Gail Eisnitz, author of Slaughterhouse:
In 1997, a single hog corporation in Oklahoma reported losses of
420,000 dead hogs--that's 48 hogs dying every hour. These and millions
of other hogs on corporate factory farms didn't die naturally. They
died as a result of the hostile, stressful, disease-promoting
conditions inside these massive factories. Or they died because, in a
business where product uniformity is more important than anything else,
they didn't make weight. Or they died because after permanent
immobilization inside tiny crates for years, they could no longer
stand. Unable to reach their food troughs, they starved to death.
I have experience handling and calming animals with broken limbs, the
ability to respond quickly to overturned trucks with hundreds of
trapped, terrified pigs, and am
accustomed to the sight and sound of pigs that are subjected to
repeated shots in the head with frequently malfunctioning captive-bolt
(PETA employee Paden's application to Smithfield was turned down).
(written after his investigation of a
slaughterhouse in Austin Minnesota): The shriek was followed by
another, louder and yet more agonizing..for once started upon that
journey, the hog never came back. One by one the men hooked up the hogs
and slit their throats. There was a line of hogs with squeals and
lifeblood ebbing away.. until at last each vanished into a huge vat of
boiling water (some still alive). The hogs were so innocent. They came
so very trustingly. They were so very human in their protests. They had
done nothing to deserve it.
You said that pigs make noise
when they are suffering. My experience
is that when they hurt the most
they are the most silent.
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 7:13 PM 0 comments
(not an endorsement of Jay Leno's failure yet to give the Democratic
Green Libertarian or Socialist parties equal time with Republican warpromoters)
Dick Cheney is currently out in South Dakota on a three-day hunting trip. What better place for a man who has had four heart attacks than to be carrying a big gun and a backpack through the snow looking for red meat.
(later in December Cheney killed 81 birds in Pennsylvania
and in Jan (the 5th) at an oil exec's in Louisiana with Scalia)
John Kerry has 3 purple hearts. Dick Cheney
has 1 too.. from Deep Dish Pizza
Guess what's in hot dogs? pig uteri
The guy who said carbs are bad.. isn't he dead? (Yes of a cerebral stroke from
animal fat in the arteries)
Printed on Oscar Mayer package: No animals were harmed
making this product
Melts in your mouth... blocks your colon
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 6:45 PM 0 comments
Animal Poems
-Robert Burns-
On turning her up in her nest, with the plough,
November, 1785
Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie,
O, what panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murd'ring pattle!
I'm truly sorry Man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle,
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An' fellow-mortal!
I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen-icker in a thrave 'S a sma' request:
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave,
An' never miss't!
Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane,
O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith snell an' keen!
Thou saw the fields laid bare an' wast,
An' weary Winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.
That wee-bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee monie a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald.
To thole the Winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld!
But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
Still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 1:11 PM 0 comments
700 Bangladesh Fishermen Lost in Storm
fishing: one of the world's 3 most
dangerous occupations
"The man took his son fishing. The little boy caught what
he thought was a very big fish. It was a landmine which exploded
blowing him apart in front of his father's eyes."
-Aaron Sorkin
Trees can't scream
Fish can't scream
Stroke victims can't scream
Debarked Summa dogs can't scream
in the laboratory."
-Anna Hridaaya-
"He was fighting for his life like a hooked fish."
-, Jack Higgins
"Eating fishes enables Canadian seal clubbing by adding to the
demand for a toxic food which causes stomach cancer, food poisoning, arsenic, chromium, mercury and other poisonings."
-O Anna Niemus
"“The scientific literature is quite clear. Anatomically, physiologically and biologically, the pain system in fish is virtually the same as in birds and animals.”
scientific advisor to the British
-Donald Broom
"The average dolphin lifespan were their fins and bodies not
maimed by propellers, were they not suffocated in fishing nets
or knifed by Japanese fishermen nor poisoned by pollution
would be 75 years.
A dolphin photographer as he was scuba diving saw 3 dolphins herd a shark away from him.
The Japanese continue to murder untold tens of thousands of dolphins yearly, with knives and other methods, considering them competitors for fish.
The pollutants of the world have filled the sea with so many pcb's,pbb's, so much arsenic, chromium, mercury, nuclear waste, etc. that in some cases marine mammal milk has become contaminated."
"The bay was sunlit and filled with boats, many of them just
returned from early dawn trips to the open sea. Fish that had
a few hours before been swimming in the water now lay on the boat
decks with glassy eyes, wounded mouths, bloodstained scales."
-Rom Regan
"The karma for removing the breath of fish is to experience problems of breath. God's mercy
is available to those who stop eating fishes."
-Anna Hridaaya
"The fishers also shall mourn, and all they that cast angle into the brooks shall lament, and they that spread nets upon the waters shall languish. ..
And they shall be broken in the purposes thereof, all that make sluices and ponds for fish.
Isaiah 18: 8, 10."
"Can you not hear
the fish gasp for breath?
Can you not see the
agony in their eyes?"
-Ahimsa Network
"Certain countries are dumping nuclear waste directly into
the ocean, making fish flesh even more poisonous."
-Sathya Sai Baba
(in an interview with Russian women)
"Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes."
-Don Marquis
"Anglers are stranglers."
-O Anna Niemus
angling or float fishing I can only compare to a stick and a string, with a worm at one end and a fool at the other."
-JSamuel Johnson
"Eating fish causes unclean thoughts."
-Sai Baba
St Blaze is the patron saint invoked
to protect throats from the 6th
major cause of accidental death:
choking on those who have suffocated
to death.
-O Anna Niemus
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 11:49 AM 0 comments
"I delight not in your blood sacrifice."
"In nature predators kill the sick and the weak, thus leaving the strong to breed. Human hunters kill the best and the strongest, and often just for trophies, leaving the weak to breed."
-O Anna Niemus
"Out in the home woods, someone's bound to be killing some being."
-John Mortimer
"The hunter had fallen into a trap he'd set for the deer.
Nevada Barr
"Because the stomach parts of ruminants, known
as tripe..
are decomposing they are always overripe."
-O Anna Niemus
"If I were on a desert island and had only a book on grizzly
bear hunting, I would eat it before I would read it."
-Aaron Sorkin
"The woods snapped with the violence of the hunting party's passing."
- Nevada Barr
"Though I am an old horse, and have seen and heard a great deal, I never yet could make out why men are so fond of this sport; they often hurt themselves, often spoil good horses, and tear up the fields, and all for a hare, or a fox, or a stag, that they could get more easily some other way; but we are only horses, and don't know."
-Anna Sewell
"George Washington was an avid member of the foxhunting
group, described by Oscar Wilde as the unspeakable in full
pursuit of the inedible. While the United Kingdom has
banned the 'blood sport', it is still continued in
-O Anna Niemus
"Schadler says 13 million Americans hunt. It's boggling to hear some of them express love and respect here for that which they destroy. Surely the greater gift is life, not death.
How to explain, also, the paradox of Bob Vitro, a hunter and taxidermist who
kills animals that he wants to memorialize by stuffing them. Think of it,
ending an animal's life with the intent of making it appear life-like as a wall
decoration. We're creating a real piece of art is what we're doing, he says."
- Howard Rosenberg
"It is very strange, and very melancholy, that the paucity of human pleasures should persuade us ever to call hunting one of them."
-Samuel Johnson
"One knows so well the popular idea of health. The English country gentleman galloping after a fox -- the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable."
-Oscar Wilde
"Hunters set traps, mimic sounds of mates in distress,
sit hidden in blinds, stalk animals in the woods,
often working in darkness as do other criminals."
-O Anna Niemus
"He who permits the slaughter of an animal
He who kills him
He who cuts him up
He who buys or sells meat
He who cooks him
He who serves him up
He who eats him
All Must be considered as the slayers of the animal
- Laws of Manu-."
"Bowhunting is a savage practice that often results in injured deer
running off to die slowly in pain after many hours or days."
-Larry Miller
"They take unbelievable pleasure in the hideous blast of the hunting horn and baying of the hounds. Dogs dung smells sweet as cinnamon to them."
"When a man wants to murder a tiger he calls it sport; when a tiger wants to murder him he calls it ferocity."
George Bernard Shaw
"Hunter colors are scarlet..crimson..
from the shedding of innocents' blood
Green is the color of
God's trees greening.
There is no hunter green.
There is only .... hunter gangrene..."
O Anna Niemus
"sour bitter fruit in time becomes sweet and soft,
so all serially killing hunters in time will become nonviolent."
-O Anna Niemus
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 11:24 AM 1 comments
Plant Rights
Plant Rights Plant Consciousness
Sai Baba: Why pluck a flower and hasten her death?
EKB: Is it a violation of
flower privacy
to sniff the blooms?
George Bernard Shaw: I love little children too but I don't
cut off their heads and stick them in vases.
5th Angel of Revelation:
Harm no green being
Isaiah: Break not the bruised reed.
Chandra Bose: The crescograph proves plant consciousness.
Kentucky Mayor Mike Dixon on his not
mowing his lawn
1 "There are more important things in life than (cutting) tall grass.
2 "I don't know why we cut grass, but I do know that I like to sit here
in the evenings and enjoy what we have in eastern Kentucky."
3 "Yes, I let my yard grow up, but I'm still the same person. Let's talk
about it."
4. "Flowers began popping up in my yard when I stopped pushing
a mower across it. Birds and squirrels also moved in.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:
and yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed as one of these.
Although Washington and Jefferson had lawns, most citizens did not have the hired labor needed to cut a field of grass with scythes. Average homeowners either raised vegetables in their yards or left them alone. If weeds sprouted, fine. If not, that was fine, too.
an area the size of Florida is wasted in lawns (paraphrased)
-William Grimes in a review of the book American Green by Ted Steinberg-.
haircutting... unlike lawnmowing haircutting
does not kill groundnesting baby birds, toads, butterflies,
bumblebees or sapling trees
but the Essenes opposed haircutting... believing that Samson's
energy was amplified by each little hair antenna
can someone mow down God's green growth without being a control freak
who imposes his idea of beauty on others?
lawns (paraphrased)
"When the ax enters the forest, the trees view the handle as one of
their own."
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 9:39 AM 0 comments
Sweet Revenge screenwriter:
Wildlife rejoice when hunters die
Woody Allen:
"You think I eat meat? I don't want a heart attack!"
paraphrased from the movie Deconstructing Harry.
Hotdogs can kill you.
-Bruce Willis in The Kid-
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 9:22 AM 0 comments
Thoughts On Snakes
When Johnny Appleseed came across
rattlesnakes in the wagon trails sunning
themselves, he sang hymns to them
until happy they slithered away
Saint of Shirdi: never harm a snake or
a scorpion.. he will only harm you if
ordered to do so by God.. if so ordered
there is nothing you can do about it
Hindu snake charmers play flutes
and other musical instruments
The Bible speaks of those in the spirit
who can handle snakes without harm.
What is the difference between snakecharmers and snakehandlers?
The difference between love or control.
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 9:03 AM 0 comments
Spiritual Aspects Of Nonviolent Diet
It has been my habit since 1994 to practice a vegetarian diet. It is not necessary for me to take life to sustain my own. I believe that all life is sacred from the house fly to the human. God is the Creator of all Life. In the beginning God created all life vegetarian, both human and animal. It was not until after the flood that living beings began to eat meat. I do not preach that it is sin to eat flesh but I will say in this day and age it is unwise. God's original design was a vegetarian diet until sin entered the world and death by sin. I choose to honor God's original design with my diet. I do not have the ability to eat animals. I cannot do this in good conscience. I have offered my diet to God as a perpetual fast. I have chosen to honor His original diet and to reverence the life He created. In order to eat an animal she must first be dead. It is not wise to devour death.
Brother James Marcus
Outside a church kitchen for the homeless was a sign
Please don't feed the pigeons. The kitchen manager
thought God's love was circumscribed and intended only
for human beings.
O Anna Niemus
# posted by Ahimsa Network @ 8:55 AM 0 comments
Vegetarian Vegan Fruitarian and Other Nonviolence Quotes
Please, if you wish to download, use cotton, rice, recycled
or other less violent paper.
The authors of these quotes ask your forgiveness if their words cause you offense or arouse your opposition.
The intent is not arrogance but ending the screams of the slaughterhouse. May the file be a canoe slipping through the water quietly, not a noisy boat creating foam wake.
This file was begun at
It has been added to by other vegquotes sources and
the posters of Pravda's English forum.
Genesis l:29 Behold I have given you herbyielding seed. To you it shall be for meat.
Quran: There is no beast on earth nor bird which flieth..but the same is a people like unto you. All God's creatures are God's family.
Matthew 21: 12 And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the
money changers, and the seats of them that sold doves
Buddha: To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.
Bhagavad Gita: One is dearest to God who has no enemies among the living beings, who is nonviolent to all creatures. (Sanskrit word ahimsa means nonharm to all life)
Isaiah: He that slayeth an ox is as he that killeth a human. (for 40 or 50 quotes from the Bible go to the Spirit file no. 8)
Mahavira, founder of the Jain religion: May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
Siuh, Malaysian woman lab technician: If I follow Kwon Yin (Chinese Divine Mother Deity of Mercy) I guess I should become vegetarian.
Upton Sinclair in The Jungle (written after his investigation of Hormel in Austin Minnesota): The shriek was followed by another, louder and yet more agonizing..for once started upon that journey, the hog never came back. One by one the men hooked up the hogs and slit their throats. There was a line of hogs with squeals and lifeblood ebbing away.. until at last each vanished into a huge vat of boiling water (some still alive). The hogs were so innocent. They came so very trustingly. They were so very human in their protests. They had done nothing to deserve it.
Mark Braunstein: When one eats cow's tongue, who is tasting whom? (He is author of "Radical Vegetarianism")
Oprah Winfrey, being sued by Amarillo cattle ranchers for saying: "I'm stopped. I'll never eat another burger". (paraphrased)
Harriet Beecher Stowe: We should remember in our dealings with animals that they are a sacred trust to us from our heavenly Father. They are dumb and cannot speak for themselves.
Ralph Nader on ABC re the 13 states with veggie libel laws (such as Texas Cattlemen's Beef Assn tried unsuccessfully twice to use against Oprah): These laws are designed to chill free speech.
Howard Lyman, former cattle rancher: (paraphrased from his appearances on more than l show) 100,000 cows in the U.S. are alive at night and dead in the morning. These cows on the ground are ground into feed, making their fellows not only carnivores but cannibals. Europe after Mad Cows' Disease has banned this practice. The U.S has not yet.
Leonardo Da Vinci: One day the world will look upon research upon animals as it now looks upon research on human beings.
(DaVinci a fruitarian)
Steven Spielberg screenwriter Koepp: Humans are the only hunters who kill when not hungry.
Lester Brown World Watch Inst. annual State of the World: Since 1950 demand for lumber (trees) has doubled. Fossil fuel consumption has quadrupled. China's desire for grain-fed beef.. (adds even more pressure)
Jan Yager: Once I was fishing and caught the hook in the fish's eye. That was the last time I ate a killed creature (paraphrased).
Morton Downey: Oprah has power because Oprah is believable. People do not believe the beef industry. Shouldn't we be concerned about the first amendment rather than protecting powerful agribusiness?
Mayor Koch, now Judge Koch: Tree killing is arborcide.
Mrs. Greenthumb: Plant in the city.
If China were to double its egg production the grain of 15 developing nations would be required
Jeremy Rifkin of Beyond Beef: paraphrased: The world's environment can no longer handle beef.
KCBS helicopter pilot: The physical fitness man (paid by the meat lobby) would supposedly swim miles with a boat rope in his teeth.. jump out of the water in San Francisco and say "I owe it all to red meat". But I saw that he did not put the rope in his mouth until he was in sight of the shore.
John Denver: on the Larry King Show (paraphrased): Many things made me become a vegetarian, among them. the higher food yield as a solution to world hunger.
Jim R: Hunters are to the arms industry what smokers are to the tobacco industry. Smokers get a nicotine rush. Hunters get an adrenalin rush from killing a living being. (This does not include those hunters who kill only to feed their families or themselves.)
Ali MacGraw: Cruelty to animals can become violence to humans. (HSUS psa)
Maynard Clark ( Irradiation does not protect consumers from contaminated meat. It kills only selected pathogens. ..It does nothing to hardy pathogens such as the hepatitis virus or to those inside a large slab of meat or to those added during subsequent processing.
Fox News Jan 15th Kathy Wolff: A Univ of NC study linked hot dogs to childhood leukemia.
Buddhist phrenologist in an unsolicited reading of writer: Your short ear lobes indicate many lives as a carnivore.
Catherine Crier, former Texas prosecutor quoting Robin Williams: Hitchcock said he viewed actors as cattle.. but some were free range.
Pat Robertson who has quoted Isaiah 65 on 700 Club: Mercy trumps justice. (CBN no longer takes animal flesh ads)
Dennis Weaver: 40 years ago on the set of Gunsmoke I read the book The Holy Science. Since then I have not eaten meat.
Semantha Eggar: paraphrased: Dr. Dolittle is a reluctant but dedicated vegetarian. Being around all the animals in the film made me one too.
Governor Jerry Brown of California, son of a former governor of California: Check out my web site,, to see what fast food did to 2 people in England. (C Span: Dec 22nd) (or check
Cleveland Amory on NPR Dec 4th: The National Park Service shot a mule in the face. He survived but had trouble swallowing and often food came out of his nose.
Pope John Paul II:
Animals possess a soul and men must love and feel solidarity with our smaller brethren."
Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian poet re zoo animals: Those who are used to a cage will weep for a cage.
Prince Philip to McDonald's of Canada: So you are the people tearing down the Brazilian rainforest and breeding cattle. (according to a letter by the head of McKey's, McDonald's beef suppliers, about a 1983 cocktail party which the Prince attended)
Mrs. Booth and General Bramwell Booth of the Salvation Army (daughter in law and son of the founder of the SA): The awful cruelty and terror to which tens of thousands of animals killed for human food are subjected in traveling long distances by ship and rail and road to the slaughterhouses of the world.. God disapproves of all cruelty.. whether to man or beast. The occupation of slaughtering animals is brutalising to those who are required to do the work.... I believe this matter is well worthy of the serious consideration of Christian leaders.
Beastmaster to cobra: I mean you no harm.
Sun Bear and Jaya Bear: All creation has the same right to life.
Lesley Stahl of CBS: Charlie didn't want to give up meat and smoking. Now he's gone. (re the much missed Charles Kuralt)
Pat Leigh: I would not want to get to know a pig very well if I intended to eat him.
Joni Mitchell: They pave paradise and put in a parking lot.
Dan Ryan, Youngstown talk show host: Why not just put sterilization hormones in the deer food rather than killing them?
The following passed on by Aaron Sarghi and his mother: George Carlin: If a lobster didn't look like a scifi monster, people would be less able to drop him alive into boiling water.
Leo Tolstoy: A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.
Diane Rehm, First Lady of Broadcasting: The USDA recommendation of 2 servings of meat per day seems like too much.
Shakespeare in "Twelfth Night": He is a heavy eater of beef. Methinks it doth harm to his wit.
Benjamin Franklin: The eagle does not make his living honestly. It would be better to have something else as the national symbol.
