Personally, (with no desire to turn this forum into biblical debate) I believe we are in "the last days" - and for years now I have felt like I am meant to be "left behind".... I have felt (for
years now) that I am being given a choice: to either "leave" this plane of existence with my family, or to stay here when the "$#!t hits the fan" so-to-speak. I feel quite strongly that I've been Led to
Iodine to help me understand
when having to decide becomes more clear, (because I would have to be
away from this area, from my family). Being such an emotional person, I'm not so sure I can stay...not sure I'd be able to handle it all...and yet....
That thought scares me,
because I've seen just a little of what
will happen. (OK,
NOW I will be labeled a
kook - LOL) - I've seen the total destruction of where I live via a comet impact; I dreamt this event quite vividly from three different directions through three separate dreams showing the same event. I live in E/Central Illinois. I was unafraid in all of my dreams, and yet, YES...I DO believe it will happen. I "just
know" that it will happen.
I've already been told, by a geologist, that an event like that would most assuredly trigger earthquakes all over the U.S., quite possibly even Yellowstone, depending on the size of the comet. It was the size of a very large (like a mansion-type) house. It instantly killed everybody within a (at the very least) 15-mile radius of where I live. As the crow flies, I'm almost exactly at the halfway point between St Louis and Indianapolis.
Oh, there is some work ahead of us, to be sure! Work that we will NEED to be healthy for!
Something else just hit me, too. I should probably just "lay off" my husband, and MY NEED for him to take iodine. He probably fights it so much because "his" path and "mine" are not necessarily the same one.
Does that make any sense?