I started to use the colon cleanser
Oxypowder and I can feel that it is starting to work! I have at least 3-5 bowel movements per day and feel better and no longer feel bloated or smelly. I would advise everyone to try a
Colon Cleanse because a main reason that we smell is because we have decaying food, such as meat, in our colon that is staying in their and rotting due to constipation. I agree with one of the other forums that fbo is not a disease, but only a symptom of something worse. This could mean that our bodies are too toxic and we need to detoxify in order to become healthy again. I highly recommend this
Oxypowder product and a healthy, mostly vegetarian diet,(only fresh fruits and vegetables and no processed food at all).
Please go to
Oxypowder .com">http://www.oxypowder.com
to see what I am talking about and look for the book "Becoming vegetarian" in your local bookstores!