Blog: Good Ole Boy Texan a Major Pain
by #855

My son in law acts like we're contagious

Relative snubs his inlaws but gets drunk at his son's birthday parties. If you don't work hard you're dogmeat in his book.

Date:   10/21/2005 1:32:10 PM   ( 20 y ) ... viewed 3252 times

I cannot believe my son in law is so incredibly rude and rejecting of myself and my husband, 64. It was a gradual thing. He is one of these guys whose entire family lives in the same small Texas town and if you don't live by His Rules of life then you're dogmeat. But he has Bibles all over the place.
This guy, 32, works very hard; extremely hard to support his family which consists of my daughter , 35, and their two children. What happened was my older daughter, 40, has mental problems. And drug problems. But since she has a son and my husband was rightfully concerned about this child, he built a log home for them free of charge. About this time my son in law started getting distant with us. He respects Hard Working Americans and if you don't Work Hard you're Dirt in his eyes. But his best friend is on "disability" and never lifts a finger except to lift his can of Bud.
This guy is about as disabled as I am.
Anyway, my daughter's boyfriend dumped her. So my daughter started smoking some crack. We were all horrified about this. Very disappointed. She stopped working.
So her father, a Ph.d, took up her car payments and I've been paying her electric bill for 3 months. Last month I went to visit my younger daughter, a 200 mile drive, for the weekend. When my son in law came in the house he wouldn't even look at me ; he mumbled, "how are you?" Then he marched to their bedroom and never came out. He feels anyone who supports a Total Loser like my daughter (who he has been around about 4 times in 12 years) does not deserve his attention. Then the next day
they had a big birthday party for my son in law's son (my grandson)and, as usual, my son in law got plastered. He was almost wobbling.
Now I'm having difficulty ever wanting to go to their home again. My husband is insulted. My daughter acts like it's normal. But her husband refuses to step foot in our house; he won't even come to our town again. Because we are supporting his wife's sister. The Family Loser, evidently. This screws up the holidays and it's making us not want to go see my daughter and grandchildren knowing Father Superior will be there , ignoring us like we've not bathed.

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