Jan 26, 1874 letter Joan Baez singing Dona Dona: On a wagon bound for market lay a cow with 2 mournful eyes... lay a cow with 2 mournful eyes. (If one passes slaughterhouse trucks on Rt 80 bound for Manhattan or the slaughterhouses of S Phily, in winter, with the freezing wind from mountain passes ripping through the slats, one sees their noses pressed to the bars, and their sad and frightened eyes.)
E Thomas re Thich Nhat Hanh: Harm no person, animal, plant or mineral.
James Coburn's friends: He is a Buddhist and will not harm even a fly.
Shik Po Chih: Whenever we cause suffering or death to any other being, we cause suffering to the Great Life Force.
Julia Child: (Nov 27, 1997) Today I am the vegetable walla and have brought potatoes. (Craig Claiborne brought pumpkin soup).
Phil Donahue (whose wife Marlo Thomas is a vegetarian) to a vegetarian guest, a coffee drinker nervous because on tv, who still had a 64 beats per minute heart beat to his 76: "Will you remember me when I'm gone?"
Jack Kemp: joking with Jewish supporters at the New Orleans 1988 convention: I played football.. my football was kosher.. no pigskin.
SS: Sometimes children's cries in the library disturb concentration. This one's pierced the heart... it was so full of powerlessness, injustice, pain and confinement.
H.G. Wells (from Utopia): In all the round world there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses.
Diana, Princess of Wales: I decline to go fox hunting (nor did she want her sons William and Harry to be involved in hunting).
Albert Einstein.. took a tiny bite of meat once a year on a Jewish holiday to mollify his wife.
Re the Roshi: (If he were a Buddhist who believed he'd eaten thousands of mammals in past lives.. none of that has import. Only today. Only now)
A&E documentary of the Odessa navy mutiny which was a factor in the Russian revolution: Sailors refusing to eat meat filled with maggots were threatened with the firing squad. This sparked the mutiny.
Dick Gregory: Martin Luther King taught us all nonviolence. I was told to extend nonviolence to the mother and her calf.
Syndee Brinkman: I went snorkeling and noticed how gently the fish welcomed us into their world.. as compared to the violence with which we welcomed them into ours. I became a vegetarian.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr: GE is the biggest polluter of the Hudson.. years ago they killed all the fish dumping millions of
lbs. of pcb's into our waterways. Now let's make them pay for the cleanup. (NPR Oct 22 97)
Jane Snow, food editor of the Beacon Journal: Items containing raw or uncooked egg should be avoided so as not to contact a certain strain of salmonella (It used to be thought that only broken eggs could transmit salmonella ... now it is known that the mother passes salmonella through the egg.) (There is more incidence of food poisoning from eggs than from meat, fish, or milk.)
Walt Disney: (paraphrased) When I was poor living in a garage in Kansas I began to draw the mice who scampered over my desk. That is how Mickey and Minnie were born. (Walt would not like animals advertised on his network as hamburgers)
Bill Hall, WNIR Radio: Meat has nitrosamines (carcinogenic) (formed by sodium nitrate food agents interating with animal amino acids in the stomach) (Sat. Aug 30 97)
Mary Lu Henner, herself a vegetarian because of Danny DeVito's example, star of Taxi, asked by Larry King.. "Is that true... that Danny DeVito won't harm cockroaches on the set of Taxi?" replied "No Larry and he doesn't eat them either".
Buddha: May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
Winston Churchill: Please put the ladybug outside without harming her. (to his butler)
(Churchill was responsible for bombing to death 9000 Iraqis
in 1920 and for burning and bombing to death
hundreds of thousands of civilians in German cities in WW2)
Oscar Wilde about foxhunting: The unspeakable in full pursuit of the inedible.
Mayor White of Cleveland: I have no intention of eating a fish from the East River. They're not safe to eat.
A Society of Three Legged Animals: for those who love meat but don't want to kill.
Wayne Dyer per John J Price: God brings millions of flowers to bloom without force.
Suzanne Hamlin, food writer for the New York Times: Leftover eggs are a potential cause of food poisoning.
Alex Hershaft, concentration camp survivor and coordinator of The Great American Meatout 1 800 Meatout: The last thing my father told me before he was taken to his death... was to love all creation.
Enriqueta Barrera, an associate professor of geology at the Univ. of Akron: The deer study data is incomplete and should not be used to justify killing the deer. (Sara Debanne, assoc. professor at CWRU agrees.)
Issac Bashevis Singer (Nobel Prize winner in literature): Every body resisted (the slaughterer) in its own fashion, tried to escape and seemed to argue with the Creator to its last breath.
SS: May those who oppose capital punishment for humans extend that protection to animals as well. May those who oppose germ and other biological warfare work to end the unconscious biological warfare unwittingly waged on those who eat animal products. Those who are prolife would logically become vegetarian. Those who are prochoice would not want to impose their wills upon the body of a cow, sheep or pig.
Herb Newman, husband of Atty Diane Newman: We are instructed by the Torah to feed our animals before we feed ourselves.
Secretary Pena of the U.S. Dept. of Energy: Many trees planted around a home reduce the need for air conditioning (and are better winter insulation). (Jim Bohannon Show Mutual Network Oct 27, 97)
Charismatic comedian Bob Cummings about his great energy level as a senior: I never eat anything white.. no
White Sugar , salt, bread, flour, milk, eggs.
Frank Purdu of Purdu's Chicken (factory farmer): When I was 6 my father killed my pet chicken. (That changed his life.)
J Aislin (who takes care of stray people and animals in Washington): I dreamt that spiders were weaving messages of love to us.
Annie Besant, around a century ago: In a 50 mile radius around Chicago one can see the red aura of pain, agony, teerror, anger from all the animals being butchered there. (May the Cubs and White Sox break the 80 odd years of drought by working for change.)
Scott Bauer Associated Press: So a hamburger can kill you. So what?
Burgess Meredith, who left for God on Sept 9th of this year: It's been dead a while and I don't want to eat it (From the movie "Full Moon in Blue Water")
Women's Studies head at Skidmore College near Albany and writer of a book which seeks to justify hunting: Wheverer a deer falls to his death is holy ground.
Constantina Salamone: To say food for humans and feed for animals is one of thousands of examples of human chauvinism in our vocabulary.
When Clint Eastwood was making Westerns, he worked hard to end the trip wiring of horses (invisible wires stretched across the road to make it appear a horse fell in battle etc.) These tripwires often broke horses' legs. As mayor of Carmel he promoted pure food.
Vincent Van Gogh: in a letter to his brother Theodore wrote: Since visiting the abbatoirs of S. France I have stopped eating meat.
Romain Rolland: Thousands of animals (now billions) are butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. It cries vengeance upon all the human race.
Brooke Medicine Wheel: We don't notice the harm right away in cutting down a tree.
Benjamin Franklin (who was a vegetarian most of his life until as an elder statesman he traveled to Paris): Venison and venery defeated me.
Geoffrey Rudd, anthropologist: Cows when not bred for passivity so that they will go meekly to slaughter.. revert to their acute intelligence, and can live easily in the wild.
Sai Baba: A person who loves is a theist, whether he goes to a temple or church or not. You have to proceed from the known to the unknown. Then the love expands in ever widening circles until it covers all nature, until even plucking a leaf from a tree affects you so painfully that you dare not injure it.
Dr. Edward Martin, head of Dept. of Defense Health: More and more we realize that vegetarian diet is a good idea (NPR Oct 27)
Colman McCarthy, former Trappist, peace studies activist and columnist for the Washington Post quoting historian Will Durant: Caesar's armies marched on vegetarian foods.
Time Magazine August 97: Methionine in meat becomes homocysteine. High homecysteine levels quadruple the chance of heart attack. (A Finnish hospital study)
Dept. of Defense Health Director Dr. Edward Martin, MD: The transfatty acids (found in animal products and cooked oils) are a factor in breast cancer. (National Public Radio and CNN Nov 1st)
Charles Darwin: The most energetic workers I have encountered in my world travels are the vegetarian miners of Chile.
Tom Brazaitis, Washington bureau chief for the Cleveland Plain Dealer: There is massive environmental disruption underway in the Buckeye state.
K Redder: My husband has a cholesterol problem, so for Thanksgiving I gave him a virtual turkey. (a turkey portrait)
Kilmer McCully, former Harvard researcher, subject of a NY Times Mag. Aug 10, 1997 article for his groundbreaking research: Arteriosclerosis can be considered a disease of protein intoxication.
Joe Finan (Nov 9, 97 in the context that nearly all religion's scriptures promote vegetarian diet): If one talks the talk he should walk the walk.
Marlo J: When I was little I shot a squirrel with my beebee gun. As I watched him die I felt bad about what I'd done.
Michael Fox, DVM of the Humane Soc. of the US: Animals arrive at the slaughterhouse, many, in a 4D state (dead, diseased, dying, debilitated.) (These animals sometimes go into the pet food tankers).
Aviva Cantor writing in MS Magazine in 1983: It is a surprisingly close progression from hunting animals to hunting and torturing people.. catching and lynching blacks or smoking out Jews during the Holocaust.
Dalya Massachi writing for the Columbus Dispatch: Karma means.. what goes around comes around.
Vathsala: I'm a vegetarian. I eat peace.
Ingrid Newkirk, cofounder of PETA: They are fishes, not fish. (The word fish objectifies these creatures who are often suffocated to death.)
Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's to Paul Obis, founder of Vegetarian Times: I have 40 cows.. they're not for meat. I can see you believe in what you're doing.. it's important to strongly believe in what you're doing. I think you'll do alright.
Art Margolis: With each egg we eat (since possibly 90% of all eggs come from factory farms) we imprison a chicken 25 to 32 hours in a cage.
John F. Seiberling, whose legislation created the Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area: (at a Colman McCarthy speech): I don't eat mammals. I don't eat birds.(Rep. Seiberling was one of many 1976 co-sponsors of a Congressional vegetarian dinner.)
Ernest Crosby: We are humans who see clearly the barbarity of all ages except our own.
Vic Sussman, former Washington Post columnist and Internet Director for American On Line, author of The Vegetarian Alternative: "I love to shell English peas tdo a Grade B movie"
Lao Tsu: Those who embody the Tao embrace all things.
James Marcus: I have an animal friendly Bible (no leather)
* Hot dogs are made of chicken's lips and fish feet (as well as snouts and intestinal linings)
Rabbi Noach Valley: My father with a stroke of his doodling pen bestowed noble lineage, complete with coats of arms, on the mongrels he adopted. (despite the fact their parents mated without benefit of a shadchan {matchmaker})
Schopenhauer: I know of no more beautiful prayer than that which the Hindus of old used in closing: May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
Richard Ryder: I do not believe that any of the suffering I have caused to laboratory animals has helped humanity in the slightest.
Former Pittsburgh Steeler and NY Giant football Player Glenn Scolnick: We should live in harmony with Earth not conquer it.. or the animals. The other members of the National Football League say I'm in the minority.. but they are. A majority of the world is vegetarian.
Nat Hentoff of the Village Voice about Cardinal Bernardin's philosophy: There is a seamless web to life.. all life is sacred..
David Stroud of the American Meat Institute in a debate in Detroit: Some people are still going to want to eat meat.. we do agree though that vegetarianism is a healthier diet.
Pegeen Fitzgerald of WOR TV and Radio in NY: For many years the media have been afraid of the Goliath power of the meat industry. (But David is coming!)
Greenpeace Global Warming Coordinator: These rightwing thinktanks (such as Heritage, Cato, Rutherford) I like to call skeptic tanks.
Elizabeth Dole's first case as a lawyer involved defending the rights of a lion at the Washiongton Zoo and many Republicans in Washington secretly fund animal rights efforts.
Fruitarian Network: The equation 8:4::4:2.. or eight is to four as four is to two.. as we would have God be with us.. we shall be to the smaller, the weaker.
Victoria Moran: Gandhi was a David with no material weapon.. not even a slingshot.
Paul Obis, founder in his early 20's of Vegetarian Times, which now has a subscription of 350,000: Everything is sacred, even meat.
FN: There are vibrations to every food. Meat is the densest, the most gross, the slowest, then dairy, then vegetables. Fruit vibrates closest to pure light.
Gina Jones of the API: Mother Earth does not read government documents.
Brother James Marcus: The sweet rain has stilled the buzz of the winged ones.
Larry L. Miller: Do not judge the uninitiated (who have not yet universal compassion).
John Joseph Price: I am a baker and a candlestick maker, but have no desire for butchering.
Isaiah 65: The wolf shall lie down with the lamb. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.
Jesus: Feed The Hungry. (In a world of 5 to 6 billion people drought, famine, and flood are prevented by fruit tree groves.)
Cleveland Amory, Harvard Crimson editor, Parade columnist:If I'm lucky enough to get to heaven I might find that God is a beaver or a burro. What a sad world it would be if only the two-legged were here. We have established a Let's Hunt The Hunters Club.. and we have certain rules: a. we're only doing it for their good.. to cull the herd b. we don't interfere with their mating season in parked cars c. we don't encourage anyone to mount a hunter on the hood d. in wall mounting you may include the cap and the jacket.
Cesar Chavez, pacifist head of the United Farm Workers: I feel very deeply about vegetarianism and the animal kingdom. It was my dog Boycott who led me to question to right of humans to eat other sentient beings.
Milt Radney (who before his death gave, with his wife Gene over a million dollars to the causes of children's mental health) When I was a New York City cab driver for several years I maintained a vegetarian diet which made me feel better.
James Kuntsler on NPR: We don't need gold plated highways. We don't need zoning commissions which penalize offices at home and promote car commutes. (paraphrased)
Saint of Shirdi: In accepting meat put into his begging bowl, Buddha failed to put his teaching into practice. His teaching was ahimsa: total nonviolence to all creatures.
Crazy Horse: Great Spirit gave us this land. White men came and killed our animals and destroyed our land, then told us to go to work for a living. We don't want what they call civilization.
Swami Shankarananda of Maryland: Holy communion is to feel one with the One in all beings and creations.
Margaret Lytz: Assisting in heart operations, one sees the cholesterol firsthand.. as thick ropes of glue which make the blood redwhite rather than red.
James Marcus: I watched a nature film in which there were wall to wall seals in the Pribilofs. One little seal got separated from his mother. A bull threw him into the ocean.. every time he crawled out the bull threw him back in again. (May God make this a kinder world.)
Arthur Schlesinger Jr: (on NPR): Theodore Roosevelt is not remembered for the many bears he killed, but for the bear cub he saved. She wandered into camp after her mother had been killed.. his party lifted their guns and he interceded.
Saint of Shirdi: A human guard must be paid, but a dog gives love and loyalty without expectation of payment.
Constantina Salamone, founder of a network of 15,000 ecofeminists internationally: Feminists work to free women from domination, violence, and neglect but women must also no longer dominate, violate and neglect female animals robbing them of their eggs and milk, caging them.
David O'Steen, national director of Right To Life: I decided I needed to be consistent in my prolife stance so 13 years ago I became a vegetarian.
James Marcus: Some say vegetarianism is an alternative diet.. but it is the original diet, the plan designed by God.
Al Couch, 90 year old fruitarian: My research indicated that before humankind began deforesting to create the Sahara and other deserts, there were no violent thunderstorms.. nor drought.. only the gentlest mist.
Edwin Markham, poet author of "Man With A Hoe: ladies did you ever see an otter gnawing to get free gnawing what? his fettered leg.. for he has no friend to beg Do you see that tortured shape... gnaw his leg off to escape?
Dr. Neal Barnard, Md, psychiatrist and founder of the 6000 physician coalition: Physicians For Responsible Medicine: To give a child animal products is a form of child abuse. (child's diabetes related to cows' milk.) (His book Food For Life cites 300 dietary studies.)
Medina releaser of animals in a mink farm (reported in the ABJ): It's interesting that we're in jail and the murderers are outside. (The Animal Liberation Front includes industrial agents of vivisection, fur, meat trades etc, who seek to involve the group in the tarbrush of violence and to deflect rivers of energy into sand. The best way to change animal suffering in the world is to stop eating and using animals and to convince others. Nevertheless, God has a different work for each soul, different drummer thoughts for each mind, freedom of conscience and freedom to disobey civilly.)
Franz Kafka: Now I can look at you in peace; I don't eat you anymore. (to the fishes in his aquarium)
Nathaniel Altman: Nonviolence is not just abstention from war, fighting, or animal flesh. It is abstention from negative thoughts and negative speech.
Thomas A. Edison: The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame and in the cause and preevention of disease.
Kirsty Allen in Look Who's Talking Too... when offered chicken: No thank you. I don't eat meat.
Pinky and The Brain: Steven Spielberg cartoon of 2 lab mice who escape and want to save all their friends also: They possess a SeaLion to English dictionary.
Rep. Andrew Jacobs.. formerly of Indianapolis: I spoke often in Congress against the war in Vietnam.. and commented on congresspersons hiding from the reality of war by saying 'many eat the meat but few go to the slaughterhouse'. I said it so often I became a vegetarian.
H G Wells (A Modern Utopia) In all the round world of Utopia there is no meat. There used to be, But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And it is impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig.I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse.
Metro Bus driver Sam Filer: They say you should eat nothing that has a face.
Fruitarian Network: Objectification reduces sensitivity. Thus cows are called beef or head of cattle, pigs become pork, sheep mutton. The screams are muted.. and living creatures become plastic wrapped packages.
Ted Hughes, husband of Sylvia Plath: We are walking abbatoirs of innocents.. our brains are incinerators of their cries..(a dog ate and) all the deaths it had gulped.. could not digest their shrieking finales
Alexander Pope: But just disease to luxury succeeds, And every death its own avenger breeds; The fury passions from that blood began, And turned on Man a fiercer savage.. Man (from Essay on Man)
EPA: (Nov 18, 1997) People remove bits of the coral reef as souvenirs not realizing that they are colonies of living animals.
Ron Goson, park enjoyer: I hunted as a kid. I couldn't kill today. Sylvia Goson: I agree.
Richard Wagner the musician: That even in its sharpest pangs of pain a dog can still caress its master we have learnt from the studies of vivisectors.
Dave Foreman, cofounder of Earth First: My heroes used to be cowboys.
Marvin Kalb of CBS: Henry Kissinger was asked by Leonid Brezhnev to join him in hunting boar and declined saying "I do not enjoy killing animals". (However bombing any population kills animals as well as babies, seniors.)
Robert Burns from "On Scaring Some Waterfowl: "But man to whom alone is given/ A ray direct from pitying /Heavn Glories in his heart humane /And creatures for his pleasure slain.
Leo Tolstoy: Man by violating his own feelings becomes cruel. And how deeply seated in the human heart is the injunction not to take life.
Ramana Maharshi biographer: At Ramana's ashram, he established the rule that 1st would be fed the animals, then the beggars, next the visitors, succeeded by the ashram residents. Finally when all else had eaten, Ramana took food.
Mark Braunstein: When one eats cow's tongue, who is tasting whom?
Hippocratic Oath: First do no harm.
Philosopher: It is wrong to do a certain harm that an uncertain good may result.
Sherry Kelley: Pray, don't spray.
Ezekiel 3 and 4: My body has never been defiled by animal flesh.
