"...Listen to your body. It can guide you better than we can. Use us to interpret what your body is telling you when you get mixed signals, as
parasite cleansing can be very confusing.You may crave foods because the
parasites want you to eat them, not because they are good for you. You may feel worse after exterminating a nest
parasites because your body has to get rid of their dead carcasses, and then it will seem like the cleanse is not working. Things like that are important to know..."
Folks often get discouraged during
parasite cleanses, because suddenly they are getting headaches, skin rashes, colds, etc. The cleanse IS working- and to really prevent alot of these symptoms is to keep the colon and kidney's cleansed, so toxins and dead worms can eliminate out of the body more quickly.
This is why colon cleansing before and after and even during the same weeks you are
parasite cleansing is a good thing to do- and may even prevent any side effect at all!
I like the idea of Humaworm's Hu-Mana Tea he sells and I am eventually going to order that- This would be a good tea to take WHILE parasite cleansing also -- to help the body rid toxins from dying or dead worms . Getting enough fluids while parasite cleansing is very important.