**** hello Betty...
Hope you don't mind if I relay my experience with the dry cough. I used to wake up with a very dry cough (& some during the day). When I cut my coffee consumption wayyyyy down and replaced it with water, the cough practically disappeared. I was drinking about 64 ozs./day. Although I still don't have a water distiller, I am totally convinced distilled water IS the way to go. Anyway, you might give it a try and see if it helps.
****thanks for your input...the thing is, i have already totally abandoned coffee for several months now... and drinking mostly distilled water and at the very least filtered water...
About your amalgam removals, did you have composite replacements?
**** yes i did. diamond crown
And did you do any detox protocols after your removal? I personally think cilantro is just excellent for removing the toxins out of the tissues. Have you tried fresh cilantro? There's a cilantro pesto recipe (do a curezone search) that is wonderful.
****yes i've been taking selenium, chlorella, superfood and did make cilantro pesto which was delicious...
But a word of caution, you really need to make sure your kidneys and bowels are in top shape as you definitely want the toxins to keep moving out.
****i take a lot of ground up flax seeds with my shake as well as LBB, and have regular bm every day...
About the protein, it's probably B 12 & folic acid (which may be found in protein sources--I'm thinking that B12 is sometimes a deficiency with vegetarians). And if I'm not mistaken, alfalfa contains all the vitamins & lots of minerals, maybe an organic capsulated herb would help.
**** thanks.. i will keep that in mind...
And one more quick observation. I am also about your size
**** oh so glad to meet another too skinny person :)
and here lately seem to feel tired and weak a lot. Today was one of those days. About 5pm I was going to force myself to go outside as the weather was so nice and when I came in at sunset (about 8:30), it just dawned on me that I was feeling bad when I went out, but being outside I felt really good and hated to come in.
**** yes i get that way too, if the weather is nice and i'm not too sick... but lately i've just been more sick... perhaps it's becuase i did my fourth flush a few days ago and i still had some cold symptoms... i coudlnmt' wait until i had NO cold symptoms since they just DON'T GO AWAY :(( and i know my liver is still shot.... i got lots of big stones out, and got totally exhausted... and my coughing also got worse :(
Maybe it was because I was doing something I enjoy (yardwork) or maybe just the fresh air and sunshine. Maybe both.
****i love the sun and the fresh air too... lately it's been very dreary and cloudy and cold here though... that hasn't helped me at all :(
And you have encouraged me to try the 3 day fast. Thank you.
****i wil have to warn you though that i lost more weight during the fast (which is why i didn't continue)... i was down to like 92 pounds :(
****may i ask if you already have had your amalgam fillings out? and when? and what is your mercury removal protocol apart from cilantro? have you tried essiac tea? how about lapacho tea? what are your symptoms in general ?