Bhagavad Gita: He is closest to God who harms no living creature.
Daniel 1: Daniel ate no flesh in Nebuchadnezzar's prison.
Bhagavad Gita: Foods which are sweet soft nourishing and agreeable are dear to the good. Foods that are bitter, sour, saltish, very hot, pungent, harsh and buring, producing pain, grief and disease are liked by the passionate. Foods which are spoiled tasteless putrid and stale are liked by the dull.
William Jones of the Asiatic Society: Sanskrit is more copious than Greek, more perfect than Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either." Sanskrit is the only language whose characters written.. match their pattern of sound vibration.
Isaiah: He that slayeth an ox is as he that slayeth a man.
Edith Bunker: Archie.. do you want eggs for breakfast? Archie: I'm not going to eat anything that was in a cow's mouth. Fix me eggs, Edith.
Dick Gregory, author of Harper Collins' Cookin With Mother Nature For Folks Who Eat (re cod liver oil, liver etc.) Eating liver out of a cow's body is like eating the filter out of a car.
Tasnin: Gizzards are nasty...they taste like rubber bands.
D. Wilson: I have been a vegetarian for 27 years and am a jogger. Recently I found that
Sugar in America is processed using charcoaled bones of animals... so for the last 3 months I have been off of sugar.
J R: There is a mad sows' disease as well as mad cows' disease (trichinosis etc.)
Prayer posted in Brody Nickol's computer room: God protect the small creatures who have no words to protect themselves. (paraphrased)
Leonard Bertsch: One cannot study death to understand life. One cannot know about a living tree by upending a dead one to study its roots.
Numbers: God ordered fiery serpents to harm the disobedient. (Numbers also: I will speak to you directly, not in riddles)
Saint of Shirdi: Never harm a snake or a scorpion. He will harm you only if ordered to do so by God. If so ordered, there is nothing you can do. (The Biblical authority to have power over snakes and scorpions can also be interpreted to mean conquering the serpent of sensuality and the scorpion of physical or verbal venomous revenge)
Anonymous: Perhaps we could have a Society of Three Legged Mammals for those who loved meat but did not want to be involved in killing.
D. Wilson: When I was 17.. many years ago.. I was high on marijuana. My thought processes were slowed down. I was eating chicken at the time and suddenly realized I was gnawing on the leg of a chicken. I have not eaten meat or fish or used marijuana since. I did not need them.
Chief Seattle as provided by Soteria: All creation is one. What we do to one, we do to the entire web of life.
Deepak Chopra, MD (at Border's): Vegetarianism is a healthier diet.
Don Papes: In the early 80's I witnessed a Calgary Stampede.. and saw a calf whose neck was apparently broken from the roping. (A horizontal hanging can occur).(Paraphrased.)
James Marcus: Spaying is a compromise in terms of reverence for life, but perhaps a necessary one in a society which kills millions of dogs and cats a year in "animal shelters".
Charlton Heston: I'm not a vegetarian but I want you to know that my four dogs are safe.
Cleveland Amory (TV Guide and Parade columnist): I consider the 3 most cruelly produced foods to be from lobsters, dropped alive into boiling water, veal from calves separated from their mothers and kept in crates, and pate de foie gras. (Pate de foie gras is covered in the film Mondo Kane which shows the force feeding of geese. Food is stuffed down their throats with a pole.. when they want to regurgitate.. a brass ring is tied around the throat.. the excess food creates a stuffed liver pleasing to gourmets.)(Caviar comes from the ripping out of the ovaries of the mother sturgeon fish.)
Dom Fallucco: Someone showed a film of animals being slaughtered at our grade school. I remember which people in the class cried.
Former Senator William Proxmire: The recommended daily allownaces are based on arbitrary, unscientific, and tainted standards (in a speech about his bill backed by 37 senators to reduce the power of the FDA)
James Bond's physician in Never Say Never: You need to cut out red meat James. You're in terrible shape.
Olympic wrestler: Vegetarian wrestlers who do not work out lose their muscle much more slowly than nonvegetarians.
Jerry Springer: Vegetarianism is a good idea.
David Shiva: It is not enough to avoid the physical harming of creation but also to avoid hurting hearts through speech.
JBO: I don't like rare meat. I don't like to be reminded of the blood.
Amos Oz, Israeli novelist: If you change your diet, someone will call you a traitor (interview on National Public Radio)
Philosopher Jeremy Bentham: The question is not can animals speak but can they suffer.
Mel Gibson on NPR 11/15/97: In India it is believed that all creatures have a purpose.
David Letterman Pizza Special (carried by Joe at the Pizza shop near the broadcast theatre): all vegetable pizza (no pepperoni.. only pepper)
Jim Ritchey: As the tobacco industry depends on smokers, so the domestic arms industry depends upon hunters.
Drew Carey: My cranky cardiologist says I'm destined to die in the kitchen (re cheeseburgers). (We pray you have a long life and a peaceful joyful death.)
Roy Rogers (who sold his hamburger chain): singing to Trigger his horse in a movie: Oh a four footed friend a four footed friend will never let you down. (whether horse or cow cat dog or sow)
Lynn Scher of 20/20: about giraffes: They are politically correct: vegetarian. pacifist..nonterritorial and don't discriminate based on color.
Rex Harrison in Dr. Dolittle: (Because I love the taste of meat) I am a reluctant but dedicated vegetarian.
Melanie, the singer: I don't eat animals because they don't eat me.
Miriam Ferguson, former governor of Texas: As we put into all our schools more humane education, and foster the spirit of justice and kindness toward the "lower" creatures, just as soon shall we reach the roots not only of cruelty but of crime.
Joseph Wood Krutch: When a man wantonly destroys one of the works of man we call him a vandal. When he destroys one of the works of God we call him a sportsman.
Wilma Smith, Cleveland tv broadcaster: If you are away during the day have a companion cat or dog for the first one.
Art Bell, radio talk show host: Kennels are cat jail. I pay someone to be in the house with my animals when I'm on vacation.
Jesus: Whatsoever you have done to these the least of my brethren you have done unto me.
Clare Wilson: As I was nursing Natalie a mosquito landed on me and it seemed natural to let him nurse too.
Dick Goddard, longtime Fox 8 weatherman: People have the misimpression that cows in a blizzard die of the cold. They often die of thirst, unable to process enough ice into their water needs (paraphrased)
Chief Justice William O. Douglas: Trees have judicial standing, and probably grass too.
James Marcus: The sweet rain has stilled the buzz of the winged ones.
Good Morning America host on ABC Dec 4, 1997: My 2 little girls insist I put bugs outside.
Winston Churchill: When I find a ladybug I ask the butler to take it outside instead of killing it. (paraphrased)
Terry McGovern, daughter of Senator George and Eleanor McGovern, subject of the book Terry by her father: I go out of my way to avoid stepping on ants.
The Fire Prevention Society: Remember that Christmas trees are thirsty too.
Radhakrishnan: Each is all.
Don Papes: She turned out to be a plant chauvinist.. she preferred rose bushes to wild weeds. Plants do better around those with atomizers.
Dave Butler, horticulturist: It's a myth that goldenrod causes allergies. It is the ragweed which sometimes grows near it which does. (The book Mucusless Diet by Arnold Ehret couunsels elimination of allergies through cancellation of mucus foods (meat, dairy, breads) Virginia creeper is often destroyed by people who mistake it for poison ivy.
Fruitarian Network: Is the word 'overgrown' an oxymoron? Does God ever do anything to excess in Godgrown greenfields?
Screenwriter of "Who Killed The Chefs of Europe?" analyzed: Each chef in this murder mystery dies in the way he prepares his premier dish. Thus one is dropped like a lobster into boiling water. Another is sliced and diced etc.
Pat Leigh: After the bird has eaten the worm, the worm takes a while to trust birds.
Isaac Bashevis Singer, Nobel Prize winner: No lepidopterist's collection in the entire world...full if iridescent wings, is worth the life of a single butterfly.
John Joseph Price: God does not play favorites. The difference between a flower or wildflower or weed is only a matter of human judgment.
Bill Marshall: I place spiders out of the house. I don't like to kill them.
Peter Burwash: A column of ants began to follow me onto the tennis court. Because I would not step on them, I lost the match. But I won with God.
Jan Gopal F: (When one grows up in Manhattan where apartment buildings are constantly involved in extermination of cockroaches one realizes) they are always waiting in the wings.
Sai Baba: Why pluck a flower and hasten its death?
George Bernard Shaw:I love little children but I don't cut off their heads and stick them in vases.
Arthur Conan Doyle through Sherlock Holmes: criticism of a character who enjoyed inflicting pain on cockroaches: "Violence recoils on the violent." (May all have Love as the teacher)
Mary Catherine Ryan: Contact the Spirit of the cockroaches. First listen listen listen.. the negotiate. Then ask them to go to a more suitable place.
National Public Radio July 22, 1997 Methyl parathion used to kill roaches has caused fatalities from nausea, dizziness.
Don Papes: That maple tree was afraid to branch out. (Her lower branches had been cut back frequently.. but now she was reaching above the roof and could slowly stretch out the tendrils of trust.)
JR: At the base of the eyelash lives an invisible mite. Ask not what your mite can do for you.. but what you can do for your mite. And remember: mite is right.
B Stull: The city scheduled a cockroach inspection.. so my friend had to knit a lot of little uniforms.
Laughing River: It is a violent thing to cover and to suffocate Mother Earth.
Unknown: Weeds are plants humans have not yet figured out how to exploit. Humans think they are useless because they create oxygen and stabilize the weather and have a beauty invisible to those of immature eyes.
Bruce Kilby quoting from a Beacon Journal article: The dragonfly can eat 400 to 500 mosquitos a day.. which is a more natural solution than insecticides.
TN'S McDonnell: The sturgeon take a long time to die on the fishing lines.
Channel 19 Newscaster: I don't mind fur as long as it's fake.
Portland Trailblazer Bill Walton: I grow organic vegetables (vegetables grown without insecticides.)
FN: A. said that those who live with cockroaches are filthy. If God created cockroaches does that make God filthy?
Physicist Stephen Hawking: Computer viruses are alive.
Professor N Kasturi of All India Radio: We followed our teacher in a car caravan. One by one parts were falling off my car. When I took it to a mechanic at the destination he said it was physically impossible for the car to have arrived. I asked my teacher.. "Did you do this miracle because we are good devotees?" And my teacher replied: "The car.. the car is a great devotee".
Nellie Marshall: I hate to see the gold carpet of leaves removed.
(Recently Mary Tyler Moore offered $1000 to keep one restaurant's very old lobster from being dropped alive into boiling water. Rush Lumbaugh hearing of this offered $2000 to eat the lobster).
James Marcus: I'm good with machines. I know where to scratch, pet, and tickle them.
Cary Grant in His Girl Friday to a sheriff who has withheld knowledge of a governor's reprieve so that he may be re-elected: "That's murder."
NPR caller to Ray Suarez show discussing anthrax: The difference between gas in warfare and gas in a gas chamber is quantitative, not qualitative.
Thoughts from seeing the Susan Sarandon movie: Dead Men Walking: A man's killing in short term hot passion, is not as evil as the state's coldblooded premeditated murder of him in an electric chair or gas chamber or needle injection cell.
Charles Grodin, star of Beethoven and talk show host: It seems there are no rich on death row. (Nor percentage wise do as many white slayers die as black slayers.)
Thomas Edison wanted to market his electric chair to demonstrate the uses of electricity. He sent so much voltage through to the man publicly executed that the man's bones caught on fire.
Yvonne Painter, Cleveland poet: Before David had to fight Goliath God trained him on a bear and a lion.
Isaiah: I delight not in your blood sacrifice.
Jesus: Ye are whited sepulchres. (The Greek word for this
translation is sarcophagi.. [sarx flesh phagi eater]
Sai Baba: God is in every creature. How can you cause such pain?
Then said the LORD, Thou hast had pity on the gourd, for the which thou hast not labored, neither madest it grow; which came up in a night, and perished in a night:
and should not I spare Nin'eveh, that great city, wherein are more than sixscore thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand; and also much cattle?
Rhonda Fleming (Christian) "I cannot kill an ant."
James Coburn: (Buddhist) I do not kill flies.
Vedas: Jada Bharat was drafted to carry with others the
palanquin of the king. He stepped to avoid ants in such
a way that his actions were erratic and he was released from
compulosry duty.
Peter Burwash, professional tennis player and vegetarian
saw a column of ants come onto the court and crawl toward
the net. He lost the match because he would not harm them.
Father Ron Lengwin, KDKA host:
Adam's apple may have been the heart of the first animal
Warswa ghetto oncentration camp survivor: The last thing
my father told me before he was taken away to be killed was not to harm the cockroaches who ran along the walls of
our holding area.
JR: At the base of the eyelash
is an invisible mite.
Ask not what your mite can do for you
but what you can do for your mite.
And always remember
mite makes right.
Before he voted
for baby bombing and other
forms of human termination
his specialty
Abraham Lincoln: An ant’s life is as sweet to him as yours to you (paraphrased)
John Looney respected the lives of ants.
"The impact of countless hooves and mouths over the years has done more to alter the type of vegetation and land forms of the West than all
the water projects, strip mines, power plants, freeways, and subdivsion
developments combined."
-- Philip Fradkin in Audubon, National Audubon Society, NY, NY
"Most of the public lands in the West, and especially the Southwest, are what you might call cow burnt. Almost anywhere and everywhere you
go in the American West you find hordes of [cows].... They are a pest
and a plague. They pollute our springs and streams and rivers. They
infest our canyons, valleys, meadows, and forests. They graze off the
native bluestems and grama and bunch grasses, leaving behind jungles of
*****ly pear. They trample down the native forbs and shrubs and cacti.
They spread the exotic cheatgrass, the Russian thistle, and the crested
wheat grass. Weeds. Even when the cattle are not physically present,
you see the dung and the flies and the mud and the dust and the general
destruction. If you don't see it, you'll smell it. The whole American
West stinks of cattle."
-- The late Edward Abbey, conservationist and author, in a speech
before cattlemen at the University of Montana in 1985
"You can buy the land out there now for the same price as a couple of
bottles of beer per acre. When you've got half a million acres and
20,000 head of cattle, you can leave the lousy place and go live in
Paris, Hawaii, Switzerland, or anywhere you choose."
-- American rancher who owns grazing land in the Amazon, describing
the attitude of cattle colonists in the Brazilian rain forest
"We got hooked on grain-fed meat just as we got hooked on gas guzzling
automobiles. Big cars made sense only when oil was cheap; grain-fed
meat makes sense only because the true costs of producing it are not
-- Frances Moore Lappe', in _Diet for a Small Planet_
"A reduction in beef and other meat consumption is the most potent
single act you can take to halt the destruction of our environment and
preserve our natural resources. Our choices do matter. What's
healthiest for each of us personally is also healthiest for the life
support system of our precious, but wounded planet."
-- John Robbins, author of _Diet for a New America_, and President,
EarthSave Foundation, Santa Cruz, California
"It seems disingenuous for the intellectual elite of the first world
to dwell on the subject of too many babies being born in the second- and
third-world nations while virtually ignoring the over-population of
cattle and the realities of a food chain that robs the poor of
sustenance to feed the rich a steady diet of grain-fed meat."
-- Jeremy Rifkin, author of _Beyond Beef, The Rise and Fall of the
Cattle Culture_, and President of the Greenhouse Crisis Foundation,
Washington, D.C.
"A meat-fed world now appears a chimera. World grain production has
grown more slowly than population since 1984, and farmers lack new
methods for repeating the gains of the green revolution. Supporting
the world's current population of 5.4 billion people on an
American-style diet would require two-and-ahalf times as much grain as
the world's farmers produce for all purposes. A future world of 8
billion to 14 billion people eating the American ration of 220 grams of
grain-fed meat a day can be nothing but a flight of fancy."
-- Alan B. Durning and Holly Brough, Worldwatch Institute,
Washington, D.C.
"There can be no question that more hunger can be alleviated with a
given quantity of grain by completely eliminating animals [from the food
production process]. About 2,000
pounds of concentrates [grains] must
be supplied to livestock in order to produce enough meat and other
livestock products to support a person for a year, whereas 400
pounds of
grain (corn, wheat, rice, soybeans, etc.) eaten directly will support a
person for a year. Thus, a given quantity of grain eaten directly will
feed 5 times as many people as it will if it is first fed to livestock
and then is eaten indirectly by humans in the form of livestock
-- M. E. Ensminger, Ph.D., internationally recognized animal
agriculture specialist, former Department of Animal
Science Chairman at
Washington State University, currently President of
Consultants-Agriservices, Clovis, California
"Changing eating habits in the North is an important link in the chain
of events needed to create environmentally sustainable development that
meets people's needs. The Beyond Beef campaign is an important step in
that direction."
-- Dr. Walden Bello, Executive Director, Food First/The Institute
for Food and Development Policy, San Francisco, California
"Suppose food _were_ distributed equally. If everyone in the world
ate as Americans do, less than half the _present_ world population could
be fed on the record harvests of 1985 and 1986. Of course, everyone
doesn't have to eat like Americans. About a third of the world grain
harvest -- the staples of the human feeding base -- is fed to animals to
produce eggs, milk, and meat for American-style diets. Wouldn't feeding
that grain directly to people solve the problem? If everyone were
willing to eat an essentially vegetarian diet, that additional grain
would allow perhaps a billion more people to be fed with 1986
-- Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, authors of _The Population
Explosion_, 1990
"Family farmers are victims of public policy that gives preference to
feeding animals over feeding people. This has encouraged the cheap
grain policy of this nation and has made the Beef Cartel the biggest hog
at the trough."
-- Howard Lyman, Executive Director, Beyond Beef campaign, former
senior lobbyist for the National Farmers Union
"In my opinion, one of the greatest animal-welfare problems is the
physical abuse of livestock during transportation.... Typical abuses I
have witnessed with alarming frequency are; hitting, beating, use of
badly maintained trucks, jabbing of short objects into animals, and
deliberate cruelty."
-- Temple Grandin, Ph.D., internationally recognized livestock
handling consultant and board member of the meat industry's Livestock
Conservation Institute
"For most humans, especially for those in modern urban and suburban
communities, the most direct form of contact with nonhuman animals is at
meal time: we eat them.... The use and abuse of animals raised for food
far exceeds, in sheer numbers of animals affected, any other kind of
-- Peter Singer, author of _Animal Liberation_, and professor of
philosophy at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
"The amount of meat lost each year through careless handling and
brutality would be enough to feed a million Americans for a year."
-- John McFarlane, Executive Director, The Council for Livestock
Protection, a meat industry organization
"I know, in my soul, that to eat a creature who is raised to be eaten,
and who never has a chance to be a real being, is unhealthy. It's're just eating misery. You're eating a bitter life."
-- Alice Walker, author and poet
"In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be
cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in
the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of
money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise
intelligent people."
-- Ruth Harrison, author of _Animal Machines_
"Yet saddest of all fates, surely, is to have lost that sense of the
holiness of life altogether; that we commit the blasphemy of bringingmthousands of lives to a cruel and terrifying death or of making those
lives a living death -- and feel nothing."
