"Sorry to be so negative, I have been ready to "give up" for awhile now. Several of us around here are. Life is getting harder for us every day. We mostly are disabled chronic illness and pain people, and yes some of us are addicted to painkillers - why should that make us targets for abuse? Personally, I was prescribed morphine, and that is all I am addicted to, it is all I take other than some pot now and then."
There have been times in my life that I have seriously considered suicide. First time I ever saw life differently was in Korea while under a mortar barrage that killed men around me and where I promised myself I'd never consider it again. I lied. During deep PTSD from significant childhood abuse I know that if I'd had had a pistol I wouldn't be here - but caught myself in time and like the SNL guy picked myself up from being run over by a Mack Truck and have found highs without meds that are beyond belief. Lost a dear close relative to heroine so I know what drugs can do. Have been on morphine in a hospital and just cant stand it. There are many stories all over the Internet about dramatic recoveries from all of it - some quick, some not so quick.
There are a few Western societies that are just beginning to recognize that street drugs are much less lethal when allowed to be given in a safe and non-judgmental environment where the drug lords don't live. We learn from everyone, even those who are addicted. It is sometimes slow and painful for all of us but I do believe we are learning.
Yes, I still have hardships but the farther I travel the shorter they last. My current view of the world isn't "never give up" it's "just keep going and do what's gotten you through before" (meditation) and it has never failed me.
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