Killi, there is a common sense order to cleansing only. Your elimination organs need to be operating in optimal form to remove the toxins as fast as your body is trying to rid itself of them.
The order, as I understand it, after 1000s of hours of reading on these subjects, is like this:
#1. colon cleanse
#2. kidndy cleanse
parasite cleanse
#4. liver cleanse - part 1.
Liver Flush ... part 2. liver cellular cleanse
#5. lung cleanse
#6. lymph cleanse
#7. heavy metal cleanse
#8. candida cleanse
#9. full body cleanse/juice fasting
How does one accomplish this on a limited budget? I am single, have way too much house to run utilities in and support my 76 year old mother, so I know how tough the choices are. I've done very thorough cleansing on a consistant basis since Dec 05. I set it as PRIORITY ONE behind keeping a roof over our heads and a vehicle to get me back and forth to work.