-- The Right Reverend John Austin Baker, Bishop of Salisbury,
England, commenting on the cruelty of modern animal agriculture
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is
concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson in _Fate_
HEALTH (some of this page is from Wheeler of Beyond Beef)
"If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat
you eat should be zero."
-- Walter Willett, M.D., of Brigham and Women's Hospital, director
of a study that found a close correlation between red meat
consumption and colon cancer.
"Usually, the first thing a country does in the course of economic
development is to introduce a lot of livestock. Our data are showing
that this is not a very smart move and the Chinese are listening. They
are realizing that animal-based agriculture is not the way to go.... We
are basically a vegetarian species and should be eating a wide variety
of plant food and minimizing our intake of animal foods....
"Once people start introducing animal products into their diet, that's
when the mischief starts."
-- T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D., of Cornell University, director of a
study of 6,500 Chinese that found a close correlation between
meat consumption and the incidence of heart disease and cancer.
"The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all
the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile
accidents combined. If beef is your idea of real food for real
people, you'd better live real close to a real good hospital."
-- Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President, Physicians Committee for
Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C.
"When we kill the animals to eat them, they end up killing us because
their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never
intended for human beings."
-- William C. Roberts, M.D., editor of The American Journal of
"All red meat contains saturated fat. There is no such thing as truly
lean meat. Trimming away the edge ring of fat around a steak really
does not lower the fat content significantly. People who have red meat
(trimmed or untrimmed) as a regular feature of their diets suffer in far
greater numbers from heart attacks and strokes."
-- Michael Klaper, M.D., Medical Director, EarthSave Foundation,
Santa Cruz, California
"The thousands of people who have suffered food poisoning after eating
beef will, no doubt, appreciate that their beef was aesthetically
acceptable, even though it made them ill. Lovely to look at, dangerous
to eat is not a standard that is likely to help beef sales."
-- Carol Tucker Foreman, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture during
the Carter administration, commenting on the inadequacy of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture's Streamlined (Meat) Inspection
System (SIS).
"As happened with tobacco, health warnings about meat eating are
multiplying, and awareness of the environmental effects of meat
production is rising. Just as cigarettes lost their allure, meat is
losing its social cachet in some countries. Food marketers in the
United Kingdom estimate that 2 million people in that country are strict
vegetarians. More important, the number of people limiting meat in
their diets is rising rapidly. An estimated 6 million people in the
United Kingdom dine on meatless meals most of the time."
-- Alan B. Durning and Holly B. Brough, in Taking Stock: Animal
Farming and the Environment, Worldwatch Institute, Washington, D.C.,
(Interpretations divide. The Spirit Unites. May The Holy Spirit Overshadow.)
Acts 15: Do not eat the meat of strangled animals.
Acts 18: 18 The private vow Paul took, many Biblical scholars believe,
is the Nazarite vow which included besides hair cutting.. abstention from
animal flesh. This Nazarite diet is described in Numbers. This is the vow
that Samson with his great strength took.
Corinthians l: 8,12-13 (Paul) If meat makes my brother stumble I shall
never again eat meat.
Daniel l: Daniel was put in prison by Nebuchadnezzar. He ate only
pulses (beans) for 10 days while others ate flesh. Nebuchadnezzar noticed
that he fared better than the others. Maynard Clark ( and Frank
Hoffman ( make the point
that since all food, not just meat, was sacrificed by Babylonians
to idols, idols were not a factor in their abstention from animal flesh.
Deuteronomy 5: Thou Shalt Not Kill (later versions than the King James
translate this as Thou Shalt Not Murder)
Exodus 20: 13 Thou Shalt Not Kill brought down the mountain
literally Lo Tirtzach.. (this is nonkilling, not nonmurder)
The Biblical command "Thou Shalt Not KIll" which J J Price cites as
a reason to change diet.. is not asterisked "to include humans only".
The Biblical command "Thou Shalt Not Steal" which Kathy Kurtz cites
can be related to not purloining the eggs from chickens nor the
milk from mother cows whose calves are then butchered for veal.
Exodus 16: 31 The desert manna was like coriander seed. (Given
by Reginal Cherry, MD who promotes vegan diet on Trinity Broadcast Net
Exodus: The Israelites did not want the manna that God had provided..
instead they wanted the flesh of quails.
Ezekiel 3 and 4: My body has never been defiled by animal flesh.
Genesis 1:29: Behold I have given you herbyielding seed. To you it shall
be for meat.
Genesis 1: 12 describes the perfection of a world covered with fruit
and nut trees, grape vines and berry bushes
Genesis 2: 4-6 There were no violent storms in the tree covered earth.
The trees were watered by mist.
Genesis 6: Noah was commanded by God to provide vegetarian food in the
ark for people and animals. (The lions drank the milk of cows.)
Genesis 9: 4-5 Flesh shall yet not eat. And surely your blood I will
require at the hands of beasts. (God forgive us all and help us
all to change.)
Hosea 2:28: I will make for you that day a covenant with the wild
animals. I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land. I
will make you lie down in safety.
Isaiah: Isaiah is the prophet who more than any other forecasts the birth
of Jesus. He is also the prophet with the most references to nonviolence
and universal respect for life. Jesus quotes Isaiah's "I delight not
in your blood sacrifices" as He drives the animal killers out of the
temple. Jesus refers to the vegetarian Isaiah more than to any other.
Isaiah: 1: 11: I delight not in the blood of bullocks or of lambs
or of he goats (whereas Isaiah 66 involves not eating pigs..
and Isaiah 65 involves not eating any living thing)
(In some Bible translations the word 'blood' has been removed.)
(In others it is "I delight not in thy blood sacrifices.")
Isaiah 42: He shall break not the bruised reed.
Isaiah 59: We moan sadly like doves.
Isaiah 65: The wolf shall lie down with the lamb.. they shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain for the earth shall be full of the
knowledge of the Lord. Many other passages of Isaiah speak of noneating
of animals.
Isaiah 66: 3 He who slays an ox is as he that slays a man.
(Another translation: He who kills a bull is as he who kills a man.)
Isaiah 66: 17: The slain of the Lord shall be many.. they behind the
tree eating swine's flesh.. shall be consumed together.
(There are dozens of references to vineyards, fruit trees, and fruitarian
diet in Isaiah alone.)
Samson's Nazarite vow included eating nothing dead, letting his hair
grow and other injunctions. He violated this vow not only with Delilah
but in eating honey from a hive within the ribs of a desert lion
carcass. He then lost his strength.
Jesus: Whatsoever you have done to these the least of My brethren you
have done unto Me. (Is the least of His brethren.. the birds, the
insects, and the plants?)
The Aramaic Bible (the language Jesus spoke): Zachariah is told
even before the birth of John the Baptist that John is the Spirit
of Elijah and that he will forsake flesh foods. (Thank you Josh)
For information write
Jesus: Come, I shall make you fishers of humankind (and not of
Jesus: Ye are whited sepulchres. This is interpreted to mean
those with concern for externals.. while their thoughts are
not holy, those who actions show hypocrisy as well. However
sarcophagus comes from sarx (flesh) and phagus (eater)..
sarcophagus is not only a coffin but a flesheater.
Job 5: You will be in league with the stones of the field and the
beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.
Job 12: 8 Speak to the earth and she will teach thee
(of patience, humility, forgiveness, universal nurturing)
Joel 1: The land mourns the destruction of her plants.
John the Baptist: The Ebionites taught that John the Baptist was
vegetarian. For further information write Pastor Mike Shaw
John: 3rd Letter of John to Gaius: I pray good health for you.
John: 6: 63 It is the Spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing.
Judges 13: (re Samson) (The breaking of the Nazarite vow {taken by
Jesus, John the Baptist, Paul} was the cause of Samson's downfall)
(Besides abstention from haircutting, the vow of the Nazarites involved
abstention from meat. Paul felt his vow was private. Others were public.)
(Some think that involvement with killing is the toucbing of death
and therefore the touching of a dead thing.)
Leviticus 3: 17 commands to eat no animal fat or animal blood
Many Jewish vegetarians believe it is impossible to drain the blood
out of all the tiny capillaries of the animal, and that therefore
there is no such thing as kosher flesh. (Write He will return in February.
Leviticus 11: prohibts the eating of the flesh of rabbits, pigs, shellfish
such as lobsters, clams, shrimp, crabs, hawks, seagulls, camels,
chameleons, flying insects with 4 legs in certain cases, heron, bat,
hoopoe, vulture, stork, cormorant, ibis, marsh hen, pelican, owl, mole,
rat, mouse, lizard, gecko, snail, cud chewers, cloven hoofed (the cow
was observed trying to cleave her hoof to make her safe), eagle, metire,
osprey, falcon, ostrich, kite, raven, rock badger, etc. The reasons include
prevention of food poisoning. E.g., pigs and shellfish will eat the waste
of other creatures (coprophagy).
Leviticus 17:10 I will set my face against them that eat blood.
Leviticus commands that no dead animal be touched. How is it possible
to rend the flesh of an animal with human teeth in the consumption
of meat and not touch the animal?
Leviticus: Just as Jesus erases Levitical law and prevents the capital
punishment of the adulterous woman (the man was not brought)
He also erases Levitical animal sacrifice law with the Law of Love
Luke 15: is about the 100th lamb. Dr. Bates gave a sermon on this passage
on Sept 13th. Are not all lambs His? Does He not want all His lambs
Luke 15: 16 The Prodigal son.. the word for what the son ate when
away from his family was keration.. a word for the carob bean or
the fruit of the locust tree.. this was fed to the poor and to pigs
... this "St John's Bread" was fruit and not meat. Historically the
poor have been more vegetarian than the rich. It was said that
King Henry 8th's gout came to a rich man for the poor could not
eat enough meat to have gout.
Malachi l: You have defiled my altars.
Malachi 4: They shall grow fat like calves in stalls. (While this
is intended as a blessing, it is a reminder of veal calves imprisoned
their entire lives in stalls, unable to turn around.)
Mark: The Gospel of Mark makes it clear that when Jesus spoke
of what defiles a person, he was speaking of critical words.
Matthew 4:19 Come I will make you fishers of men (no longer fishers
of fishes).
Matthew: 5:7 Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.
Matthew 12: 7 Jesus quotes Isaiah more than anyone else.
Jesus quotes
Isaiah's "I desire mercy not sacrifice" and "break not the bruised reed".
Matthew 12: 11 Which of you having a sheep (ox) in a ditch will
not rescue it on the Sabbath?
Matthew 16: 15 The Moody Bible Institute has the translation in
a mail out plaque: Go ye therefore and preach to all creation.
(Other translations say 'the world'). Anthony, revered as a saint
in the Catholic Church, preached to the fishes when humans would
not listen.
Matthew 19: 6 What God hath joined together let no man put asunder.
This is Jesus' comment about marriage.. but God has also
soldered together animals.. and does not want them sundered.
Matthew 21: Jesus overturns the tables where doves are being sold
for sacrifice.. and says 'my house is a house of prayer.. you have
made it a den of plunderers'. The Greek word used is lestes..
which is more correctly translated plunderer or butcher than thief.
(The author of Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews mentions that
before Passover as many as 40,000 animals were hanging upside down
bleeding to death.. and that the temple floor was awash in blood.)
Matthew 23: 27 Jesus says some are like whited sepulchres (sacrcophagi.
(Sepulchre from the interlinear Greek
Testament sarcophagus) (sarc flesh phagy eat: flesheaters)
Therefore Jesus said 'They are whited flesh eaters' Why whited?
Concern with exterior paint and not the interior cleanliness of
the temple. What happens to the body when one eats animals? It
says George Bernard Shaw, friend of General Booth of the Salvation
Army, becomes a grave of those animals.
Jesus states in this passage that the sepulchres are full of dead bones.
Matthew 23: 25 It is interesting that most translations of the Bible
speak of these sarcophagi as being full of dead men's bones whereas
the actual Greek is 'gemousin osteon nekron' which means
' full of dead bones'.
Matthew 25:40 "Whatsoever ye have done to these the least of My
brethren, ye have done unto Me." Are not animals more handicapped
than human beings?
Methusaleh: This longest lived (969 years) of Biblical heroes was
like all pre flooders (antedeluvians) vegetarian. (Jeremiah: The Lord
offends the mind to reveal
the heart) (*Some say that Elijah was the longest lived because he
ascended to heaven without death and, says Jesus, is John The Baptist).
Paul (1 Corin 8: 7-13) Meat commends us not to God.. if meateating
offend my brother.. I will eat no flesh while the earth stands.
(Whole passage sent by Debra)
Paul in Corinthians 6: Your body is a temple of Holy Spirit.
Proverbs 12:10: The righteous man is concerned for his beast.
Proverbs 23:20 Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge
themselves on meat.
Proverbs 31: 8 Open thy mouth for the dumb (voiceless)
Psalm 10: In the secret places he murders the innocent.
Psalm 11: The wicked bend their bow. They make ready their arrow
upon the string.
(Biblical vegetarians include Adam 930 years {we are not given Eve's age}
Seth 912 years Enoch 905 years Canaan 910 years Jacob 962 years
Enoch 2 and Methusaleh 969 years)
Psalm 91 Thou shalt transform the lion and adder: the young lion and the
dragon shalt thou transform. 14 Because he hath set his love upon
me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he
hath known my name.
Psalm 50: Eat not the flesh of bulls nor the blood of goats.
Psalms: 104: 16-18: The trees of the Lord are watered abundantly.
Psalm 148: Praise the Lord from the deep, you sea monsters (for all God's
creation, not just human beings, do praise).
Revelation 5: All creatures sing the praises of God.. is the gist
of a Revelation 5 passage. If animals can sing God's praises, do they
have souls and a right to life?
Revelation: 7: 3 Hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees.
Revelation 9:4 The 5th angel.. says that no living growing tree being
or grass be harmed.
Revelation 11: 2 Olive trees are before the throne of God.
(The rest of the passage is on their not being harmed.)
Rev: 11: 18 (Angels) shall harm those who destroy the earth.
Rev: 12: The earth swallows a river the dragon has sent
against the woman.
Revelation 16: The 2nd bowl poured by the angel turns the seas to
blood. (The red tide is the name given to pfiesteria which kills
fish with the pollution pouring out from Eastern seaboard factory
Revelation 22: as quoted by Dr. Reginald Cherry, MD of TBN:
The leaves of the trees are for the healing of nations
(both as herbs and as environmental protectors)
Revelation 22: The tree of life grows by the river of life.
(In the context it is seen that it is a fruit tree.)
Revelation's sign of the beast might be the sign of the slain beast,
the sign advertising places where slain beasts are sold.
Revelation's prophecy of a blood red moon might be related to the red tides
which are causing environmental destruction.Rodney Barker has written
a book called And The Waters Turned To Blood (Simon and Schuster) which
traces the politics in North Carolina and Virginia factory pig and factory
poultry farms' effluent to the massive killing of Atlantic fishes with
pfiesteria. (Some also interpret the blood red moon to mean women angry
about abuse.)
Romans 8: If your meateating offends your brother abstain from it.
Alex Chartrand and Albert ( have both commented on the
Greek word for pickled fish which is opsarian.
If Jesus served pickled fish to His disciples, then the fish was
materialized, not caught.
James Marcus: A re-reading of Genesis indicates that God not only promised
humanity but also all animals and Earth herself that the earth would
never again be flooded.
As Scripture forbids the eating of the flesh of strangled animals, some
interpret this to include fishes, since many die of denial of breath,
through suffocation in nets, throats ripped out by hooks etc.
The Essenes of Galilee were upset by Pharisee animal consumption.
Others say that Jesus materialized the fishes for His apostles in
the post Resurrection meal. There are many interpretations.
In Genesis, the dominion humankind was given over animals.. is not
a justification to eat them... for we are also given dominion over our
biological children. The Greek word from which dominion was translated
is "kratos" as in the Greek word democracy, the rule of the people.
To rule does not mean to kill.
(An increasing number of women are involved in Biblical Equality study
groups .. "thy sons and thy daughters shall prophecy" "I shall pour out
My Spirit upon all flesh" etc.)
Dino De Laurentis' film "The Bible" has Noah on the ark feeding cows' milk
to the tigers and lions aboard.
Jesus by many Biblical scholars is considered to be an Essene, a group
which followed the Nazarite vow of celibacy, and vegetarian
diet. Samson's hair strength was related to his Nazarite vow and Paul
is one of his letters refers to a private vow many consider to have
been Nazarite. The Christian
Science Monitor on Feb 25, 98 referred
to Essene vegetarianism in an article on Dead Sea Scroll origins.
There are some who believe that Isaiah 11 means we are not to eat
meat in heaven but may eat it now. Yet some of these who interpret Isaiah
11 to mean heaven, with its descriptions of animals in perfect peace, still
say that animals do not have souls and will not go to heaven.
Jesus: Which of you having an ox in a ditch would not rescue it on
the Sabbath?
Jesus' first communion replaced the Passover lamb's consumption
with the bread and wine (some say grape juice) of communion of the Spirit.
John the Baptist: Some Christians believe that John the Baptist ate
locusts. Others believe that he ate locust beans.. the seed pods of the
locust tree. The historian Josephus says on 2 occasions that John the
Baptist ate no animal flesh. ( The Greek word for insect
locust is akris and for cakes (bean paste) is enkrius.
The word meat used to be a synonym for food, but is no longer.
The Greek words translated as meat actually mean food as the word
phagy in Luke 8: 55, the word trophe in John 4:8, and the word
bromo in Corinthians 8:8.
If animal flesh is meant in the Bible the Greek word sarx is
used, such as the word sarcophagus.. flesh eater.
Science Monitor: Feb 25, 98: The Dead Sea Scrolls were written
by the Essenes, a vegetarian group.
Some interpret the Isaiah "the wolf shall lie down with the lamb" as
heaven rather than now on earth, but there is nothing in the original
language to indicate that. National Institutes of Health in rather
cruel research has found that cats raised without seeing killing
do not know how to kill.. in other words, even for "carnivores" killing
is learned behavior. Even now, we are reaching closer and closer to
Isaiah daily.
Peter's Vision: Many Christians cite the vision of Peter.. that all
food is clean. Other Christians believe that this vision meant that
Christians should abandon the Jewish dietary laws. Peter himself in Acts
10:28 interprets this vision to mean that he should call no human being common
or unclean. It is true that everything in the universe in some way is
sacred because its source is God.. but there are definite differences
between slaughterhouse food and that from a fragrant orchard. In addition
some Christians believe that Isaiah 65 (the nonviolent paradise)
describes a future time. Yet there are many more who believe that
nonviolent paradise begins with each
of us. Each forkfull we take can be from a butchered animal.. or if we
choose.. from a sunfilled fruit tree.
Paula Fredricksen, author of Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews,
discussed her book on C-Span. She stated that on the day before Passover,
some 40,000 quadrupeds (goats, sheep etc) were hanging upside down
bleeding to death. The floor of Solomon's temple was awash in blood.
(It is for this reason that many Biblical scholars believe that Jesus
overturned the temple tables in divine temper as He quoted Isaiah:
I delight not in your blood sacrifice.)
has an interlinear section which lists
14 Hebrew words for kill: harag, zabach, chalal, tabach, muwth, nakah,
naqaph, qatal, ratsach, shachat, sh@chiytah, sakal. They all have
slightly different meanings. Zabach is more often used about the murder
of sacrificial animals. Some Bibles have turned "Thou Shalt Not Kill"
into "Thou Shalt Not Murder". The Greek as well has many synonyms for
kill which have different meanings.
