after we take the gov't back, what will we do? if the best intentioned among us rule the land on our behalf, will they be able to stop the devolution to mayhem that sheer population/vs./resources is sure to promote.
im only asking in disagreement to stimulate the process, im in total agreement we need to find solutions, but ive come lately to wonder if the process/ if our entire western way, is doomed, and if its doomed for good reason.
perhaps the best thing a conscientious leader could do for the land is dismantle our way of life gently, for surely, with or without a police state, the process of degeneration after centuries of abuses in the industrial age, will take their toll, regardless of the love or hate of our leaders for their people. perhaps THIS is in part why the men in control now, have no compunction whatsoever, about dismantling 'life as we know it', because theyre aware that its all going to hell before something better can replace it anyway., hitler had thoughts like this, they called him a hypocrite for destroying the land he claimed to love, and yet, he knew the whole damn thing almost HAD TO be destroyed, if he really wanted his vision of a NEW world, to emerge.
personally, i think without a radical population reduction, either by voluntary means of simply NOT reproducing, or, controlled reproduction, which im totally against. who knows? perhaps technology will help but i tend to think of that as pie in the sky when we all know its technology, its abuse, that got us here to begin with.
this was a fabulous film, and if i was a schoolteacher id have lost my job for showing it over and over again, im sure, lol.
thanks for posting it.
: )