Are you disagreeing with my definition of 'in charge'? Or my example?
Def: Having control over or responsibility for... In a position of leadership or supervision.
My example is just minor because it is only one small part of my life...just like your bootcamp experience was to you. However I choose to not trivialize it, because everything I have ever done in my life, God has used to mould me with.
Dr Phil?...Paul's writings?...fails to acknowledge spirit? Ok, that seems a little off topic of what I was talking to you about. You can reread my other comments elsewhere if you so wish on those topics. I don't have a comment about Dr. Phil.
Does InCharge have a right to use that name or not? I bet he has been in charge of something or many things in his life.....just like I have been refreshed in my own.
I think I like those names better than being a number or a spook name. Just a personal preference...but you are free to gripe about it if you wish. Enjoy the freedom while you can.