James Marcus has passed on the research of Willard S. Smith who
in Animals, Birds, and Plants In The Bible wrote that the doe was
never eaten and that the Bible contains no reference to cats, perhaps
as a reaction to the Egyptian worship of cats and death penalty for
harming cats.
In the movie "The Greatest Story Ever Told" in which Max Von Sydow plays
the role of Jesus Christ, the scene of Jesus' anger in the temple is related
to the sacrifice of animals there, and as he overturns tables, he quotes
some of the many passages of Isaiah in regards to not harming animals.
Epiphianus states that Nazarites ate no animal flesh. (
Become fishers of men and women. (Leave the fishing boats to others.)
Cleveland Amory before his death advanced the idea that animals have souls.
Once in a debate with a religious official who did not agree, he said
"If they don't, all the more reason to give them a fair shake while they
are here."
The writings of the Ebionites, says Pastor Mike Shaw, indicate
that John the Baptist was a vegetarian.
And others say that Elijay, fed manna by God, was also.
Other Biblical quotes are at
Oswald Chambers: To saints nature is sacramental.
whose editor incorporated some from
My wife, Kimora, once told me while we were watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre that that-s a vegetarian movie. The way that woman was screaming, ?Aaaahhh,¦ and she-s running away?that-s how every animal you eat is running for his life ...¦
--Russell Simmons
The fur industry butchers animals and pollutes our environment. I could never wear fur.¦
--Fernanda Tavares
I think and speak clearer since I cut the dairy out. I can breathe better and perform at a better rate, and my voice is clearer. I can explore different things with my voice that I couldn't do because of my meat and dairy ingestion. I am proud and blessed to be a vegetarian, everything became clear.
I don-t eat any animals or anything that has to do with animals?no fish or egg or dairy because I personally don-t feel it-s a good practice to eat anything that might run away from you.¦.¦
--Russell Simmons
"Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do what I believe is right. That's powerful."
--Alicia Silverstone
?I gave up meat when I was twelve. - One day I was cutting up a chicken for my mom, and I hit a tumor with the knife. There was [pus] and blood all over the place. That was enough for me.¦
--Josh Hartnett
"Right now, I'm pro-leave beef alone. Big shout-out to all the vegetarians who don't want beef!" (Us Weekly)
--Ja Rule
"I love to cook. Very healthy eating. ..." Twain also forgoes meat, dairy, and eggs. "Nothing," she declares, "that had to die." Tv Guide
--Shania Twain
"I-m 23 now, and I-ve grown into this woman. I feel sexy and more mature. I wanted these inside changes to be reflected in both my look and music. I am a vegan now, and it was a conscious decision. I studied a lot about African culture and health and the best way to take care of the body. I really wanted to be healthy. At first I was just trying to challenge myself; I thought it was a phase and that I would grow out of it, but it wasn-t. I found out a lot about the body and what [hormones] they put in meat. My taste buds started changing, and I didn-t crave [meat and dairy products] anymore."
Vegetarianism is a way of living consciously on the planet."
--Amy Smart
"People get offended by animal rights campaigns. It-s ludicrous. It-s not as bad as mass animal death in a factory."
--Richard Gere
"In some roles I have to wear fur, and I always make sure it-s fake, like in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me. Faux fur is great because it shows people that faux can look fabulous."
--Kristen Johnston
You need to hunt something that can shoot back at you to really classify yourself as a hunter. You need to understand the feeling of what it-s like to go into the field and know your opposition can take you out. Not just go out there and shoot Bambi."
--Gov. Jesse Ventura
I’ve always felt that animals are the purest spirits in the world. They don-t fake or hide their feelings, and they are the most loyal creatures on Earth. And somehow we humans think we-re smarter?what a joke.
"I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants."
--A. Whitney Brown
To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.
One is dearest to God who has no enemies among the living beings, who is nonviolent to all creatures.
--Bhagavad Gita
He that slayeth an ox is as he that killeth a human.
We should remember in our dealings with animals that they are a sacred trust to us from our heavenly Father. They are dumb and cannot speak for themselves.
--Harriet Beecher Stowe
"I'm stopped. I'll never eat another burger".
--Oprah Winfrey
One day the world will look upon research upon animals as it now looks upon research on human beings.
--Leonardo Da Vinci
Humans are the only hunters who kill when not hungry.
--Steven Spielberg
Once I was fishing and caught the hook in the fish's eye. That was the last time I ate a killed creature .
--Janet Barkas, editor of Grove Press
Oprah has power because Oprah is believable. People do not believe the beef industry. Shouldn't we be more concerned about the first amendment rather than protecting powerful agribusiness?
--Morton Downey
The world's environment can no longer handle beef.
--Jeremy Rifkin of Beyond Beef
Many things made me become a vegetarian, among them. the higher food yield as a solution to world hunger.
-- John Denver
Hunters are to the arms industry what smokers are to the tobacco industry. Smokers get a nicotine rush. Hunters get an adrenalin rush from killing a living being.
--Jim R
Cruelty to animals can become violence to humans.
--Ali MacGraw
40 years ago on the set of Gunsmoke I read the book The Holy Science. Since then I have not eaten meat.
--Dennis Weaver
Being around all the animals in the film Dr. .Doolittle made me one too.
--Semantha Eggar
Check out my web site,, to see what fast food did to 2 people in England.
--Governor Jerry Brown of California
Those who are used to a cage will weep for a cage.
--Yevgeny Yevtushenko, Russian Poet
So you are the people tearing down the Brazilian rainforest and breeding cattle.
--Prince Philip to McDonald's of Canada
The awful cruelty and terror to which tens of thousands of animals killed for human food are subjected in traveling long distances by ship and rail and road to the slaughterhouses of the world. God disapproves of all cruelty.. whether to man or beast. The occupation of slaughtering animals is brutalising to those who are required to do the work.... I believe this matter is well worthy of the serious consideration of Christian leaders.
--Mrs. Booth and General Bramwell Booth of the Salvation Army
All creation has the same right to life.
--Sun Bear and Jaya Bear
Charlie didn't want to give up meat and smoking. Now he's gone.
--Lesley Stahl of CBS
I would not want to get to know a pig very well if I intended to eat him.
--Pat Leigh
Why not just put sterilization hormones in the deer food rather than killing them?
--Dan Ryan, Youngstown talk show host
A human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore if he eats meat he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite.
--Leo Tolstoy
The USDA recommendation of 2 servings of meat per day seems like too much.
--Diane Rehm, First Lady of Broadcasting
He is a heavy eater of beef. Me thinks it doth harm to his wit.
--Shakespeare in "Twelfth Night"
Whenever we cause suffering or death to any other being, we cause suffering to the Great Life Force.
--Shik Po Chih
In all the round world there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses.
--H.G. Wells (from Utopia)
I decline to go fox hunting (nor did she want her sons William and Harry to be involved in hunting).
--Diana, Princess of Wales
Martin Luther King taught us all nonviolence. I was told to extend nonviolence to the mother and her calf.
--Dick Gregory
I went snorkeling and noticed how gently the fish welcomed us into their world.. as compared to the violence with which we welcomed them into ours. I became a vegetarian.
--Syndee Brinkman
GE is the biggest polluter of the Hudson.. years ago they killed all the fish dumping millions of
lbs. of pcb's into our waterways. Now let's make them pay for the cleanup.
--Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Items containing raw or uncooked egg should be avoided so as not to contact a certain strain of salmonella (It used to be thought that only broken eggs could transmit salmonella ... now it is known that the mother passes salmonella through the egg.) (There is more incidence of food poisoning from eggs than from meat, fish, or milk.)
--Jane Snow, food editor of the Beacon Journal
May all that have life be delivered from suffering.
-- Buddha
Please put the ladybug outside without harming her. (to his butler)
--Winston Churchill
I have no intention of eating a fish from the East River. They're not safe to eat.
--Mayor White of Cleveland
May those who oppose capital punishment for humans extend that protection to animals as well . May those who oppose germ and other biological warfare work to end the unconscious biological warfare unwittingly waged on those who eat animal products. Those who are prolife would logically become vegetarian. Those who are prochoice would not want to impose their wills upon the body of a cow, sheep or pig.
Since visiting the abatoirs of S. France I have stopped eating meat.
--Vincent Van Gogh
Thousands of animals (now billions) are butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. It cries vengeance upon all the human race.
--Romain Rolland
More and more we realize that vegetarian diet is a good idea
--Dr. Edward Martin, head of Dept. of Defense Health
It is a surprisingly close progression from hunting animals to hunting and torturing people.. catching and lynching blacks or smoking out Jews during the Holocaust.
--Aviva Cantor writing in MS Magazine
I do not believe that any of the suffering I have caused to laboratory animals has helped humanity in the slightest.
--Richard Ryder
We should live in harmony with Earth not conquer it.. or the animals. The other members of the National Football League say I'm in the minority.. but they are. A majority of the world is vegetarian.
--Former Pittsburgh Steeler and NY Giant football Player Glenn Scolnick
Some people are still going to want to eat meat.. we do agree though that vegetarianism is a healthier diet.
--David Stroud of the American Meat Institute
For many years the media have been afraid of the Goliath power of the meat industry. (But David is coming!)
--Pegeen Fitzgerald of WOR TV and Radio in NY
I spoke often in Congress against the war in Vietnam. and commented on congresspersons hiding from the reality of war by saying 'many eat the meat but few go to the slaughterhouse'. I said it so often I became a vegetarian.
Rep. Andrew Jacobs.. formerly of Indianapolis
In all the round world of Utopia there is no meat. There used to be, But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And it is impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig.I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse.
-- H G Wells (A Modern Utopia)
Of what use are all your sacrifices to Me? I have had enough of the roasted carcasses of rams and of the fat of fattened beasts. I take no pleasure in the blood of calves, lambs and goats . When you spread out your hands, I close My eyes to you; despite however much you pray, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood! Wash yourselves clean! Put away your misdeeds from before My eyes and stop doing evil.
--Isaiah 1:11, 1:15-16
A righteous man takes care of his beast, but the heart of the wicked is merciless.
--Proverbs 12:10
Whatever you do unto the least of my brothers, you do it unto me.
--Matthew 25:40
Can you really ask what reason Pythagoras had for abstaining from flesh? For my part I rather wonder both by what accident and in what state of soul or mind the first man did so, touched his mouth to gore and brought his lips to the flesh of a dead creature, he who set forth tables of dead, stale bodies and ventured to call food and nourishment the parts that had a little before bellowed and cried, moved and lived. How could his eyes endure the slaughter when throats were slit and hides flayed and limbs torn from limb? How could his nose endure the stench? How was it that the pollution did not turn away his taste, which made contact with the sores of others and sucked juices and serums from mortal wounds? … It is certainly not lions and wolves that we eat out of self-defense; on the contrary, we ignore these and slaughter harmless,tame creatures without stings or teeth to harm us, creatures that, I swear, Nature appears to have produced for the sake of their beautyand grace. But nothing abashed us, not the flower-like like tinting of the flesh, not the persuasiveness of the harmonious voice, not the cleanliness of their habits or the unusual intelligence that may be found in the poor wretches. No, for the sake of a little flesh we deprive them of sun, of light, of the duration of life to which they are entitled by birth and being…
Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
--Albert Einstein
I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals.
--Henry David Thoreau
The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of ‘real food for real people,’ you'd better live real close to a real good hospital.
--Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
I abhor vivisection. It should at least be curbed. Better, it should be abolished. I know of no achievement through vivisection, no scientific discovery, that could not have been obtained without such barbarism and cruelty. The whole thing is evil.
--Charles Mayo (founder of the Mayo Clinic)
A Univ. of NC study linked hot dogs to childhood leukemia.
--Fox News Jan 15th Kathy Wolff
"People often say that humans have always eaten animals, as if this is a justification for continuing the practice. According to this logic, we should not try to prevent people from murdering other people, since this has also been done since the earliest of times. "
--Isaac Singer
He who harms animals has not understood or renounced deeds of sin ... Those whose minds are at peace and who are free from passions do not desire to live at the expense of others.
--Acharanga Sutra
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
--Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
If [man] is not to stifle his human feelings, he must practice kindness towards animals, for he who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.
--Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which if done to thee, would cause thee pain.
Cruelty to dumb animals is one of the distinguishing vices of low and base minds. Wherever it is found, it is a certain mark of ignorance and meanness; a mark which all the external advantages of wealth, splendour, and nobility, cannot obliterate. It is consistent neither with learning nor true civility.
--William Jones (1726-1800)
What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?
--Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832)
I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't...The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further.
--Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are called medical research.
--George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
If any kid ever realized what was involved in factory farming they would never touch meat again.I was so moved by the intelligence,sense of fun and personalities of the animals I worked with on Babe that by the end of the film I was a vegetarian.
--James Cromwell
I have reached zero tolerance for the cruelty against our animal brothers. If we are to nuture our culture, let’s begin with the animals who have been nothing but our beasts of burden for so long.
--Riki Rockett
If animal experimentation, animal dissection and any kind of animal exploitation all ended tomorrow, I don’t make a f-----’ dime!” I am for the animals, I couldn’t care less about your need to eat animals, wear them, shoot them or exploit them. Too bad if you consider it suffering to let all that self-centered and traditional %¤#&!§-stop you from having the will to help the animals..
--Riki Rockett
The medical argument for animal testing doesn’t stand up. Even if it did, I don’t think we should kill other species. We think we’re so much better; I’m not sure we are. I tell people, “We’ve beaten into submission every animal on the face of the Earth, so we are the clear winners of whatever battle is going on between the species. Couldn’t we be generous? I really do think it’s time to get nice. No need to keep beating up on them. I think we’ve got to show that we’re kind.
--Paul McCartney
some of that site from
You're thinking I'm one of those wise-*** California vegetarians who is going to tell you that eating a few strips of bacon is bad for your health. I'm not. I say its a free country and you should be able to kill yourself at any rate you choose, as long as your cold dead body is not blocking my driveway.
--Scott Adams(writter of Dilbert)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian. We feel better about ourselves and better about the animals, knowing we're not contributing to their pain.
--Paul and Linda McCartney
I grew up in cattle country-that's why I became a vegetarian. Meat stinks, for the animals, the environment, and your health.
--K.D. Lang
If you could see or feel the suffering you wouldn't think twice. Give back life. Don't eat meat.
--Kim Basinger
There were no Slaughterhouses in the Garden of Eden.
I haven't bought any leather articles for a very long time. My ideal is to be able to avoid all animal products, in food as well as clothing.
--Martina Navratilova
My respect and empathy towards animals includes sea dwellers too--from dolphins to fish to lobsters. So, of course, I wouldn't dream of eating them.
--Alexandra Paul
As custodians of the planet it is our responsibility to deal with all species with kindness, love and compassion. That these animals suffer through human cruelty is beyond understanding. Please help to stop this madness.
--Richard Gere
Animals are my friends-and I don't eat my friends.
--George Bernard Shaw
Compassion is the foundation of everything positive, everything good. If you carry the power of compassion to the marketplace and the dinner table, you can make your life really count.
--Rue McClanahan
We stopped eating meat many years ago. During the course of a Sunday lunch we happened to look out of the kitchen window at our young lambs playing happily in the fields. Glancing down at our plates, we suddenly realised we were eating the leg of an animal who had until recently been playing in a field herself. We looked at each other and said: "Wait a minute, we love these sheep-they're such gentle creatures. So why are we eating them?" It was the last time we ever did.
--Paul and Linda McCartney
How can you eat anything with eyes!
--Will Kellogg
"Prince Charming is very nice and very honest and very confident in who he is and funny and knows how to have a kick-*** fun time. Is willing to melt away so that nothing else exists in the world except himself and his princess and loves food and cats and every life form except human beings which is not necessary."
--Alicia Silverstone
"Animals are God's creatures, not human property, nor utilities, nor resources, nor commodities, but precious beings in God's sight. ...Christians whose eyes are fixed on the awfulness of crucifixion are in a special position to understand the awfulness of innocent suffering. The Cross of Christ is God's absolute identification with the weak, the powerless, and the vulnerable, but most of all with unprotected, undefended, innocent suffering."
--Rev. Andrew Linzey
"You ask people why they have deer heads on the wall. They always say, ‘Because it’s such a beautiful animal.’ There you go. I think my mother’s attractive, but I have photographs of her."
--Ellen DeGeneres
"Ever occur to you why some of us can be this much concerned with animals’ suffering? Because government is not. why not? Animals don’t vote.
--Paul Harvey
"Human beings are the only animals of which I am throughly and cravenly afraid."
--George Bernard Shaw
"Fur used to turn heads, now it turns stomachs."
--Rue McClanahan
"Killing an animal to make a coat is sin. It wasn't meant to be, and we have no right to do it. A woman gains status when she refuses to see anything killed to be put on her back. Then she's truly beautiful. "
--Doris Day
"Behind every beautiful fur, there is a story. It is a bloody, barbaric story. "
--Mary Tyler Moore
"There will be no justice as long as man will stand with a knife or with a gun and destroy those who are weaker than he is. "
--Isaac Bashevis Singer
"The person who kills for fun is announcing that, could he get away with it, he'd kill you for fun. may be of no consequence to anyone else but is invaluable to you because it's the only one you've got. Exactly the same is true of each individual deer, hare, rabbit, fox, fish, pheasant and butterfly. Humans should enjoy their own lives, not taking others'. "
--Brigid Brophy
"When I was 12, I went hunting with my father and we shot a bird. He was laying there and something struck me. Why do we call this fun to kill this creature [who] was as happy as I was when I woke up this morning. "
--Marv Levy (football head coach)
"We consume the carcasses of creatures of like appetites, passions and organs with our own, and fill the slaughterhouses daily with screams of pain and fear. "
--Robert Louis Stevenson
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed In the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I had bought two male chimps from a primate colony in Holland. They lived next to each other in separate cages for several months before I used one as a [heart] donor. When we put him to sleep in his cage in preparation for the operation, he chattered and cried incessantly. We attached no significance to this, but it must have made a great impression on his companion, for when we removed the body to the operating room, the other chimp wept bitterly and was inconsolable for days. The incident made a deep impression on me. I vowed never again to experiment with such sensitive creatures."
--Christian Barnard (surgeon)
"I despise and abhor the pleas on behalf of that infamous practice, vivisection... I would rather submit to the worst of deaths, so far as pain goes, than have a single dog or cat tortured to death on the pretense of sparing me a twinge or two. "
--Robert Browning (poet)
"Until we have the courage to recognize cruelty for what it is--whether its victim is human or animal--we cannot expect things to be much better in this world... We cannot have peace among men whose hearts delight in killing any living creature. By every act that glorifies or even tolerates such moronic delight in killing we set back the progress of humanity."
--Rachel Carson
"The real cure for our environmental problems is to understand that our job is to salvage Mother Nature...We are facing a formidable enemy in this field. It is the hunters...and to convince them to leave their guns on the wall is going to be very difficult. "
-- Jacques Cousteau (oceanographer)
"There can be no justification for causing suffering to animals simply to serve man's pleasure or simply to enhance man's lifestyle."
