For a long time, I just read and tried things. If I had a really obvious and immediate reaction that would stick with me, but more subtle reactions, like one zit in a pool of many, often went unnoticed. Only after my daughter kept urging me to write a book, which I've no plans of doing, did I decide to at least write down notes about my reactions to the various minerals, vitamins, or protocols I was trying. I always noted the date so I could look back and correlate.
Finding good sources about mineral/vitamin interactions has been a god-send. My wall calendars and pocket calenders all contain notes of when I started this supp, when I increased and how much. Then, later, any benefits or problems I may have had. I even kept a stone count on my calendars for each liver flush. My notes could get very detailed, but that was helpful when I would look back for information.
The biggest breakthrough for me was the face mapping. It started with just noting that either one side or the other would breakout. Observing the reaction to a supp, one side at a time really helped. Unfortunately, the electrolytes are the most confusing as they all affect the same side. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, I did have internal organ reactions that matched well with the acu-cell info on sodium, potassium, and phosphorus. So that helped narrow down my reactions even more.
Most importantly, I pay attention to my body. Nothing is irrelevant. Even changes in my vision from one day to the next is a clue. Speaking of eyes, my eyes will redden when certain minerals are too high. That reaction is also side specific. But that tells me when I've over done it. Like when I supplement potassium to help reduce a reaction to magnesium. I may be trying to decide if I need more potassium because I still feel a little bladder irritation even though I have taken a good bit of K. If I note a redness in my right eye, I may try a bit of sodium to reduce the magnesium instead. It doesn't tell me exactly what to try, but it lets me know if what I've tried wasn't the whole answer.
My mixed blessing is a bit of Vata in my make up. I tend to be very responsive to foods. My reactions are numerous and varied, and they are not easily ignored. I use that mixed blessing to find the answers. At this point in my search, my reactions are so few and far between that I can spot an issue very quickly and work to resolve it immediately. I know now to read every label for hidden sources of
citric acid , vitamin C, and allergen sources, and don't blow off any reaction unless I know before eating or drinking something what I can expect(namely when I cheat on something with excess acids).
I also have used standard blood work from annual physicals to gauge where I am. I watched an anemic state develop. I observed a major improvement in my cholesterol which I attributed to liver flushing. And my low heart rate tipped me off to the worsening of my hypothyroid condition. While my annual physical is a few months away, my physical symptoms are vastly improved. Even my thyroid nodule is slowly losing volume.
I suggest to everyone to write down every physical/mental issue you have. Even if it doesn't bother you much, like needing glasses or greying. Make a fairly exhaustive list. Then visit acu-cell and look up your problems under Disorders. Many problems won't be there, but those can be googled later. Then compare the minerals that show up for each issue on the list. Are there any minerals that keep showing up? If so, how many? Then look up those minerals and find what minerals compete with and support that mineral. Keep in mind that in cases of severe deficiencies, even synergists can worsen the deficiency. This process can really help get a person started in finding the answers. One good thing is that a list of the foods that are good sources for each nutrient is included.