The money issue was an issue Torrie wanted
to focus on, but for me, it was not about how
much money she made, did not make, was swindled
of, it was about her actions and choices she
made to hide or have deleted posts which spoke
negatively of Dr. Morales's work.
I do not think we share the same perspective
as I see this as a serious situation which
needed light shed on it so that this does not
happen to other women, or men.
I do not know what happened to Torrie. She may
be on a time-out. You also may think I have a
personal ax to grind and that is not true either.
This recent interaction between Torrie and I has been
conflictive, but generally we interact very rarely.
I really wish someone else would have brought up
this admission which Torrie wrote. I spoke up, not
to rag on Torrie, but to be supportive of the
women who shared their experiences of using
Torrie's recommendation of Dr. Morales. If my
intentions were misunderstood or taken as an
attack on Torrie then that is something I have
no control over. I know what my intentions are
and were.
There are NO winners here.
Everyone loses and why??
Because a dentist did drugs??
Because a dentist did bad work?
Because a dentist was lazy and a cheat??
Because Webmasters were asked to delete
negative posts about the Dentist??
Because people wrote to complain they
had a terrible experience and were exhibiting
symptoms of heavy metal poisoning?
Because I wrote to complain that someone
deleted pertinent information which took
away others freedom of choice??
Because Celcius's name was drug through
a thread in an inappropriate way??
(This alone would be enough to be
a serious violation of TOS)
Because Torrie made the choice to
delete any negative feedback at the
request of Dr. Morales and involved
others in this effort.
There is only one answer to that question
for me, and all the excuses and attempts
to justify or pass the responsibility to
another may fly in a courtroom but in the
court of public opinion, I think most people
would find this an egregious matter.
The women who brought their stories
here to share and to raise an awareness
have accomplished that. Hopefully it
will make a difference and healing on
many levels can begin.
I wish you well and apologize for being
well wishes,