--The Dean of York
I've always been very bonded to animals -- more so than most people. (laughs) I don't think that they can defend themselves, so we have to help them.
--Jennie Garth
Men hunt I think maybe because they have something wrong with thier own equipment and they need something else to shoot.
--Pamela Lee Anderson
"When I was old enough to realize all meat was killed, I saw it as an irrational way of using our power, to take a weaker thing and mutilate it. It was like the way bullies would take control of younger kids in the schoolyard".
--River Phoniex
"Animals can’t really voice their opinion. We feel as though we can be on of the spokespeople on their behalf."
--River Phoniex
"I've always felt somewhat out of place with other kids my own age", said River. "I was constantly reminded by people's reaction to our names and our diet that we seemed weird to them.
--River Phoniex
"I think there will come a time, and this is down the road a great many years, when civilized people will look back in horror on our generation and the ones that have preceded it: the idea that we should eat other living things running around on four legs, that we should raise them just for the purpose of killing them! The people of the future will say, 'meat-eaters!' in disgust and regard us in the same way that we regard cannibals and cannibalism."
--Dennis Weaver
"Do we, as humans, having an ability to reason and to communicate abstract ideas verbally and in writing, and to form ethical and moral judgments using the accumulated knowledge of the ages, have the right to take the lives of other sentient organisms, particularly when we are not forced to do so by hunger or dietary need, but rather do so for the somewhat frivolous reason that we like the taste of meat? In essence, should we know better?"
--Peter Cheeke
"Animal factories are one more sign of the extent to which our technological capacities have advanced faster than our ethics."
--Peter Singer
"It is the fate of every truth to be an object of ridicule when it is first acclaimed. It was once considered foolish to suppose that black men were really human beings and ought to be treated as such. What was once foolish has now become a recognized truth. Today it is considered as exaggeration to proclaim constant respect for every form of life as being the serious demand of a rational ethic. But the time is coming when people will be amazed that the human race existed so long before it recognized that thoughtless injury to life is incompatible with real ethics. Ethics is in its unqualified form extended responsibility to everything that has life."
--Albert Schweitzer
"I don't understand why asking people to eat a well-balanced vegetarian diet is considered drastic, while it is medically conservative to cut people open and put them on cholesterol-lowering drugs for the rest of their lives."
--Dean Ornish, MD
"I don't eat chicken anymore. I won't eat it. I won't allow it in my house."
--Rodney Leonard -U.S. Poultry inspection
"Based on my experience in Los Angeles, my advice to the public is not to eat meat."
--Gregorio Natavidad-meat inspector
"The thinking man must oppose all cruel customs no matter how deeply rooted in tradition and surrounded by a halo. When we have a choice, we must avoid bringing torment and injury into the life of another, even the lowliest creature; to do so is to renounce our manhood and shoulder a guilt which nothing justifies."
--Albert Schweitzer
If you don't like my opinions leave.But just remember, the animals can’t leave the cages that hold them. They are captive and suffering. As you cozy into your bed tonight, try to imagine the pain and the suffering that they endure day after day and night after night. Next time you get some soap in your eyes, try to imagine that pain for 3 or 4 days at a time. Next time you have a stomach ache, try to imagine liquid plumber being poured down your throat till you puke so much blood that you bleed to death. Next time you bump your head, try to imagine being a monkey and getting a steel plate smashed into your skull at 50 miles per hour. Then, only then should you feel compelled to tell me that I’m wrong about my opinions. For all these things have happened in the name of science. They continue in abundance till this day.
--Ricki Rockett
"Therefore a person fully absorbed in the bodily concept of life is surely killing himself by not making spiritual progress. Such a person is called pasu-ghna. Especially excluded from spiritual life are the animal hunters, who are not interested in hearing and chanting the holy name of the Lord. Such hunters are always unhappy, both in this life and in the next. It is therefore said that a hunter should neither die nor live because for such persons both living and dying are troublesome.
--A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
"The closer you can live to being a vegetarian the better".
--Gary Player
It is only by softening and disguising dead flesh by culinary preparation, that it is rendered susceptible of mastication or digestion; and that the sight of its bloody juices and raw horror does not excite intolerable loathing and disgust.
--Percy Bysshe Shelley
I do not regard flesh-food as necessary for us at any stage and under any clime in which it is possible for human beings ordinarily to live. I hold flesh-food to be unsuited to our species. We err in copying the lower animal world - if we are superior to it.
--Mohandas Gandhi
Your choice of diet can influence your long term health prospects more than any other action you might take.
--Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop
Basically we should stop doing those things that are destructive to the environment, other creatures, and ourselves and figure out new ways of existing.
"You put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit. If it eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, I'll buy you a new car."
--Harvey Diamond
"I said in mine heart concerning the estate of the sons of men, that God might manifest them, and that they might see that they themselves are beasts. For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity."
Gambling, eating meat, wine-bibbing, adultery, hunting, thieving, debauchery - these seven things in this world lead to the hells."
--Sanskrit Shloka
The Utopians feel that slaughtering our fellow creatures gradually destroys the sense of compassion, which is the finest sentiment of which our human nature is capable.
--Thomas More
No humane being, past the thoughtless age of boyhood, will wantonly murder any creature which holds its life by the same tenure that he does.
--Henry David Thoreau
If he be really and seriously seeking to live a good life, the first thing from which he will abstain will always be the use of animal food, because ...its use is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an act which is contrary to the moral feeling -- killing.
--Leo Tolstoy
To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime.
--Romain Rolland
To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.
--Mohandas Gandhi
Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
--Matthew 5:7
I tremble for my species when I reflect that God is just.
--Thomas Jefferson
God gave our first parents the food He designed that the race should eat. It was contrary to His plan to have the life of any creature taken. There was to be no death in Eden. The fruit of the trees in the garden was the food man's wants required.
--Ellen White
Animals are becoming more diseased and it will not be long until animal food will be discarded by many besides Seventh-day Adventists. Foods that are healthful and life sustaining are to be prepared, so that men and women will not need to eat meat.
--Ellen White
"The thing that has been weighing on my mind this week is that I wanted to go and save all the little live lobsters in restaurants and throw them back in the ocean. Imagine me being arrested for that".
--Drew Barrymore
"The average age (longevity) of a meat eater is 63. I am on the verge of 85 and still work as hard as ever. I have lived quite long enough and am trying to die; but I simply cannot do it. A single beef-steak would finish me; but I cannot bring myself to swallow it. I am oppressed with a dread of living forever. That is the only disadvantage of vegetarianism."
--George Bernard Shaw
"When we kill animals to eat them they end up killing us because their flesh...was never intended for human beings, who are naturally herbivores."
--William C. Roberts, M.D
Most Americans don-t have any idea how well the Department of Agriculture protects the grower at the expense of the consumer. When a chemical is banned from use, a farmer or livestock operator who has the chemical in stock has a choice: either to lose money by disposing of the product, or to use it and take the risk of getting caught breaking the law. How severe is that risk? Well, if you use a banned product in your cattle feed, you have to face the prospect that the government is going to inspect one out of every 250,000 carcasses. They will test this carcass not for all banned substances, but just for a small fraction of them. And even if they detect some residue of a banned substance, and even if they-re able to trace the carcass to the ranch that produced it, the guilty rancher is likely at most to receive a stern letter with a strongly worded warning. I never met a rancher who suffered in any way from breaking any regulation meant to protect the safety of our meat. The whole procedure is, in short, a charade.
--Howard Lyman
Everything revolves around the fork.
--Howard Lyman
the environment is worth more than consumer goods and the g.n.p. freedom of speech is absolute and inviolate. guns are too dangerous for private ownership. sustainable & non-polluting energy sources make environmental and economic sense. research performed on animals is, by definition, scientifically unsound. cruelty is unacceptable. what you do with your own body is your choice. one individual violently imposing his or her will on another individual is wrong. you can't expect people to worry about the world when they can't feed themselves or their children. the hazards and risks of nuclear power make it unacceptable as an energy source. the use of animals for food is unhealthy, inefficient, & cruel. people need love & affection. tobacco use has killed & harmed more people than all human wars combined.
A good deed done to an animal is as meritorious as a good deed done to a human being, while an act of cruelty to an animal is a bad as an act of cruelty to a human being."
--Prophet Mohammed
"Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventure, and for hides and furs is a phenomena which is at once disgusting and distressing. There is no justification in indulging is such acts of brutality."
--The XLV Dalai Lama
"To be a vegetarian is to disagree---to disagree with the course of things today. Starvation,world hunger,cruelty,waste,wars---we must make a statement against these things.Vegetarianism is my statment. And I think it's a strong one."
--Isaac Bashevis Singer
The transition of world agriculture from food grain to feed grains represents an...evil whose consequences may be far greater and longer lasting than any past examples of violence inflicted by men against thier fellow human beings.
--Jeremy Rifkin
Vegetarians always ask about getting enough protein. But I don't know any nutrition expert (who) can plan a diet of natural foods resulting in a protein deficiency, so long as you're not deficient in calories. You need only 5 or 6 percent of total calories in protein... and it is pratically impossible to get below 9 percent in ordinary diets.
--Nathan Pritikin
Kids nowadays...tend to go overboard [on] protein --- something I believe to be totally unnecsssary...[I state in] my formula for basic good eating: Eat about one gram of protein for every two
pounds of body weight.
--Arnold Schwarzenegger
Excessive animal protein is at the core of many chronic diseases.
Yes, sometimes unusual things happen after a switch to a vegetarian diet. I've seen a number of cases in which the poor people broke out in violent attacks of good health,followed by bouts of physical exercise and sweet thoughts.
"The person who is afraid to alter his living habits,and especially his eating and drinking habits, because he is afraid that other persons may regard him as queer,eccentric,or fanatic forgets that the ownership of his body,the responsibility for its well-being,belongs to him, not them."
--Dr.Paul Brunton
The standard four food groups are based on American agricultural lobbies. Why do we have a milk group? Because we have a National Dairy Council. Why do we have a meat group? Because we have an extremely powerful meat lobby.
--Marion Nestle
If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero.
--Dr.Walter Willet
Vegetarians have the best diet. They have the lowest rates of coronary disease of any group in the country....Some people scoff at vegetarians, but they have a fraction of our heart attack rate and they have only 40 percent of our cancer rate. They outlive other men by about six years now.
--Dr.William Castelli,M.D.
Whether industralized societies...can cure themselves of thier meat addictions may ultimately be a greater factor in world health than all the docters,health insurance policies,and drugs put together.
--The China-Oxford-Cornell Project on Nutrition
I was raised on a dairy farm and ate plenty of meat and eggs until about twenty years ago. I started doing nutritional research, and a decade pr so after that my family made some major dietary changes. I'm just paying attention to what the data are telling me: The scientific evidence came first.
--T. Colin Campbell
There is strong medical evidence that complete freedom from eating animal flesh or cow's milk products is a gateway to optimal nutritional health.
Would you like to go to pasture with a chicken,cut him up, then drop him into a fresh manure pile, and eat him? That's what the project is like coming from chicken plants today.
--Chicken Inspector
It used to be if a bird had a severe contamination, you condemned the sucker. But nowadays my own supervising inspector says, "There can be no more bad birds on your tally. You've had to many."
--A seven year poultry inspector
The oath I took as an inspector said if I ever saw anything wrong I was supposted to report it. But today I can't report anything.Today, if you blow your whistle, you're in trouble with the inspection service. I feel the oath I took is violated every day I work.
--William Freeman a 25 yr Inspector
I would expect an extremely high percentage of the chickens would test positive. Our poultry industry clients wouldn't like that.
Shelton Pathogen Control
I'm ashamed to even let people know I am a Usda inspector. There are thousands of diseased and unwholesome birds going right on down the line.
--Poultry Inspector
I know hundreds of people who have spent years and thousands of dollars on tests looking for ulcers or spastic bowels. I tell them to lay off all dairy products for two weeks. The results are usually so striking that it changes thier lives.
--David Jacobs
An important fact to remember is that all natural diets, including purely vegetarian diets without a hint of dairy products, contain amounts of calcium that are above the treshold for meeting your nutritional needs....In fact,calcium deficiency caused by an insufficient amount if calcium in the diet is not known to occur in humans.
--John McDougall
There exists a substantial body of competent and reliable scientific evidence that eating eggs increases the risk of heart attacks or heart disease....This evidence is systematic,consistent,strong,and congruent.
--Judge Ernest G. Barnes
"Our food system takes abundant grain,which people can't afford,and shrinks it into meat,which better-off people will pay for."
--Frances Moore Lappe
When you see the golden arches you are probally on your way to the pearly gates.
--William Castelli,M.D.
The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone. But tragically, much of the world's food and land resources are tied up in producing beef and other livestock--food for the well off--while millions of children and adults suffer from malnutrition and starvation.
--Dr.Walden Bello
The American fast food diet and the meat eating habits of the wealthy around the world support a world food system that diverts food resources from the hungry.A diet higher in whole grains and legumes and lower in beef and other meat is not just healthier for ourselves but also contributes to changing the world system that feeds some people and leaves others hungry.
--Dr.Walden Bello
I don't have any understanding of a human being who doesn't respect the beauty of life and that goes for all creatures that have thoughts,feelings and needs.
--Alicia Silverstone
I know what it feels like to be hurt,and I don't want to cause that pain to any other person or creature. But somehow, in society, we numb ourselves in order to make money or to feel better about ourselves, such as with cosmetics or food. We say to ourselves," I'm going to use this animal. I'm going to say it doesn't have much worth so that I can allow myself to do these cruel things". And that just isn't fair.
--Alicia Silverstone
We always had dogs,so I understood all the joy and the love animals are capable of giving. It's crazy to me that some people have dogs in thier homes, but they treat them more like furniture.
--Alicia Silverstone
Not that I say,"Oh,I'm not going to associate with certain people.," but I have my world,and I only want to be around people who I feel stimulated by. I have to be honest I do have a new quest: I want to meet more vegetarians,people who are more like minded. There's something real neat about that feeling. It makes you feel so settled to know there's somebody else sitting right there,being so passionate about what i'm passionate about. I don't want to be around selfish people. I try to keep myself surrounded by deep people who will move me.
--Alicia Silverstone
“They’ve been trying to test on animals for the past 50 years. Nobody’s come up with a cure,” he says. “If you want to test on somebody, test on me.”
--Montell Williams
I'm a big health food freak and a vegetarian devotee.
--Chelsea Clinton
We don't live the lives of Eskimos. We don't need to kill animals for fashion.
--Charlize Theron
It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take thier life away for fashion.
--Carmen Electra
The 1950's American dream of owning a mink coat is as dead as the 60 mink killed to make that coat.
--Trish Donnally
I admit to having worn suede and leather pants myself for a while, but you just never feel clean, and it's degenerate, anyway, to wear animal skins.... So I went back to bluejeans after my degenerate period.
--Andy Warhol
The skin of a python is no less precious to the snake than fur is to the fox.
--Maneka Ghandhi
"Many years ago, I was in a Broadway show and I had to wear a fox fur around my shoulders. One day my hand touched one of the fox's legs. It seemed to be in two pieces. Then it dawned on me.... her leg had probally been snapped in two by the steel trap that had caught it."
--Bea Arthur
I have witnessed and tended to calves in rodeos who became paralyzed and whose tracheas were totally or partially severed. Slamming them to the ground has caused rupture of several internal organs leading to a slow and agonizing death.
--Dr. E.J. Finocchino
I quit eating red meat a long time ago. I'm a vegetarian, but not by a moral issue or any kind of stand. I still eat dairy. And I quit eating
Sugar about the same time I quit eating red meat, but I eat fruit.
--Dwight Yoakam
"I don't eat meat, fish, or eggs. I was never a big meat-eater, but I've got more energy now," says Shania, who hasn't eaten an animal since she married longtime vegetarian (and record producer) Mutt Lange.
--Shania Twain
The person I love would never wear fur. Fur just makes me think of shallow women who have no conscience. The fur industry belongs to a time when people were selfish beyond belief. If you were some ancient tribal cheiftain, and there was not a department store nearby 350 years ago, I'd understand. But now, we have synthetic fibers,and it's not necessary. The elitism of fur makes me wanna puke.
--Gavin Rossdale
On going vegetarian." I was sitting here eating my plate of chicken salad, and suddenly I looked down and saw all the meat on my plate and just wasn't hungry anymore. So i've decided I'm not going to eat meat.
--Shiri Appleby
I think there's something odd about eating another living anything.
--Shania Twain
Nothing’s changed my life more. I feel better about myself as a person, being conscious and responsible for my actions and I lost weight and my skin cleared up and I got bright eyes and I just became stronger and healthier and happier. Can’t think of anything better in the world to be but be vegan.”
--Alicia Silverstone
It does take a little work to be a vegetarian… but it’s so worth it, oh it’s so worth it!
--Tippi Hedren
There’s so many (vegetarian) foods now that are available at the market . The same with drive-throughs. Now, a lot of them serve veggie burgers just like the restaurants are doing. So, it’s really very easy.
--Kevin Nealon
Vegetarianism… that is me. I don’t eat meat. It’s been over 10 years. Actually it’s been 11 and a half years and I feel good and I feel like I look good and I have energy… and you have to look at what you’re putting in your body. I eat vegetables and I eat grain and I take care of myself and I don’t think I look that bad, do I?
--Tracy Bingham
I became a vegetarian in 1958 and it was very difficult in those days to really maintain that because there weren’t many options… alternatives. But, now, it’s a growing trend because… the economics are there. See, there’s simply enough people demanding it that it’s profitable to supply vegetarians with those products.
--Dennis Weaver
I have been a vegetarian for about 10 years. And it really was due to the reading that I did. And they explain so that you understand why it’s important for the planet’s survival along with compassion for animals. It certainly made it much easier for me. I lost weight really fast. My mother died from cancer so this is all very personal to me. And I just would like the planet to be a better place. And I think you’ll find a vegetarian diet to be really incredible these days…
--Linda Blair
I’ve been vegan for about 10 and a half years. It’s been all good. I’m obviously much healthier…
--Woody Harrelson
Vegetarian Quotes
"For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love."
Pythagoras, mathematician
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men."
Leonardo da Vinci, artist and scientist
"To a man whose mind is free there is something even more intolerable in the sufferings of animals than in the sufferings of man. For with the latter it is at least admitted that suffering is evil and that the man who causes it is a criminal. But thousands of animals are uselessly butchered every day without a shadow of remorse. If any man were to refer to it, he would be thought ridiculous. And that is the unpardonable crime."
Romain Rolland, author, Nobel Prize 1915
"If a group of beings from another planet were to land on Earth -- beings who considered themselves as superior to you as you feel yourself to be to other animals -- would you concede them the rights over you that you assume over other animals?"
George Bernard Shaw, playwright, Nobel Prize 1925
"What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
Jeremy Bentham, philosopher
"In their behavior toward creatures, all men are Nazis. Human beings see oppression vividly when they're the victims. Otherwise they victimize blindly and without a thought."
Isaac Bashevis Singer, author, Nobel Prize 1978
"Our task must be to free ourselves . . . by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty."
