This belongs in the Religion debate forum. It has little to nothing to do with politics.
Your "quote" of Leon Uris is from a fictitous novel that the wrote.
Peter Hammond is a fraud.
Rev. Peter Hammond Exposed, A Judeo-Christian War Enabler Uncovered by His Own Financial Supporter
Charles E. Carlson Nov 2, 2003
Pharisee Watch is publishing a letter by the Board of
Elders of The CHURCH OF CHRISTIAN LIBERTY, a well known church, school, and
home school network, pertaining to one Dr. Peter C. Hammond.
The Church confirms an immoral personal scandal on the part of
We print this expose? only because there is a larger
and more sordid scandal yet to be exposed.
Hammond, and dozens more like him, have preyed upon the people of
The greater abuse that We Hold These Truths has worked
to expose since 1997 is the death, poverty, and loss of homes and future
security of millions of Sudanese.
Mailorder Missionaries Hammond is small financial
potatoes, but he was one of the first vampires to raise money to fight the all
but non-existent slavery in
WHTT has exposed this in many articles that may be read on our website that expose how Mailorder Missionaries prey upon the goodwill of American contributors unknowingly fund war in Sudan. Followers of Christ must confront their own religious leaders and demand that these stand against Serial Wars. Only then will the market for fraud in the name of Jesus Christ disappear........ (more at the site)
This belongs in the Religion debate forum. It has little to nothing to do with politics.
Mind your own business. In my opinion it definately has to do with politics. The president admitted to being a muslim, and he has other muslims working in his administration. Most notable was the guy rotting in prison in Egypt because he named himself dictator. He also happened to be Obama's personal friend that he gave millions of Americans money to while he was in Egypt. That is all politics.
If that isn't enough, if I need your input as to what forum I post on, I will rattle your cage. So FO
I didn't see any proof, only innuendos that the guy who authored my post,. Point it out, Proof, not what somebody says.
"I didn't see any proof, only innuendos that the guy who authored my post,. Point it out, Proof, not what somebody says."
The links in the post you are responding to are proof.
Also you are not God and you did post in the improper forum. Your ego is bigger than the Empire State building.
Post your world away. Have fun because your fiefdom has been busted.
This is a public forum and it is a debate forum - it is not your forum.
Well I went through Marine Corps boot camp and it had a purpose but that purpose is of little value in Civilian life. Yet there are still many "drill sergeants" out there with the egos to boot who have no purpose or direction except to lambast anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do.
Those who think that they are "In Charge" are just the opposite. The more that you try to control others the less you are in control of yourself - a psychology truism.
Good for you. There's a big difference between becoming a scout leader or even a supervisor than "having" to be in charge of family and neighbors.
Dr. Phil's philosophy and mine have parted ways a long time ago when he made a statement that the New Testament says that the "man" is the head of the household and the wife has to be submissive. He quoted one of Paul's messages and I know for a fact that about 60-70% of Paul's writings are not Paul's but are forgeries. Dr. Phil also fails to acknowledge spirit as in you and everyone else on the Planet are an eternal spirit.
In Korea we didn't have to dig latrines. While in the trench you simply peed right where you are at. If you had to poo you waited until dawn when we exited the trench (the Chinese we faced only fought at night - Americans have horrible night vision) and there were outhouses set up with 55 gallon oil drums for that convenience.
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