to digest and utilize all the nutrients we ingest to the greatest extent possible. Moreover, these enzymes also play a key role in the elimination of toxins and the digestion and removal of scar tissue that builds up inside all of us as we age. The Importance of Digestive Enzymes for Health and Longevity
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written and compiled by Tony Isaacs
I just returned from a trip to Utopia and then a weekend at my beloved pasture. While in Utopia I took part in a natural health seminar (my part of the presentation was beating and avoiding cancer naturally) that included three segments by a good friend of mine Dr. Ken O'Neal, an MD for 30 years and for the past 10 years plus also a naturopathic doctor because he realized that mainstream medicine and the prescription drugs he had been taught were not curing anyone, just managing their symptoms and making them sicker in the long run. It was a great way to make money but he wanted to heal people . . .
Anyway, one of his segments dealt with digestive enzymes and the vital role they play in our health. Until the advent of modern farming and food preparation most people got ample digestive enzymes from the plants they picked and ate more or less ripe from the vine. A ripe fruit or vegetable freshly picked contains the most digestive enzymes it will ever have. Only a couple of hours off the vine will result in significant deterioration. Pick a fruit or vegetable that is less than ripe and then ship it via cold storage to your local grocers and it may have less than 10% of the enzymes of a fresh picked ripe fruit or vegetable. And that is not even considered our over farmed and mineral depleted soils and the lack of sufficient micro-organisms and time to enable the crops to have their maximum nutrition.
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