I personally haven't gone through with Electrolysis quite yet (but it is a plan in my future), but from what I've read, it's the ONLY permanent way to get rid of hair. A lot different methods claim to be, but electrolysis has proven to work on male to female transexuals -- which I would assume have something VERY close to our male-type hair growth as females (I've done way too much research, haha). Shaving everyday can be depressing, and that nagging feeling that everyone is looking and will notice is possibly the worst one out there.
And I know that you're not asking for a self-confidence boost, but people aren't as observant as you believe them to be. Unless they have this problem themselves, they're not going to be looking at your chin. When I see a woman with a bit of a beard growth, it just serves to let me know just how normal this really is, even though it doesn't seem like it. A good shave (I have a man's razor -- Norelco, I'm not sure the model) and a bit of cover-up has never failed me. I find that I get the closest shave if I've either showered or washed my face about 10 minutes before shaving.
I've decided that I have this problem, and I'm not going to let it get my life down. I'm going to live it because I'm just like any other woman out there -- except well, with male-type facial hair growth. So, you don't have anything to be fearful of because if anyone were to look down on your negatively, they're just ignorant. And trust me, the woman doing your electrolysis wouldn't say those things at all. She's seen hair all over people's body in many different places.
I hope that helped a little bit. Even though I haven't had the electrolysis experience to share with you.