already thought of that. i know the head of a major beverage company.
the problem with iodine? its all the stuff we talk about here. people want stuff that makes them stop sweating, not start. people want stuff that stops them from getting acne, not causes it. and then there are those who do not, i repeat, do not organify
Iodine or do not move it into the cells and all the problems they can have. the amount you need to avoid all that will also be too low to get the feeling you are feeling.
iodine is a tough sell. look around you. talk to people. you say
Iodine and they say "what?" and look at you like you just told them they need to eat dog doo. start talking about all of the possible "negative" side effects, and they are out of there. we have all sorts of lurkers who are scared to death of iodine. they paint or do one drop and they have a reaction and stop.
the first time i did
Iodine was about four years ago. i took two or four, i forget which, 65mg
KI tablets(nuke pills). they are super cheap, btw, not like the print-money-out-of-thin-air price of iodoral. it took me a week to recover after i bottomed out on the second day. my thyroid quit working altogether and i got cold enough to make ice cubes under my coat, which i wore in the house. a little investigation and i found the iodophobic lit and i decided that was not the way to go. i easily blamed the iodine instead of my condition to begin with. people are real convinced with instant reactions. why do you think crack is so addictive? people spend the rest of their short lives trying to get back that first hit.
its a good idea, but it must be sold. if the benefit is medical, you have a problem. its tricky. every nutrient on the shelf, even vit C, as harmless as that is, runs a risk and must proclaim a disclaimer on the bottle. we have gone from scheisters selling opium from a horse drawn wagon as a cureall to a protection racket for poison peddlars and continued threats of health care freedom of choice. many people think all supplements are snakeoil. unfortunately, most of them are. its all a rackett, and we are caught in the middle.
they should add iodine to milk instead of clorox. it would make the shelf life better and be better for ya. iodinate instead of pasteurize. it would be the single biggest health improvement to our food supply i can think of, aside from banning fluoride and added bromide.