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances of survival for life on earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
Albert Einstein, physicist, Nobel Prize 1921
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being."
Abraham Lincoln, 16th U.S. President
"Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Jefferson, 3rd U.S. President
"You have just dined, and however scrupulously the slaughterhouse is concealed in the graceful distance of miles, there is complicity."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, essayist
"As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields."
"What I think about vivisection is that if people admit that they have the right to take or endanger the life of living beings for the benefit of many, there will be no limit to their cruelty."
Leo Tolstoy author
"I cannot fish without falling a little in self-respect...always when I have done I feel it would have been better if I had not fished."
Henry David Thoreau, author
"While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth?"
"Atrocities are not less atrocities when they occur in laboratories and are called medical research."
George Bernard Shaw
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
"To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being."
Mahatma Gandhi, statesman and philosopher
"I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't...The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further."
Mark Twain, author
"Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages."
Thomas Edison, inventor
the above dozen or so quotes edited by Urbana author:
I used to be a meat lover. And oh man, how I loved to eat meat! But when I stopped to think about what I was doing (I mean really think, i.e., to reflect deeply on the subject), the remorse was so big that I would get depressed. Luckily, being a vegetarian is much easier and much more fun than I first imagined :-) Urbana, july/2000.
The following quotes are from The Extended Circle by Jon Wynne-Tyson, who in turn quoted them from the Congress booklet:
Jayantilal N. Mankar :
It should be realised that vegetarianism is based on the sanctity of all life. It is not merely a question of filling one's stomach with this food or that. It is a question of humane instinct and humanising man to justify his more evolved position. Merely becoming a vegetarian, therefore, cannot achieve its basic objectives unless associated with love for life through animal welfare. It is the love-prompted compassion and not merely love for a vegetarian diet which can alleviate the soul and develop the true image of Man.
- The Vegetarian Way, 19th World Vegetarian Congress, 1967
Dr. Gordon Latto :
Apart from the value of the frugivorous diet to man himself, it also brings great benefit to our younger brothers, the sub-human creatures. When we lose our sense of pity and compassion for the creatures, we harden our hearts to them and also to our brother man.
The Vegetarian Way, 19th World Vegetarian Congress, 1967
His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet :
I do not see any reason why animals should be slaughtered to serve as human diet when there are so many substitutes. After all, man can live without meat. It is only some carnivorous animals that have to subsist on flesh. Killing animals for sport, for pleasure, for adventures, and for hides and furs is a phenomenon which is at once disgusting and distressing. There is no justification in indulging in such acts of brutality.
In our approach to life, be it pragmatic or otherwise, the ultimate truth that confronts us squarely and unmistakably is the desire for peace, security and happiness. Different forms of life in different aspects of existence make up the teeming denizens of this earth of ours. And, no matter whether they belong to the higher group as human beings or to the lower group, the animals, all beings primarily seek peace, comfort and security. Life is as dear to a mute creature as it is to a man. Just as one wants happiness and fears pain, just as one wants to live and not to die, so do other creatures.
- The Vegetarian Way, 19th World Vegetarian Congress 1967
U Nu (Thakin Nu), 1907-
World peace, or any other kind of peace, depends greatly on the attitude of the mind. Vegetarianism can bring about the right mental attitude for peace. In this world of lusts and hatreds, greed and anger, force and violence, vegetarianism holds forth a way of life, which if practised universally, can lead to a better, juster and more peaceful community of nations.
- The Vegetarian Way, 19th World Vegetarian Congress 1967
George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)
Writings and Quotes on Vegetariansim most from
On being asked why he was a vegetarian:
Oh, come! That boot is on the other leg. Why should you call me to account for eating decently? If I battened on the scorched corpses of animals, you might well ask me why I did that. - The Vegetarian, 15 January 1898
While we ourselves are the living graves of murdered beasts, how can we expect any ideal conditions on this earth? - unknown origin
Animals are my friends...and I don't eat my friends. - unknown origin
Think of the fierce energy concentrated in an acorn! You bury it in the ground and it explodes into a giant oak! Bury a sheep and nothing happens but decay. - unknown origin
A dinner!
How horrible!
I am to be made the pretext for killing all those wretched animals and birds, and fish! Thank you for nothing.
Now if it were to be a fast instead of a feast; say a solemn three days' abstention from corpses in my honour, I could at least pretend to believe that it was disinterested.
Blood sacrifices are not in my line.
- Letter 30 December 1929
THE YOUNG WOMAN: You know, to me this is a funny sort of lunch. You begin with the dessert. We begin with the entrees. I suppose it's all right: but I have eaten so much fruit and bread and stuff, that I don't feel I want any meat.
THE PRIEST: We shall not offer you any. We don't eat it.
THE YOUNG WOMAN: Then how do you keep up your strength?
THE PRIEST: It keeps itself up.
- The Simpleton of the Unexpected Isles, Prologue, Sc. III
"... It seems to me, looking at myself, that I am a remarkably superior person, when you compare me with other writers, journalists, and dramatists; and I am perfectly content to put this down to my abstinence from meat. That is the simple and modest ground on which we should base our non-meat diet. . . ."
I was told that my diet was so poor that I could not repair the bones that were broken and operated on. So I have just had an Xradiograph taken; and lo! perfectly mended solid bone so beautifully white that I have left instructions that, if I die, a glove stretcher is to be made of me and sent to you as a souvenir. - Letter to Mrs.Patrick Campbell
Archibald Henderson, author of a three-volume biography of Shaw, recorded an appropriate conversation with him in 1924, when Shaw was already sixty-eight; it appears in Table-Talks, a colection illustrating the outspoken and witty side of the prolific playwright:
Henderson: So be a good fellow and tell me how you succeeded in remaining so youthful.
Shaw: I don't. I look my age; and I am my age. It is the other people who look older than they are. What can you expect from people who eat corpses and drink spirits?
Henderson: Our time is running short. You will have to be off to speak on behalf of the Labor Party, or Vegetarianism, or Communism, or Fabianism, or what not. You are such an incorrigible publicist that I have not yet got round to literature, or to drama which is popularly supposed to be one of your chief interests.
A poem - attributed to Shaw, but disputed by some (see notes below):
Living Graves
We are the living graves of murdered beasts,
Slaughtered to satisfy our appetites.
We never pause to wonder at our feasts,
If animals, like men, can possibly have rights.
We pray on Sundays that we may have light,
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.
We're sick of war, we do not want to fight -
The thought of it now fills our hearts with dread,
And yet - we gorge ourselves upon the dead.
Like carrion crows we live and feed on meat,
Regardless of the suffering and the pain
we cause by doing so, if thus we treat
defenceless animals for sport or gain,
how can we hope in this world to attain,
the PEACE we say we are so anxious for.
We pray for it o'er hecatombs of slain,
to God, while outraging the moral law,
thus cruelty begets its offspring - WAR.
GBS to man not eating meat: Are you a vegetarian?
Answer: no, a meat inspector
GBS: Love animals don't eat them
RG, you have criticized poster for being out in left field
.. now when poster attempts to validate... you criticize again
you tell me to lighten up when it is you who are threatening
you have talked about the rennet in cheese from calves' stomachs
and that it bothers you..
this topic is causing resistance in you because you
are on the path.. God give us both grace today
chicken shit: what an EPA worker sank into up to her neck
at a factory farm.. her life saved by grabbing onto overhead pipes
chicken shit: whose ecoli and salmonella poison the streams of
America from factory farms
chicken shit: which gives the innocent captive crowded birds
histoplasmosis, cancer etc.
"Out of 135 criminals, including robbers and rapists, 118 admitted that when they were children they burned, hanged and stabbed domestic animals." -Ogonyok(1979) (Soviet anti-cruelty magazine)
"My refusing to eat flesh occasioned an inconveniency, and I was frequently chided for my singularity, but, with this lighter repast, I made the greater progress, for greater clearness of head and quicker comprehension" "Flesh eating is unprovoked murder." -Benjamin Franklin
"How can man be possessed of kindness who, to increase his own flesh, eats the flesh of other creatures. As those possess no property who do not take care of it, so those possess no kindness who feed on flesh." "Like the (murderous) mind of him who carries a weapon (in his hand),
the mind of him who feasts with pleasure on the body of another
(creature), has no regard for goodness."
"Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it.
Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. To harm the earth is to
heap contempt on its creator." -Red Indian Chief (1854)
"We pray on Sundays that we may have light/To guide our footsteps on
the path we tread;/We are sick of war, we don't want to fight,/And yet
we gorge ourselves upon the dead." -George Bernard Shaw
"Vegetarian food leaves a deep impression on our nature. If the whole
world adopts vegetarianism, it can change the destiny of humankind."
-Albert Einstein
"I do feel that spiritual progress does demand at some stage that we
should cease to kill our fellow creatures for the satisfaction of our
bodily wants." -Gandhi
"If man wants freedom why keep birds and animals in cages? Truly man
is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds them. We live by the
death of others. We are burial places! I have since an early age abjured
the use of meat." -Leonardo-da-Vinci
"Flesh eating is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an
act which is contrary to moral feeling: killing. By killing, man
suppresses in himself, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity,
that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures like himself and by
violating his own feelings becomes cruel." "As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields." -Leo Tolstoy
"I have no doubt that it is a part of the destiny of the human race, in its gradual improvement, to leave off eating animals." -Henry Thoreau:
"I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being" -Abraham Lincoln
(don't know the source for this.. but Lincoln wrote a poem
called "The Bear Hunt")
"In that day the wolf and the lamb will lie down together, and the leopard and goats will be at peace. Calves and fat cattle will be safe among lions, and the little child shall lead them all. The cows will graze among bears; cubs and calves will lie down together, and lions will eat grass like the cows. . . Nothing will hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain, for as the waters fill the sea, so shall the earth be full of the knowledge of the Lord." -Isaiah 11:6-10
"There will never be any peace in the world as long as we eat animals." -Isaac Bashevis Singer
"If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals." -Albert Einstein
"Not having known anything better does not alleviate the suffering of the animal. Its fundamental desires remain and it is the frustration of those desires that is a great part of its suffering. There are so many examples: the dairy cow who is never allowed to raise her young, the battery hen who can never walk or stretch her wings, the sow who can never build a nest or root for food in the forest litter, etc. Eventually we frustrate the animal's most fundamental desire of all - to live." -David Cowles-Hamar.
"In all the round world of utopia there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And in a population that is all educated and at about the same level of physical refinement, it is practically impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig. We never settled the hygienic aspect of meat-eating at all. This other aspect decided us. I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse." -H.G. Wells
"There is something so very dreadful, so satanic in tormenting those who have never harmed us, and who cannot defend themselves, who are utterly in our power, who have weapons neither of offence nor defense, that none but very hardened persons can endure the thought of it" -Cardinal Newman
"There will come a time...when civilized people will look back in horror on our generation and the ones that preceded it: the idea that we should eat other living things running around on four legs, that we should raise them just for the purpose of killing them! The people of the future will say "meat-eaters!" in disgust and regard us in the same way we regard cannibals and cannibalism"
-Dennis Weaver (actor)
"Awareness is bad for the meat business. Conscience is bad for the meat business. Sensitivity to life is bad for the meat business. DENIAL, however, the meat business finds indispensable."
-John Robbins, Diet for a New America
"When a man has pity on all living creatures then only is he noble." -Buddha (563? - 483? B.C.)
"Cruelty to animals is as if humans did not love God."
-Cardinal John Henry Newman
"...many vivisectors still claim that what they do helps save human lives. They are Iying. The truth is that animal experiments kill people, and animal researchers are responsible for the deaths of thousands of men, women and children every year."
-Dr. Vernon Coleman, Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, UK.
"We stopped eating meat many years ago. During the course of a Sunday lunch we happened to look out of the kitchen window at our young lambs playing happily in the fields. Glancing down at our plates, we suddenly realized that we were eating the leg of an animal who had until recently been playing in a field herself. We looked at each other and said, "Wait a minute, we love these sheep--they're such gentle creatures. So why are we eating them?" It was the last time we ever did."
-Linda and Paul McCartney (musicians)
To be non-violent to human beings and to be a killer or enemy of poor
animals is Satan's philosophy. In this age there is always enmity
against animals, and therefore the poor creatures are always anxious.
The reaction of the poor animals is being forced on human society, and
therefore there is always the strain of cold or hot war between men,
individually, collectively or nationally...
"The earth affords a lavish supply of riches, of innocent foods, and
offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beasts
satisfy their hunger with flesh, and not even all of those, because
horses, cattle, and sheep live on grass. As long as men massacre
animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of
murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.
*To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body." -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
"Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace."
-Albert Schweitzer
"I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence." Mahatma Gandhi
"Animals are my friends...and I don't eat my friends." -George Bernard Shaw
"The human body has no more need for cows- milk than it does for dogs- milk, horses- milk, or giraffes- milk." -Michael Klaper, MD, author of Vegan Nutrition: Pure & Simple
"In every respect, vegans appear to enjoy equal or better health in comparison to both vegetarians and non-vegetarians." -T. Colin Campbell, PhD Professor of Nutrition, Cornell University (letter dated 3/29/98)
"If you step back and look at the data, the optimum amount of red meat you eat should be zero."
-Walter Willett, M.D., of Brigham and Women's Hospital, director of a study that found a close correlation between red meat consumption and colon cancer.
"When we kill the animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings." -William C. Roberts, M.D., editor of The American Journal of Cardiology
"The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of `real food for real people,' you'd better live real close to a real good hospital." -Neal D. Barnard, M.D., President, Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Washington, D.C
O Anna Niemus:
The tomb of the unknown not as often
the stomachs of pig killers as the bellies of pig eaters.
Veganism acknowledges the intrinsic legitimacy of all life. It recognizes no hierarchy of acceptable suffering among sentient creatures. It is no more acceptable to kill creatures with primitive nervous systems than those with highly developed nervous systems. The value of life to its possessor is the same, whether it be the life of the clam, a crayfish, a carp, a cow, a chicken, or child." —Stanley Sapon
"My single greatest challenge is to remain centered and loving in an overwhelmingly non vegan world. In today's world, cruelty and exploitation of other beings—human and nonhuman alike—are accepted, practiced, and profited from by most every institution of society—from commerce and science to education and entertainment. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Homo sapiens are either unaware of the cruelty or accept it as unavoidable and even normal." —Michael Klaper
"To the greatest extent possible, I try to make choices that involve the least amount of cruelty and environmental damage. I'm interested in sustainable agriculture, environmental issues, human rights, and my interconnectedness in the web of life. It is a great pleasure for me to find products and practices that have a positive effect on living beings and the environment, rather than a negative one." —Vesanto Melina
Wayne Dyer: Can you see beauty in a cockroach?
Jonah survived...
...because the whale was vegetarian?
Kim Bartlett and Merritt Clifton of Animal People: We believe that the Golden Rule applies to animals, too. We don't accept the prevailing notion that "people come first'" or that "people are more important than animals." Animals feel pain and suffer just as we do, and it is almost always humans making animals suffer and not the other way around. Yet in spite of how cruelly people behave towards animals -- not to mention human cruelty to other humans -- we are supposed to believe that humans are superior to other animals. If people want to fancy themselves as being of greater moral worth than the other lifeforms on this earth, we should begin behaving better than they do, and not worse. Let's start treating everyone as we would like to be treated ourselves.
All the tired horses in the sun
Howm I supposed to get any ridin done? Hmm.
-Bob Dylan-
There is a calf
within California .. and
many calves drowned in Chino mud."
"we fork ourselves to death with the tines with which we
spear the muscles of innocent animals."
-Niemus, O Anna
"The Bush Administration has, once again, thumbed its nose at the environment, the American people, and the court system. The National Park Service will stop at no lengths to allow more noisy, polluting machines into our first and foremost national park, bringing more harm to wild animals.
re snowmobile violations in Yellowstone."
-Markarian, Michael
"Rude is a happy horse."
-Black, Ruth Ingham
"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
-Franklin, Benjamin
"Meat is pornography.
Constantina Salamone in 1970 and Carol Adams and
others have written on ecofeminism."
"Growing hundreds of millions
in a worldwide coalition
think that violence
to hunting,
football, and war
has a correlation."
-Niemus, O Anna
"Kentucky Fried Chicken.. KFC... Keep Fooling Customers."
-Leno, Jay
"To probe deeply into carrion without becoming overly messy, the head and neck of vultures are unfeathered-like the bare arms of a butcher."
"You don't lose your temper and throw the cat out the door.
You don't lose your temper and throw a dish at the dog and make him thing he's going to die."
-Angley, Ernest
"Being vegan helped me realize I can say and do what I believe is right. That's powerful."
-Silverstone, Alicia
"I love to cook.. but nothing that had to die."
-Twain, Shania
"People get offended by animal rights campaigns. It’s ludicrous. It’s not as bad as mass animal death in a factory."
-Gere, Richard
"You need to hunt something that can shoot back at you to really classify yourself as a hunter. You need to understand the feeling of what it’s like to go into the field and know your opposition can take you out. Not just go out there and shoot Bambi.
--Former Governor Jesse Ventura of Minnesota-."
"Once I was fishing and caught the hook in the fish's eye. That was the last time I ate a killed creature ."
-Yager, Jan
"people who are willing to kill animals just to satisfy their greed for meat are
really, killing themselves by their cruelty . . . that is God at work"
-Wiorkowski, Fleur
A wild-bear chace, didst never see?
Then hast thou lived in vain.
Thy richest bump of glorious glee,
Lies desert in thy brain.
When first my father settled here,
'Twas then the frontier line:
The panther's scream, filled night with fear
And bears preyed on the swine.
But wo for Bruin's short lived fun,
When rose the squealing cry;
Now man and horse, with dog and gun,
For vengeance, at him fly.
A sound of danger strikes his ear;
He gives the breeze a snuff;
Away he bounds, with little fear,
And seeks the tangled rough.
On press his foes, and reach the ground,
Where's left his half munched meal;
The dogs, in circles, scent around,
And find his fresh made trail.
With instant cry, away they dash,
And men as fast pursue;
O'er logs they leap, through water splash,
And shout the brisk halloo.
Now to elude the eager pack,
Bear shuns the open ground;
Th[r]ough matted vines, he shapes his track
And runs it, round and round.
The tall fleet cur, with deep-mouthed voice,
Now speeds him, as the wind;
While half-grown pup, and short-legged fice,
Are yelping far behind.
And fresh recruits are dropping in
To join the merry corps:
With yelp and yell,--a mingled din--
The woods are in a roar.
And round, and round the chace now goes,
The world's alive with fun;
Nick Carter's horse, his rider throws,
And more, Hill drops his gun.
Now sorely pressed, bear glances back,
And lolls his tired tongue;
When as, to force him from his track,
An ambush on him sprung.
Across the glade he sweeps for flight,
And fully is in view.
The dogs, new-fired, by the sight,
Their cry, and speed, renew.
The foremost ones, now reach his rear,
He turns, they dash away;
And circling now, the wrathful bear,
They have him full at bay.
At top of speed, the horse-men come,
All screaming in a row,
Whoop! Take him Tiger. Seize him Drum.
Bang,--bang--the rifles go.
