been there done that
Oh come on 21676,
I see that you ALSO (many people do, but try standing up to OBJECTIVE truth) find it extremely easy to make statements without ALSO qualifying it IN THE SAME SENTENCE (cop out, have some self-respect and stop insulting people's intelligence). Of course, you do that because you really don't have any GOOD, solid reasoning.
Moreover, the reason you don't even ATTEMPT to offer ANY kind of reasoning along with the statement (IN THE SAME SENTENCE, simply offering to have someone challenge the statement) is that you're depending on the reply to the statement to offer you the opportunity to change the subject by choosing your words carefully and stirring emotion so that it becomes a SUBJECTIVE discussion instead of an OBJECTIVE discussion.
In doing so (making the discussion subjective), you will be able to take it out of context, get "on your soapbox" and create controversy in order to CONTEND with us and bolster your ego (I didn't know that you need an "ego-lift", but I do now).
So, if you somehow truly believe what you said, qualify that statement (state your reasoning, in the future, in order not to insult our intelligence, do it IN THE SAME SENTENCE).
I'll give you a little heads up,...God the FATHER sent His Son to earth to become the sacrifice that would purify our souls and forgive our sins. The whole purpose of Jesus coming here to be crucified was that Jesus was on a MISSION.
When a human being kills themselves, it is called "suicide" and it serves no PURPOSE.