I diagnosed myself with scalp folliculitis about a month ago. No, I'm not a doctor, but this condition is not rocket science. This diagnosis came after 3-4 months of constant itching and scratching little infected bumps on the very back of my scalp (about even with mid-ear, but in the back). I cannot see them, but I can feel them and the irritation and urge to scratch is insane!
About a week ago, I read about turmeric for the first time. About that time, I put a dab of my steroid anti-itch ointment on the area about three times.
Four days ago, on 8/22/15, I bought Nature's Spring turmeric. I was a little leary of not buying some fancified turmeric, but being desperate for relief, I just went with what was available to me instantly.
I have taken one 500 mg. capsule two or three times a day, with meals, every day from the 23rd to the 26th.
Even though I take each capsule with 8-16 ounces of water and with a full tummy, the capsule SOMETIMES leaves an aftertaste and SOMETIMES feels like it did not make it all the way down the pipe. But, it does NOT burn and the taste is very very faint.
Folliculitis/Itching Results at Day 3: 50% less itching. It does not feel like any of the bumps are inflamed. It does not feel like I have any new bumps to scratch. 40% less mental pre-occupation with the back of my head and what's going on beneath the hair back there.
I do not believe that the few dabs of my prescription anti-itch ointment "cured" my folliculitis.
Maybe it is the "placebo effect," but I believe, so far, the turmeric has helped. I will try to remember to post periodic updates.
Good luck to all who are struggling with scalp folliculitis.