(Reposting this in the correct support forum!)
Hey, forum! I am a male in his late teens who has been suffering from chronic brain fog for a long time now. I don't remember exactly when it stepped into my life, but I know that I began feeling unable to function normally in the middle of 2014, after which my brain fog steeply worsened. Usually, when I am (reluctantly) engaged in a conversation with a person, I find it difficult to focus on what the other person is saying, I often forget a word in the middle of a sentence, and I say things I do not mean simply because they are the only things that come to mind and that can keep the conversation alive, etc. It is almost as if something is intentionally sabotaging my every effort to communicate. I'm sure this forum has heard it all before, so I probably don't need to describe it any further; brain fog is brain fog. I also have a stubborn case of facial acne and general sluggishness, impaired reaction time and reflexes, feelings of weakness, aloofness and apathy, but these are the only obvious symptoms that I have. I do not have any obvious pains or itches. I have never had problems with constipation. The only other thing that I can say I "suffer" from is a mild case of maldigestion, but it only appeared recently.
The brain fog and its underlying cause can probably mainly be traced back to a poor lifestyle consisting of extremely late sleep - I used to pull all-nighters often, playing video games until the sun came up, at which point I'd go to sleep only to wake up feeling like hell in the afternoon - and excessive consumption of junk food, things which I never thought affected me much until many years later; I am normal weight despite my bad dietary habits and I could function normally for many years with this suboptimal lifestyle until reality hit me in the face. I also rarely exercised, if ever, thinking I was as healthy as could be (not really; I knew my lifestyle was unbalanced, but I thought myself untouchable). I have put that lifestyle, and mindset, behind me for good, but my symptoms persist.
I recently got a tissue mineral analysis (hair mineral analysis) back that shows excess levels of calcium and copper in my tissue, as well as low levels of sodium and severe low levels of potassium. It also shows that I am a slow oxidizer. I've embedded photos of the levels found in my tissue below for reference.
The suspected culprits are hypoglycemia, hypothyroidism, and candida overgrowth (possibly also adrenal fatigue and a stressed liver). Since the 8th of January, I have started eating mainly animal protein (chicken, fish) for my meals and raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils as the remaining portion. I have also been drinking distilled water, around a gallon over the course of one day. I am happy to say I have been falling asleep a lot easier and earlier. Last night I went to sleep at 11PM and awoke to my alarm at 9AM and got up almost immediately; it's an improvement for me, since I tended to sleep way too long after staying up late before and NEVER got up on the first alarm ring. That said, I think I'm primarily seeing the benefit because I started going to sleep earlier very gradually. I have also taken daily walks, at least 30 minutes each. I have not seen any difference in the brain fog, but when I tip my head back during and after my daily walk, I am struck by a feeling of dizziness/a "high" feeling, lasting for a few seconds. I can tip my head back and reproduce the feeling every time. It feels almost like my mind is clearing very slightly for a few moments. The temperatures outdoors are freezing right now, though, so that may be related.
With that long-winded introduction out of the way, I ask, what do the mineral levels and ratios in the photos typically mean? How does this correlate with the symptoms I described above? And finally, what steps should I take to begin treating the source of this? I feel so scatter-brained about having to balance everything without any real-time feedback from my body, and listening to my body seems very daunting when I feel so numb to my own feelings and intuition. I don't know where to start. Any insight is welcome.
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