Re: Orange Juice Fasting
The healtiest people I have ever seen--are thin with super tight skin, strong tight muscles---normally from africa.
They weigh maybe 150# max at most and can do hard work all day long and books have explained how in some areas such men can run 100 miles in 1 day.
The weight charts I show on the website were the "standard weight for all people pre gov take over of the commercial foods.
EXTREME ATHLETES on tv always must weigh less than 160#, otherwise they are too heavy and cannot climb and hang on with their finger tips----not a 1 can win the championship if they weigh much over 150#.
The suggested books by Dr. Robert Jackson were written by a phys dr--- she explains it is about BAD SLEEP.
I purchased allot of medical books back in those days and cut them up and scanned them---they use to me on that past gigantic website made for this forum...NO ONE really read them---it was a waste of $$ and time--some of the rare Dr. Jackson books cost as much as $700 and then I cut them up-----I was only making $300 per week working back then..
IF sleep / nerves are bad---they can not sleep properly and burn muscle as they sleep.
I plan on a SLEEP PAGE
On that sleep PAGE I will explain how the pituitary gland in infection along with lack of proper hormone function can destroy sleeping and best of all---a possible CURE....