Here is another oleander cancer success report that was posted in the Yahoo "Oleander Soup Group" moderated by Luella May and myself:
"I hope my testimony is encouraging to you. I began battling melanoma in 1995 (stage 1), 2003 (stage 3), 2011 (stage 4). At stage 4 I had as many as 20 tumors throughout my body. In 2012 I began oral, gene-targeted chemo which reduced some tumors, but didn't arrest the disease. In August 2012 the late Dr. DC Dean introduced me to the world of alternative medicine, including Oleander Nerium. I began taking it on a daily basis in January 2013. I worked my way up to 6 pills a day for several years. In January 2016 the PET and CT scans indicated no visible tumors! Praise God. I believe God used the Oleander to trigger my immune system to defeat the cancer. To date, I continue to take 1 Oleander pill per day, as well as the other pieces to my regiment. Bless you as you find the right fit."
To find out more about oleander, please see "The Oleander Article Series":
How to Make Sure You Never Get Cancer - 7 Important Steps
by Tony Isaacs
author of Cancer's Natural Enemy
(The Truth About Cancer) Worried about getting cancer? Sadly, current statistics reveal that one in every two men and one in every three women will get cancer at some point during their lifetime. However, you can reduce your chances of getting cancer to almost zero if you take the right steps to make your body as inhospitable to cancer as possible. Read More.
See also:
The Best Years in Life Cancer Alternatives Resource Page
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