parasites cleanse! ... and continue
Liver Cleansing and Probiotics.
You have candida problem!!!!!!
Start treating candidiasis.
Combine parasite-killing tincture (clarkia) with Olive leaf tincture, and use different brands of intestinal bacteria (Probiotics)
Do also enema, 5 days a week.
Try also coffee enema.
Get also some herbal bowel cleanse, and do it parallel with
parasites cleanse and with Probiotics.
Sugar, and any industrial product is absolute NO!
Learn how to make Miso soup, and try including miso soups in your diet.
Increase your physical activity, try to sweat every day!
Get also vitamin B5, and whole B complex, or if you can get a liver from organically raised animal, or from a wild animal, and eat it. You are most likely very low on B vitamins ... because candida is causing problems.
Also, get flaxseed oil, and consume 5 tbsp or more of flaxseed oil a day, together with cottage cheese or with salads.
You need to cleanse your bowel, and improve your bowel condition, and that may take a year or longer of good diet, liver flushing, good water, good salt, a lot of physical activity, minimum stress....
To tell you in plain English language, you have f***** up your bowel and your boy with
Antibiotics , and you are not the only one. There are hundreds of thousands of people experiencing the same problems ... problems associated with CANDIDA!
Dental cleanup is also a MUST!
As long as you have
Amalgam in your mouth, you will be destroying intestinal flora ... and feeding candida.
It may take years after
Amalgam replacements, to regain a total health.
Every months on
Antibiotics , can mean a years of fighting with candida. Every new vaccine can mean years of health problems.
Both me and Lillian, and many of our friends have experienced that on our own skin. NEVER again
Antibiotics .
Never again vaccines!
Put your focus on learning about candida, and on beating candidiasis, and NEVER, NEVER again take antibiotics or a new vaccine ... unless it is a question of life or death.
Avoid all medications, they are all harming health!
People who have been for months on antibiotics (antibiotics and
vaccination are the worst treatment you can expose your body to) ... may need more then a year, sometimes even years ... to bring back their body to health.
Medications can quickly "fix" visible problems, but it will take you years to fix problems created with medications.
Learn how to do yogurt enema.
Walk every day, many kilometers.. it will stimulate healthy bowel!
And, don't forget that almost all farmed fish is raised with antibiotics. Avoid it!
Many non-organic fruit and vegetable is sprayed with antibiotics, on order to prolong shelf life.
Many pesticides are antibiotics ... killing bacteria.
Chlorinated water kills intestinal flora!
Sugar feeds candida ... candida kills intestinal flora.
Not enough bile in your intestines = poor intestinal environment = candidiasis.
Liver Flush every few weeks, and eat Probiotics, yogurt, ...
I hope this helps you understand what you have done to your body ... and what you should do.
And, unless your doc is an expert on cleansing and on candidiasis ... avoid him!
Best of health