Have you actually been diagnosed with MS or anything or has your doctor just prescribed drugs based on assumptions?
If you do have MS, I thoroughly recommend reading the book - They said it didn't make 'cents' by Elaine Delack. It paints a fascinating picture of why current drugs aren't working and how there is a solution that has existed for 50 years but has been repressed by the multiple sclerosis society. I think this is a MUST read for anyone suffering with MS. IT is possibly the single most important book on current understanding of the illness with a potential solution especially if your in the early stages. Another good book on why not to trust modern drugs - What doctors don't tell you.
In terms of healing probably the best book I have come across is Andy Cutlers -
Amalgam Illness. It suggests a protocol of removing dental fillings, waiting 3 months, then having a urine DMSA challenge tst to detect current toxicity followed by oral chelation of mercury/lead cleansing using DMSA and Alpha lipoic acid. During this treatment using high doses of vitamin C, 3g buffered vitamin c 3 times a day and drinking 3 litres of filterd water a day is also good for maintenance and general wellbeing. It can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years and maybe more to rid yourself of excess burdern of these toxic metals, but the sooner you start the less your body has to deal with. Regardles of whether its a cure or not, removing ANY lead or mercury from your body can only do your body the world of good. Be careful of intravenous therapies as they can release too much toxins too quickly and people have died from such procedures. Like any healing protocol its important to do it slowly and gradually. I believe its the bodies healing process that is actually what kills us when we are very unhealthy, overwhelmed and in fever or we detox too fast.
To follow from this, be open minded to the possibility of what
Hulda Clark recommends in terms of
parasite cleansing. There are many testimonials of people recovering from so many symptoms of MS by parasite/candida cleansing using anything from garlic - nystatin - ozone therapy,
Colloidal Silver and zapping. Look up Ken Presner website about the Ultimate Zapper, as he claims to have reversed many of his MS conditions.
Incidentally I'm collecting evidence of cure claims to investigate possible solutions to aiding neurological problems, and so far the most likely causes are viral/
parasite and week immune system due to heavy metal/toxin exposure from dental amalgams, mercury, lead, etc.
Good luck. Be well and believe in yourself and healing will come when your ready to experiment and measure the quality of each method you choose.