Mama Crow,
Here's a post I made to someone having troubles with diarrhea. While that's not the same issue exactly, the information in this post might give you some insight as to why your toots are nasty now. (phew, that was a good one - 'got a whiff all the way over here in Ioway :) Also, if you've never done a **thorough** colon cleanse, this applies even more :)
'Hope this gives you some answers and food for thought!
from here:
I don't know if I can provide actual "help", but I CAN provide a lot of food for thought...some of which with may be met with agreement, some which may cause disagreement - yet all are possibilities to be considered, methinks
Is the
Iodine actually CAUSING diarrhea, or it is causing a detox of some type (or something else) that causes diarrhea? What do we actually 'know'? theorize? guess?
--We know that
Iodine assists the stomach to create ample/adequate stomach acid...which aids digestion of food and increases bowel activity (this we have also seen posted by MANY).
--We know that until some level of
Iodine sufficiency is reached in the body, we may have all kinds of transient symptoms until the body 'normalizes'.
--We know that stopping the iodine does not bring immediate relief from the diarrhea in this case. >>After 3 weeks, I decide to stop Iodine. My bowels normalised in a week.<< Note: normally when something is the actual 'cause' of diarrhea, eliminating it will bring almost immediate relief. If the iodine itself were the actual cause (and NOT toxins or increased stomach acid), then eliminating the iodine should have brought relief FAR faster than a week. (more on that later).
--We know iodine releases all kinds of toxic halogens AND heavy metals; some of which are eliminated through the digestive tract...and that detox can cause diarrhea.
--We know that a build-up in the lining of the intestines of mucoid plaque can contain VAST quantinties of toxins; if/when that lining is disturbed, diarrhea can be common. (And we know that the increased stomach acid throughout the digestive tract CAN disturb mucoid plaque).
--Sans006 doesn't 'do' flushes, does this mean Sans has never done any type of colon cleansing? If so, then we can almost assuredly know there's some level of intestinal build-up and mucoid plaque present. (I have done a LOT of colon cleansing in the past two years...I STILL see thumb-size pieces of mucoid plaque with every cleanse). The effective healers of the past (Christopher, Jensen,Irons, Schulze, Kelley, et al) ALL taught/proved that one or two weeks worth of cleansing doesn't even come CLOSE to removing decades worth of build-up. --There was at least one CZ poster that monitored their 'colon condition' intensely (w/assistance from
colonic therapist), and if I remember correctly it took well over a year to finally see the colon perfectly 'pink' & cleansed.--
The toxicity/acidity of this build-up is the mucous lining is designed to capture toxins and prevent them from being absorbed through the lining of the intestines into the bloodstream. One should NEVER underestimate the severity and possible symptoms caused by mucoid plaque being broken up; stirred up; and in the case of iodine possibly being slowly 'dissolved' daily by the increased stomach acid flowing over the top of the layers of rubbery toxic junk. (For those that are unfamiliar with just how toxin-filled mucoid plaque can be, recall the story from The Doctor Within/Journey to the Center of Your Colon - where a man that had worked in an ammunitions/explosives factory in his 20's did a
Colon Cleanse in his later years, dried the mucoid plaque and actually mailed it to someone. The ATF showed up at his house in 'high alert' because the package 'blipped the radar' as containing high-powered explosives. The residue from exposure/inhalation DECADES prior was still in his colon!! NEVER underestimate the high-level of poisons in your colon - and remember that EVERYTHING you eat has to seep through that layer of poison before it's absorbed.
So far (I think) we know that when discontinuing the iodine, the diarrhea stops after a week. Yet for the most part if something is causing diarrhea, removing the cause shows a far more immediate improvement. So based on that information, it's my 'quick conclusion' that the iodine itself isn't directly causing the diarrhea, but the iodine MAY be causing something that causes the diarrhea.
What could the iodine be causing to be the cause? And what other possibilities are there that might have been overlooked?
Other possibilities that can cause diarrhea:
--Vitamin C -- doesn't seem to be the case. >>I am not getting any diarrhea now. I am doing 3-4 gms of VitaminC in the form of Sodium Ascorbate.<<
--Magnesium -- not taking magnesium
--Food poisoning/illness/pathogens -- there'd be other symptoms and it probably wouldn't coincide with stopping/starting iodine.
--An excessive amount of almost any supplement that the body is desperate to throw off. ???
--An excessive amount of raw fruit/veggies -- probably not >>>>Completely liquified, watery bowels which make me feel sick<< ...generally diarrhea caused by raw produce is NOT completely liquified and it doesn't make one feel sick.
--Abnormal/excessive quantities of bile. ??? ...generally accompanied by burning, as bile is extremely alkaline; diarrhea would be yellow/green and possibly/likely accompanied by cramping at some level (bile creates peristalsis). This could be a small factor, as we've seen reports of spontaneous 'liver flushing' with iodine, so there may be increased bile flow (possibly accompanied by liver toxins being dumped).
Possibilities for iodine 'causing the cause':
Iodine (more than a few drops a day increases stomach acid production)...the extra/unfamiliar amount of stomach acid causes layers/build-up of mucoid plaque to be partially dissolved/dislodged, filling the small/large intestines with toxic sludge. The body responds by doing what it normally does when the intestines have a high load of gets it out via the most effective method - diarrhea.
