Posted Jan 6, 2025
by Martin Armstrong
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QUESTION: Hi Martin,
Hope all is well and Happy New Year.
Are you keeping track of this new virus going around in China? Is is apparently in the Ukraine now too? Any updates? Could this be what the 9th of January was targeting? Disease and War cycle?
Kind Regards, George
ANSWER: I am aware of this new virus. I went to see my doctor, who, when she asked me if I got vaccinated, I said NO! Her response was GOOD! She is actually from Sarajevo, and oddly, she knew I looked familiar since I had advised the government there about the breakup of Yugoslavia. She believes COVID was created in a lab, and the whole problem with that is every virus will mutate since it is a lifeform and will seek to defeat whatever medicine we create to stop it. These people like Fauci are really dangerous, for they have no idea how such a gain-of-function experiment will evolve into the future. I like her because she grew up under Communism and is not about to take the government’s narrative without question.
She told me a new mysterious virus is now circulating, which is again respiratory and involves a soar throat. She said it is new, and they do not yet understand its nature. All I can say is that we need a lot more journalists to start opening their eyes to the fact that they have been part of this crime against humanity and deserve to go down with the fake news that they have written. Little by little, the truth started to surface. They keep attacking RFK as an anti-vaxer while taking money from Pfizer et al.
Article Link:
twll wrote: "Do you think they will let Kennedy bring any of this stuff up ?"
Whether Kennedy brings any of this stuff up or not, the whole agenda with the Left is to hinder, in every possible way, the Trump administration from doing anything possible that will undo what they have already done.
Recent example: Biden Bans Oil Drilling Before Exiting Office - Jan 7, 2025
Trump does not have the best advisors that are whispering sweet nothings into his ear. He is just another man. He won't be able to accomplish much in 4 years. Then we will have some challenges that will come to a head late in his term. Consider a Great Depression repeat - worldwide.
For myself, even though I am forced to pay into medicare, I have no intention of ever using it. I will continue to stay away from the present medical establishment like the plague.
As you may know from my recent posts, the only path that I see available is to commit as totally as possilbe towards the journey inward. From what I understand, it is the only sanity that is possible. And let the world continue do its thing without any contribution on my part.
We just will have to see how it all unfolds. Interesting time to be alive. All that anyone can do is to become more & more aware.
Consider the 'hundreth monkey effect': Even though one may not consider it much of a doing - one small individual compared to such a large & powerful establishment - to endeavor to achieve my own awakening, centered within my own being - that in itself, will add to the awakening of others. I am just one small piece of a larger puzzle.
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