Hi All..
I have cross posted this message to a number of Forums on CureZone. I hope you dont mind. I am a big fan of the information provided and have found it so resourceful and beneficial.
I was hoping I could find some people to help me. I wish to get my web site about Toxic Chemical exposure, translated into German. (only 8 pages) I am in the process of setting up in Germany, where I will be looking for some nice german people who can help me get this information out. Germany is already under fire from the W.H.O. Codex. My web site is phase one of a very successful program we have been doing in Australia. I call it profitable activism. Many of the issues discussed on CureZone are also our issues. We are at war with the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Companies. And we need your help.
Please have a look at my web site.. CLICK HERE I need some help in translating the 8 pages contained there into German. It is not much. Anyone who can help please got to the website and contact me from there. CLICK HERE If you believe in this message then please fill out the form listed under "More Info".. Great opportunities are opening up in Germany, we are alsways looking for active outspoken people who are on the same mission as we are. Please help us get the word out.
Kind Regards
Adrian aka Adeon
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