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I answered the Morales drug question because Spirit (or whoever it was who wrote to me) asked to me to do it. They said to post my response. Normally, I would not answer preposterous allegations, but since I was instructed to, I will do so. Here is the post about the drugs:
1. I only put the troll alert up because that is what Spirit told me to do in those situations.
2. I do not send people to Morales and have not for many months. My website has not been up for months, either. When I quit, I took it down.
3. I have received $2,000 for Morales in the last 2 years. I only sent people to get well, money was not an issue, as Morales quit paying me correctly 3 1/2 years ago.
4. I never knew about any drug use by Morales in his office. I found out after I quit that he did it in the late 90's when he was with Hal Huggins at an office in Puerta Vallarta.
5. I have stated that I will blog the whole thing and it will involve the decline in his work on bridges and crowns, which was the main problem and half the reason I quit.
6. I have not thrown any tantrums over it as you are stating, I have been helping those who were wanting to go to Morales to help them make their decision. I guess you have not been following the posts that well. I got an email from one of them thanking me for what I posted about Morales.
7. I do not think you know the whole story about things and you have been banned a few times as wellso why are you back on CureZone? Better yet, why write things you don't seem to have the correct info on?
8. For the time being I am staying because Spirit asked me to post a response regarding the strange accusations and strange conclusions written Zoebess and one of our notorious curezone trolls. So, I will do that.
9. Forgive me for not taking your advice, but you say some nasty things and inaccurate things and they are personal and I don't appreciate it. And, as far as I am concerned, your post typifies the very problems we have been having on curezone, the personal attacks that are absolutely unnecessary. Members keep trying to get this point across, but it continues to fall on deaf ears.
I have hundreds of posts from over the years and it will take a long time to edit the picture out of all of them. I did some and then forgot about it, since they are all old posts. It is a project I need to do, so I haven't forgot about it.
I know, you have posted that several times, and I have addressed some of it and am getting to the rest.
You are very impatient! I can only write so fast.
1. There were complaints, the most were more recent. BUT, when there was a complaint, he would call me and ask me to contact the Webmaster and have it removed. This was going on long before I had a forum. Removing posts was at the discretion of the Webmaster. Morales conviced me for years that the complaints were unfounded. So, I believed him. The complaints were mainly about crowns, bridges and partials not fitting correctly, not about patients being harmed. The complaints like the latter were few and far between and he said that all Dentists get that sort of thing. Zoebess, look at the context of that post, as you was written to a person who was going to go to Morales (it was either the one who was already shceduled or the other one). I was trying to convince them not to go. So, that is why I said what I did. But, it is true.
2. Yes, that is correct
3. I have addressed that: //
"could have spared many people the suffering they
have found at the hands of someone whose picture survives
in your forum pages."
I didn't even remember posting those pics until it just a few days ago. I changed some, but will eventually get the others done. There are many hundreds. Quit being so impatient and implying because the pictures are there that I am wanting people to go to Morales. I started all the posts because I didn't want them to go. Yes, yes, the pictures, I wil get to them in the next few days. Capishe?
4. Yes, yesterday you added a lot of your own conclusions and stuff to what I wrote. I know I did not expand on what I wrote and therefore people would want details. But, I planned on that, just put the cart before the horse because one person had an appointment and I couldn't waste time, I wanted to let them know.
"This site
is still active and linked to from Curezone. This is not a
good thing in my humble opinion."
There are no links to Morales or pictures of him on there that I am aware of. If there is one with my mother, it is only because I like the of my mother and hardly anyone would know it was him. Is that the picture you are speaking of?
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