The iodine itself (more than a few drops daily) has a slightly caustic effect upon the layers of mucoid plaque in the colon...ditto above.
Both of the possibilities above would definitely cause: >>Completely liquified, watery bowels which make me feel sick.<<
Another possibility: the dose of iodine that seems to cause the diarrhea is simply more than the body can handle at this time, hence the body attempts to throw it off via diarrhea. While a possibility, I question this possibility, because: if the iodine is taken on a relatively empty stomach and Sans has been taking Vitamin C (which should ensure that the iodine is being absorbed), I would think that some/all (?) is absorbed through the lining of the stomach into the bloodstream (I am NOT SURE about this). But if that's the case (that the iodine is absorbed into the bloodstream through the lining of the stomach), then diarrhea would not be the natural response. However, if ALL the iodine we take MUST reach the lower colon before it is absorbed, then this could be a possibility.
Another reason I don't think this is the case, is because it seems to me there would be an almost immediate reaction of stomach cramping and intense diarrhea directly after taking the larger dose of iodine. Sans hasn't mentioned that, that I'm aware of.
If the iodine loosening up layers of toxic debris in the intestines (or if it's causing the production of stomach acid that's doing the same), or (new thought) if there's irritation/damage somewhere in the intestinal tract that is 'annoyed' by the iodine/stomach acid (similar to IBS or Crohn's) - what's would I recommend?
I'd recommend the one product that is known to cure IBS & Crohn's, the most effective /gentle deep colon cleanser I know; THE most comprehensive "sucker upper" of toxins and heavy metals in the intestines; and holistic world's "must have in every medicine chest" version 'Kaopectate'...
Dr. Schulze s Intestinal Formula #2.
IF#2 can be purchased at
Dr. Schulze s website; it's equivalent (a bit cheaper, especially for the capsules) at Southern Botanicals/Health Freedom Resources; or by contacting Chris (CZ ID: discoman) who buys/sells wholesale to CZ'ers. Here's her link:
Here's the ingredients (all ARE organic or wild-crafted!) in IF #2:
Ingredients: organic Flax seed ( Linum usitatissimum ), Apple Fruit Pectin, Pharmaceutical Grade
Bentonite Clay, Psyllium seed and husk ( Plantago Species), WildCrafted Slippery Elm inner bark (Ulmus flilva), Organic Marshmallow root ( Althea officinalis), Organic Fennel seed ( Foeniculum vulgare ) and Activated Willow charcoal ( Salix alba).
Here's Schulze's standard blurb (but it doesn't even come CLOSE to detailing this product's benefits):
Therapeutic Action: This cleansing and soothing formula is to be used periodically in conjunction with Intestinal Corrective Formula #1. This formula is a strong purifier and intestinal vacuum. This formula will draw old fecal matter off the walls of your colon and out of any bowel pockets. It will also draw out poisons, toxins, heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and even remove radioactive material such as strontium 90. This formula will also remove over 3,000 known drug residues. Its natural mucilaginous properties will soften old hardened fecal matter for easy removal and also make it an excellent remedy for any inflammation in the stomach and intestines.
What details are missing? :::grin::: a LOT! You can find them some of them in the links below my sign off. I do want to add...there are THREE "toxin sucker-uppers" in this formula (Bentonite, Pectin and a very neutralizing Activated Willow Charcoal). These 'poison sponges' along with the addition of Slippery Elm (a major healer & soother), are what I feel are the two MOST major benefits of this product.
:::insert typical disclaimer here::: Without speaking at length to Sans006 there's really no way in the world to really "know" much of anything concrete. However, I do know a LOT about issues of the digestive tract, and I have assisted hundreds of people through the colon cleansing process over the decades. If this diarrhea IS an issue with iodine/stomach acid dissolving mucoid plaque & releasing vast amounts of toxins...then IF#2 will bring HUGE symptomatic relief FAST - and it will attack the root of the problem.
'Sure hope all this has been of help to somebody :)
P.S. Oh yes, that bit about 'flushing' depleting the body's store of minerals? I'd be very interested in 'seeing what you've got' and debating that topic :) Drinking olive oil to increase bile production to flush the liver clean of build-up certainly shows no possibility of depleting minerals (to me, anyway). The ES certainly can play around with hydration & electrolytic balance a bit, but one does not has to take ES to have a successful liver flush. And utilizing herbs/clays to cleanse build-ups of junk and poisons so organs can work properly/efficiently doesn't seem to stand any possibility of mineral fact, many of the herbs utilized for colon/kidney/
Liver Cleansing are full of minerals and trace elements).
Here's the links for more information about some of the ingredients in IF#2:
SLIPPERY ELM - A Modern Herbal | Elm, Slippery - Herb Profile and Information
Slippery Elmippery Elm (Ulmus Fulva)
Slippery Elm/Cayce Meridian Institute
Slippery Elm Bark Medicinal Uses and Benefits |
Troubled Times: Slippery Elm
Apple Pectin - Malus sylvestris - Encapsulated Herbal Nutrient - Herbs
Apple Pectin Benefits and Information
Information on apple/pectin as a herb.
Fennel -Herb Uses -F, G, H Herbs - A Modern Herbal | Fennel - Herb Profile and Information
Psyllium has GREAT liver/cholesterol benefits! (besides it's fantastic benefits to colon health :)
Herbal colon cleansing using psyllium and other dietary fiber
Detoxification - Psyllium