The NEXT morning after beginning my Humaworm I had what I thought was a disappointing movement - until I looked closer. (OK, you get a stick and start poking)... and I found over 20 HUGE liver flukes (dark colored - about 1" in diameter) and three 2-3" segments of flat tapeworm. Now here's the way I'm sure that's what they were. All were also rubbery in substance. I can see why they are so tough to dislodge. After rinsing them off I saw that they all had small tentacles, that attached them to the unwitting host - ME!
Man, I thought I might have some invaders, but this is UNBELIEVABLE. Soon after taking the first dose I felt pain in my gallbladder and liver area. It went on all day and into the night. It was not so bad that I couldn't sleep and truthfully, I've felt this before.
I also have felt movement near my eyes. Sometimes I've felt as if something was trying to crawl out of the inner corner of my eye. This morning, when I awakened, I had tons of dried tears that had flowed down my cheeks all night.
All this on DAY TWO? I can't wait to see how much better I'm going to feel when the stubborn ones exit. I've tried other times with parasitic over-the-counter remedies. Nothing substantial came out. I will testify to you all that Humaworm is FAR superior to anything else out there.
More later, and maybe pictures. I had no idea that this would happen this soon and I didn't have my camera charged.
Folks, this is tough for this 'clean freak' to deal with. I must have washed the toilet and bathroom and myself raw after this first episode. I know... they are dead... but it's GROSS!