by Barbara Minton (The Best Years in Life) What is it that the pharmaceutical industry is really saying when it asks for donations to find a cure for cancer? Apparently they want the public to assume much of the research and development costs of new cancer drugs. But if donors find themselves with the disease, a single cancer drug can cost as much as $320,000 a year, more than many people spend for a house. On top of that tremendous cost, cancer drugs have not been shown to prolong life appreciably, and they have a long list of debilitating side effects. The patient is “managed” for the rest of his or her days, and no matter how much money is donated, there is never a real cure, because that would put the cancer industry out of business. Meanwhile, the great natural healers have shown how cancer can be completely cured for very little money. One of these healers was Dr. Max Gerson MD. Read More.
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