I am following the anti-candida diet as prescribed in the Body Ecology Diet book by Donna Gates (purchased through My health practictioner recommended it.
I just started it a few weeks back so I can't yet tell you whether it is a success or not. But I will tell you that it is more restrictive than some other protocols. For example, brown rice is not allowed.
The problem that I am having right now is that I have lost too much weight. I need to figure out a way to gain some weight back while staying within the constraints of the diet. That is going to be my big challange.
Her diet focuses on initially eating a lot of vegetables, practically no fruits, healthy oils, only 4 grains, and fish/chicken/beef.
Donna really emphasizes the importance of food combining rules that was new to me but is actually a concept that dates back 150 years to a doctor named Hay which is now called the Hay diet. Personally, from what I understand one should get protein, carbs, and fat (good fat) with every meal. The food combining rules makes this a bit of a challange, but it is possible. Low-fat diets are not healthy!
There are protocols that are more/less restrictive than others. But I can't imagine how the less restrictive diets would work for most people. Donna explains why in her book.
Anyone else that has experience with the Body Ecology Diet? I would appreciate your thoughts.
Good luck!