Yes, I think you are right, I believe this kind of bowel cleansing is much more necessary and powerful than normal juice fasting or mastercleanse sytle fasting.
I have had a similar experience to you regarding
parasite cleansing. I've done lot's of it, Dr Clarke and others and I've never had an anaconda staring up at me from the toilet bowl!!
I've had things that look a little strange come out, but I could never tell if they were bits of mucoid plaque or worm carcasses.
The only time I know I got a worm out was during a
Liver Flush when I pooped a 2 and a half
inch cigar shaped stone with a worm wrapped around it. The worm was very thin like vermicelli and very white, and it's imprint was in the stone, yet the stone was not very soft. So I knew this critter had been there for a while INSIDE one of my bile ducts!
Anyway, I finished my Dr Jensen cleanse this morning and I feel great!! I just broke my fast with a slice of papaya. This cleanse I feel I got a lot out of the upper illeum and maybe the jejunum too, if the Cleanse Thyself book illustrations are correct.
Keep us updated if you choose to do any of these cleanses!
many blessings and peace.