And furious now, the dogs he tears,
And crushes in his ire,
Wheels right and left, and upward rears,
With eyes of burning fire.
But leaden death is at his heart,
Vain all the strength he plies.
And, spouting blood from every part,
He reels, and sinks, and dies.
And now a dinsome clamor rose,
'Bout who should have his skin;
Who first draws blood, each hunter knows,
This prize must always win.
But who did this, and how to trace
What's true from what's a lie,
Like lawyers, in a murder case
They stoutly argufy.
Aforesaid fice, of blustering mood,
Behind, and quite forgot,
Just now emerging from the wood,
Arrives upon the spot.
With grinning teeth, and up-turned hair--
Brim full of spunk and wrath,
He growls, and seizes on dead bear,
And shakes for life and death.
And swells as if his skin would tear,
And growls and shakes again;
And swears, as plain as dog can swear,
That he has won the skin.
Conceited whelp! we laugh at thee--
Nor mind, that now a few
Of pompous, two-legged dogs there be,
Conceited quite as you.
-Abraham Lincoln-
"Unseen they suffer
Unheard they cry
In agony they linger
In loneliness they die *"
"Adam's apple may have been the heart of the first animal
-Lengwin, Father Ron
"Jonah survived because the whale was vegetarian?"
Animals are human just like us in a different shape and form so do not abuse them.
the desire for hamburgers is an addiction.. stronger than
that of caffein.. the trioxypurine (3 oxypurines) of uric
acid, pre urine, in animal muscle cells is stronger
than the dioxypurine in caffein..
i reacted for 6 months to this kind of information
with rebellion..
John Sokol: Dogbane reminds me of when I was ten, when I would break dogbane stems to watch milk-juice....
I do not break the dogbane's limbs anymore
It has been my habit since 1994 to practice a vegetarian diet. It is not necessary for me to take life to sustain my own. I believe that all life is sacred from the house fly to the human. God is the Creator of all Life. In the beginning God created all life vegetarian, both human and animal. It was not until after the flood that living beings began to eat meat. I do not preach that it is sin to eat flesh but I will say in this day and age it is unwise. God's original design was a vegetarian diet until sin entered the world and death by sin. I choose to honor God's original design with my diet. I do not have the ability to eat animals. I cannot do this in good conscience. I have offered my diet to God as a perpetual fast. I have chosen to honor His original diet and to reverence the life He created. In order to eat an animal she must first be dead. It is not wise to devour death.
-Brother James Marcus-
Peter Falk: I could not chop down a tree if my life depended on it.
(in a movie directed by Andy Wolk)
Jack Palance: in his poetry book: ... "give me trees, many many trees"
Matthew 10: 29
Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.
10:30 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
I’m a proud NOT fast food industry user. I eat my lunch mostly in Italian or Greek restaurants.
Opforsoldier: I don't like KFC either, or any fast food for that matter. But I also work from home so I have time to prepare a good meal as well I enjoy a daily trip to the grocer to pick out fresh ingredients. Sadly many around the world no longer do that, they just hit the drive through
\as the dark sky foils and magnifies the radiant stars
so do the words of drizzay magnify the eternal
words of Jesus, Buddha, Tolstoy,
Gandhi, and other vegetarians
Revelation 9:
1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.
2 And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree;
Break not the bruised reed
Jay Leno: Dick Cheney is currently out in South Dakota on a three-day hunting trip. What better place for a man who has had four heart attacks than to be carrying a big gun and a backpack through the snow looking for red meat. (May Leno give equal time to Democrats, Greens Libertarians and Socialists)
(later in December Cheney killed 81 birds in Pennsylvania
and in Jan (the 5th) at an oil exec's in Louisiana with Scalia)
Tom Erickson: Are you bloated from the salt and sodium in the
ham you ate yesterday?
Charlie Vike: seal pups, sadly, don't have opposable thumbs and can't use weapons. Moreover, they seem fairly secular and probably can't be driven to kill folks by relgious fervor.
to produce some tons of grain, hundreds of rabbit, ants and mice holes are ripped apart ...babiies rabbitts little sweet mices and myriads of baby ants are slain.. it's plain useless butchery....
Laura Bush:
All of the groundnesters are disturbed by cattle (not an endorsement of the
fraudulent 2000 and 2004 elections and their outcome)
Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple: I disapprove of blood sports
Maggie Fuller:
If we had to whack
the bird and take off
the feathers.. we might
not want to eat him
Chris Hedges, war reporter: author of WAR IS A FORCE THAT
1 After Sarajevo, I could not eat meat for 3 years
2 Jesus was a pacifist
3 the fusion of civil and religious symbols is called idolatry
4 this creates a civil religion
(one questioner of his panel.. said 150,000 to 200,000
Viet Vets have committed suicide)
another questioner: If Jesus was a pacifist why are
Christians so violent
some recommend a general strike
Ezekiel 36:
25 Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you.
26 A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you a heart of flesh.
27 And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.
Rabindranath Tagore, Nobel poet:
"We manage to swallow flesh, only because we do not think of the cruel and sinful thing we do. There are many crimes which are the creation of man himself, the wrongfullness of which is put down to their divergence from habit, custom, or tradition. But cruelty is not of these. It is a fundamental sin, and admits of no arguments or nice distinctions. If only we do not allow our heart to grow callous it protests against cruelty, is always clearly heard; and yet we go on perpetrating cruelties easily, merrily, all of us ? in fact, any one who does not join in is dubbed a crank. ...If, after our pity is aroused, we persist in throttling our feelings simply in order to join others in preying upon life, we insult all that is good in us. I have decided to try a vegetarian diet."
(this quote was supplied by Jay Dinshah, founder of the
vegan movement in the USA)
If slaughterhouses had windows most
would be vegetarian
If war had windows (reporters not doing their job)
you'd be a pacifist
Babu: Eventually I would like to eat fruit, nuts, and seeds
Ugandan singer on NPR: Everyone in Ithaca is a vegetarian
JR, a former marine: Pleasure hunters are looking in their gun for a phallus they
think they lack.They get off on seeing terrified animals quiver
in their gun sights
Roy Rogers' song to his horse Trigger:
oh a 4 footed friend a four footed friend
will never let you down
(like many, Roy preferred horses to cows.. and subsequently opened a hamburger chain which went bust)
Boudreaux is approached by his friends.. who said
bad news, good news
We've just found your wife.. she's dead in the bayou
what's the good news?
there are a dozen crabs on another hour they'll
be ready to catch
-passed on to tv audience by James Carville-
(who also told a joke about his own funeral)
I eat nothing but nuts, seeds, fresh and dried fruit, raw veggies, all organic of course, and lots of purified water...
put a calf's head
in the pot
.. boil it
until the tongue peels
-colonial American recipe-
The torture lab at UC Berkeley, target of repeated protests and liberation actions, was literally forced underground.
But many walking across the campus grass have no idea what's below.
a vegetarian
with legs crossed in zazen
the roasting chicken
author unknown to poster
.. quoted by Jane Reichhold
Most of those who eat the cadavers (corpses, dead bodies, rotting
flesh, putrefactive muscles) of animals and fishes
value the exterior appearance of cleanliness..more than
actual purity.. this is what Jesus meant in calling in Aramaic
by the word translated into Greek as flesheaters
(sarcophagi.. whited sepulchres.. literally sarx flesh.. phagi eaters)
Pittsburgh player was questioned by sheriff's officers after hitting one of the Milwaukee Brewers' sausage mascots with his bat during a game.
(for the victim he was the karmic instrument for
promoting animal murder)
I would really like to know about non-violent paper. I have never been
attacked by paper in my life. Well, aside from paper cuts.
(most paper has violence in production.. even cotton and rice
paper.. but it is possible to make nonviolent paper)
Robert Burns
-Robert Burns-
On turning her up in her nest, with the plough,
November, 1785
Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim'rous beastie,
O, what panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee,
Wi' murd'ring pattle!
I'm truly sorry Man's dominion
Has broken Nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion,
Which makes thee startle,
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion,
An' fellow-mortal!
I doubt na, whyles, but thou may thieve;
What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen-icker in a thrave 'S a sma' request:
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave,
An' never miss't!
Thy wee-bit housie, too, in ruin!
It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane,
O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin,
Baith snell an' keen!
Thou saw the fields laid bare an' wast,
An' weary Winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast,
Thou thought to dwell,
Till crash! the cruel coulter past
Out thro' thy cell.
That wee-bit heap o' leaves an' stibble,
Has cost thee monie a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble,
But house or hald.
To thole the Winter's sleety dribble,
An' cranreuch cauld!
But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane,
In proving foresight may be vain:
The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men,
Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain,
For promis'd joy!
Still, thou art blest, compar'd wi' me!
The present only toucheth thee:
But Och! I backward cast my e'e,
On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see,
I guess an' fear!
myself if i eat at mc donalds i spend extra time on the toilet and want to sleep the rest of the day
they eat cheese that smells like people's feet. P. J. O'Rourke
to treat cattle like dogs would be a step up
for the cows
-Alan Long- paraphrased
Jay Leno: Dick Cheney is currently out in South Dakota on a three-day hunting trip. What better place for a man who has had four heart attacks than to be carrying a big gun and a backpack through the snow looking for red meat.
(later in December Cheney killed 81 birds in Pennsylvania
and in Jan (the 5th) at an oil exec's in Louisiana with Scalia)
Jay Leno: John Kerry has 3 purple hearts. Dick Cheney
has 1 too.. from Deep Dish Pizza
Jay Leno: Guess what's in hot dogs? pig uteri
Plant Consciousness
EKB: Is it a violation of
flower privacy
to sniff the blooms?
Sai Baba: Why pluck a flower and hasten her death?
George Bernard Shaw: I love little children too but I don't
cut off their heads and stick them in vases.
5th Angel of Revelation:
Harm no green being
Isaiah: Break not the bruised reed.
Chandra Bose: The crescograph proves plant consciousness.
Pollie Silabyck:
In the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, bees were crushed
in the filming of the beecharmer scene
Leonardo Da Vinci: Honey is theft from bees. I do not eat it.
Regina Brett: WCPN:
2 recent studies have shown Atkins does not after
a year's time result in weight loss
(Cedar Point has barred 240 lb or more people
from certain rides)
In nature predators kill the sick and the weak, thus leaving the strong to breed. Human hunters kill the best and the strongest, and often just for trophies, leaving the weak to breed.
What do cows call someone who works
at Arby's?
An arbi-traitor
How can Madrid improve her karma?
Avoid a bull
Spanish embassy
To avoid causing terror to living beings, let the Disciple refrain from eating meat - Lankavatara
The food of the wise is that which is consumed by the Sadlius (Yogis); it does not consist of meat - Lankavatara
There may be some foolish people in the future who will say that I permitted meat~eating and that I partook of meat myself, but... meat-eating I have not permitted to anyone, I do not permit, I will not permit - Lankavatara
Meat-eating in any form, in any manner, and in any place, is unconditionally and once and for all prohibited for all. - Lankavatara
If it is true that Buddha accepted meat in his offerings (and the point may still be debated), it stands to reason that he would have preferred otherwise. And it seems rather certain that if he had a choice for himself and his followers, he would have advocated a vegetarian lifestyle. Further references attributed to the Buddha reinforce this notion:
The reason for practicing dhyana (concentration of mind and seeking to attain Samadhi -- equilibrium; tranquility; heightened and expanded awareness) is to escape from the suffering of life, but in seeking to escape from suffering ourselves why should we inflict it upon others? Unless you can so control your minds that even the thought of brutal unkindness and killing is abhorrent, you will never be able to escape from the bondage of the world's life. - Surangama
After my Parinirvana [complete extinction] in the last kalpa [the time between the start of a world cycle and its extinction] different kinds of ghosts will be encountered everywhere deceiving people and teaching them that they can eat meat and still attain enlightenment. - Surangama
How can a bhikshu, who hopes to become a deliverer of others, himself be living on the flesh of other sentient beings? - Surangama
Let him not destroy, or cause to be destroyed, any life at all, nor sanction the acts of those who do so. Let him refrain from even hurting any creature, both those that are strong and those that tremble in the world. - Sutta-Nipata
Because he has pity on every living creature, therefore is a man called 'holy'. - Dhammapada
One act of pure love in saving life is greater than spending the whole of one's time in religious offerings to the gods - Dhammapada
He who, seeking his own happiness, punishes or kills beings who also long for happiness, will not find happiness after death. - Dhammapada
The eating of rneat extinguishes the seed of great compassion. - Mahaparinirvana
Asoka, the great Indian emporer, who is said to be initially responsible for the spread of Buddhism in Asia, prohibited the killing of animals.
I have enforced the law against killing certain animals and many others, but the greatest progress of righteousness among men comes from the exhortation in favor of non-injury to life and abstention from killing living beings. - Asoka's Edicts
The Dalai Lama has not been silent on this issue. He has expressed his opinion favoring vegetarianism and the humane treatment of animals on more than one occasion. Here are just a few of his comments:
"Vegetarianism is very admirable. In the case of those living in Tibet in the past, because of the climatic conditions and the scarcity of green vegetables, it is perhaps understandable that people generally adopted a non-vegetarian diet. Now, however, particularly in countries where there is an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is far better to reduce our consumption of non-vegetarian food as much as possible."
The World of Tibetan Buddhism, page 111.
""I think that from a Buddhist point of view it is very important to be vegetarian. I always say that even if on an individual level one does not always manage to stick to a vegetarian diet, when large numbers meet for a party, a conference, or any other gathering, it is indispensable that the group avoids eating meat. As for myself, I have tried my best to introduce vegetarianism to Tibetan society."
Beyond Dogma, pg. 28.
For those people who can practice strict vegetarianism, that is best. I was deeply impressed the other day when I heard on the BBC radio that the number of vegetarians in this country (Great Britain) is growing. This is good news."
The Meaning of Life from a Buddhist Perspective, page 72-73.
"The suffering of animals is immediately apparent, for example, in goats and lambs slaughtered by the butcher, unable to save their own lives. Animals are harmless, they are totally powerless, possessing nothing but the bit of water and food we give them. They are so simple, so stupid, ignorant, and defenseless, that men really have no right to hunt and kill them for food. Cows, horses, mules and other animals have a dismal life and a dismal fate."
Essential Teachings, page 43.
According to Buddhism the life of all beings--human, animal or otherwise--is precious, and all have the same right to happiness. For this reason, I find it disgraceful that animals are used without being shown the slightest compassion, and that they are used for scientific experiments. ...I have also noticed that those who lack any compassion for animals and who do not hesitate to kill them are also those who, sooner or later, show a lack of compassion toward human beings. Inversely, the more compassion we have toward animals, the more we regard their lives as precious, then the more respect we have for human life.
Beyond Dogma, pg. 28.
Although from a spiritual point of view, we can say that human beings are the most precious of all living beings, seen from other angles we are the most destructive species our planet has known. Not only do we create pain for other species-- the millions of fish, chickens, cows and others we consider to be our righful food -- but we use our intelligence even to plan the total destruction of the planet on which we live!
The Dalai Lama on Money, Politics, and Life As It Could Be, pages 29-30.
If you adopt questionable methods to become richer, such as selling arms or building poultry farms, then your livelihood becomes a source of negative energy and karma. By investing your money in the poultry industry, for example, you may become richer but at the expense of other beings' lives
The Dalai Lama on Money, Politics, and Life As It Could Be, page 15.
"While so much ill-treatment of animals goes on, while the moans of thirsty animals in railway trucks sound unheard, while so much brutality prevails in our slaughterhouses . . . we all bear guilt."
- Dr. Albert Schweitzer
Atossa's signature:
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have
for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!"
Benjamin Franklin
Michael M:
Roundup is a nerve agent operating on the environment
like Agent Orange
(boycott Monsanto products which are deforming frogs
and poisoning people around the world as the corporation seeks to control the world’s seeds)
Peter Singer, author of Animal Liberation:
It is likely that Al Qaeda and Iran are happy with the
removal of the secular Saddam
Bill Kinzie about an animal being abused:
Why can't they just leave her alone?
Governor Mike Huckabee:
My dog is the only person who will get up with me at 4:30
am to run
(God cause Huckabee to stop promoting disease causing
animal suffering causing meat in his talks.. and help
him to leave the plutocrat party)
Governor Lamm of Colorado (fired his chef for telling the public Lamm was vegetarian NP
The quotes of Jesus, Gandhi, Susan B Anthony, Aviva Cantor, Isaiah, C Salamone, and many others on nonviolent food.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Terry McGovern, deceased daughter of Senator George and Eleanor McGovern, subject of the book Terry by her father: I go out of my way to avoid stepping on ants.
Actress Rhonda Fleming (Christian) "I cannot kill an ant."
Actor James Coburn: (Buddhist) I do not kill flies.
Vedas: Jada Bharat was drafted to carry with others the
palanquin of the king. He stepped to avoid ants in such
a way that his actions were erratic and he was released from
compulosry duty.
Peter Burwash, professional tennis player and vegetarian
saw a column of ants come onto the court and crawl toward
the net. He lost the match because he would not harm them.
Father Ron Lengwin, KDKA host:
Adam's apple may have been the heart of the first animal
Warsaw ghetto oncentration camp survivor Alex Hershaft: The last thing
my father told me before he was taken away to be killed was not to harm the cockroaches who ran along the walls of
our holding area.
JR: At the base of the eyelash
is an invisible mite.
Ask not what your mite can do for you
but what you can do for your mite.
And always remember
mite makes right.
"Even kings and emperors of great wealth and vast dominion cannot
compare with an ant filled with the love of God."
-Guru Nanak-
When one grows up in Manhattan where apartment buildings are constantly involved in extermination of cockroaches one realizes) they are always waiting in the wings.
J Freundschuh:
Johnny Appleseed Chapman biographer
James Howard Kuntsler:
If a hornet flew into his raggedy pants, why Johnny (Appleweed) just figured the poor thing was scared to find himself lost in such a deep dark cave, and he endured his stings until he departed. If he was fixing to sleep in the woods on a fall night, Johnny would rather lie in the cold than build a fire that might kill any of the season's last lingering mosquitoes. As for the great beasts of the forest, the bears and wolves, they must have sensed that there was something different about Johnny, 'cause they always were friendly and obliging. The bears would rub their backs against him like he was their favorite back-scratching tree and the wolves liked to lick his head.
C Wilson: I was nursing my baby daughter.. a mosquito
landed on my arm.. I decided to let him nurse too
Yogananda: (paraphrased): I slept covered in mosquito
netting. My master in the next bed had no netting at
all. I awoke with many bites, he with none. When I
asked him why, he replied I had mosquito consciousness.
Chemical companies have billions of dollars in contracts to kill mosquitoes
using insecticide sprays which poison all the waters of the world. They act
with the CDC and the WHO in
promotion of the West Nile Virus
scam. Politicians are invested in
huge corporations, e.g. Donald Rumsfeld who has the American
distribution rights to the toxic Tamiflu
'vaccine' of Roche.
Nonvegetarians are more bothered by mosquitoes because of the odor of their blood.
Brother James Marcus: The sweet
rain has stilled the voice of the winged
Cessation of mowing is one way to protect insects
Joan Beth Clair, founder of Ministries For Animals: