it is the little black ones, i think they are called sugar ants.
when i moved here, there were like 3 places ants came in at, the kitchen cupboards, the bathroom, and in a closet. All are adjoined to neighbor's walls.
now, there are a ton of places, like 20 or so. it gets worse every year. i will have them coming in in several locations at once. they totally ruined my water cooler because they got in it and committed suicide, stinking up the water so bad that it cannot be drank even after it was cleaned many times with lemon and bleach and anything i could think of.
here is what i have tried:
the houses/hotels: they hate them and won't go in. they know something is up.
ant gel, both the kind with arsenic and the kind that starves them to death: it gets to them after a few days and i don't see them for a while, in that location, anyway.
when i first began killing them with the gels (and i trade off b/t the two), i would get them maybe twice a year. now, every week or two for months, they are out. but, lately, there are so many places they come in at, that i am battling at least one or more locations all the time for months. it doesn't matter how spotless i keep the place. i use bleach on the counters to try and discourage them and all it does is make me cough; they seem to like it. in fact, they like my bathroom better than the kitchen and there is nothing to eat in there. i asked the neighbors (one of them) if they get them (i am in a condo surrounded by neighbors on three sides) and they said if they do, all they do is sprinkle a little borax and they are gone. that was 5 yrs ago i asked, have not asked recently. i have never tried the borax, but one reason is i didn't want white stuff all over. the gel is bad enough, it is all over my condo and looks disgusting. i takes the paint off the walls! i have to use hot water to remove it all every so often.
this is my life: several times a month for months on end, i am battling ants. they even go into my little one cup coffee maker and i have to check it thoroughly every day before making coffee.
i am totally disgusted and exhausted over this.
if anyone can help me, i would be greatly appreciative, and i will buy you dinner.
i asked my mom one time and she said oh, we just bought grants kills ants, the little houses and they went away and we don't have them anymore. my mom's house has food everywhere for them to munch, mine doesn't. what is wrong with this picture? what the heck explains this?! will i ever have a life without ants?
wow! well, i wish i could do all that, but i cannot because i live in a condo. i have only one side that faces the outdoors and they don't come in there. they are all coming from the other 3 walls, my neighbors (well, they do have one by that wall, but the other millions are all coming from walls that adjoin the neighbors. i thought these things don't eat wood? i know they tunnel, but i thought it was just to get to the food. that off sounds good, didn't think of that. so, i gather i am doomed since i cannot do all that spraying. at condos there is an association and they don't allow anything. if i had a pink flamingo, i'd be kicked out. i do swipe the ants and flush them, every day, all day. i do not think i have ever hated something so much in my life. i guess i am doomed to a life of being attacked by ants. one time when i first got here, they climbed on my bed and starting biting me. i woke up at found them. they are sick little creatures.
i am off to wallyworld to buy massive amounts of silicone. the ants have taken over my entire kitchen. i am going to attempt to barracade myself. wish me luck. can you buy MALATHION at wallyworld? i remember when i was a kid, twice a yr i would spray my room for spiders. the stuff was so poisonous, i bet you can't even buy it anymore. never a spider lived in my room. the crazy things we children of the 70s did. it reminds me of a Roseanne episode where darlene is smoking and mom and dad are coming, so she puts it in the trash and becky sprays the room heavily with insecticide. Roseanne inquires and Bec says oh it was a giant spider..., Darlene says yeah, it was humungous!... roseanne replies..oh good, well i'm glad we're all all we have to worry about is irreversible chromosome damage.
lol. i have come to a realization. i spend TONS on ant killer, the gel stuff that eats the paint off the walls, every year. for months, i put that crap all over and the ants return now about every week or two. i think i am done. no more mr nice guy. or girl. i have had enough. it will be me and the raid and whatever other nasty toxin i can find and i am fumigating heavily, so much that it may put me in respiratory distress (but no different than being a jogger in L.A.).
only 2 questions i have, do ants really hate cloves and cinammon? i wonder if it would be worth it to throw that in my cupboars or if they would just eat it and want more.