Well, he looked and acted very shocked...I really don't think anyone had questioned
him before. He said, "No, it's the way your body is responding to different products..."I" have nothing to do with the results...it's your BODY that is reacting
one way or the other." I said, "No, I'm 60 years old...and I know the difference
in my arm being pushed IN or DOWN!" :-)
I said, "I've come to you for help, but don't think that just because you say it's
so...I'm going to take it as the gospel. I'm going to go home and research and study every single thing you say or do." If it's helping and I trust what you're
doing, I'll be your best supporter and advertisement...if not...I'll be gone in
a heartbeat." We really have become good friends. And in some ways, I feel he has
helped me tremendously.
He's also doing some kind of laser therapy...he holds it in his hand and kind of
scans the liver, & colon area...just while you're sitting on the table fully clothed. He said that is 'giving energy to cells and waking up organs'. A red light or 'beam' comes out and goes to the area he's scanning.
One day, he had me put on these red colored 'glasses'...he has glasses with lenses
in about 8 colors. Different colors are for different things, he says. :-/
I was diagnosed with a fatty liver 2 months ago. Now, I've never drank a drop in
my life...never ever smoked, that's just hideous to me. But I feel my liver went
off whack because of 2 meds I've been on for decades...one since 1973 for my thyroid...and I think those things have just wrecked havoc with my liver. So I'm
trying to get help in turning it around. I'm beginning to think I'd be just as
well off with
juicing for the colon and liver...and adding Triphala, Livatone and
2 or 3 other things...maybe Primal Defense, & Lecithin. But NOW he has me wondering
if my body was rejecting these things like he SAYS they were. Shelley of askshelley.com has told me that his products are MLM products and not of the best
quality...but from what "I" read on line, they are a very good...inexpensive
brand of supplements that doctors can prescribe to patients and make a little money
on themselves. And I got that from other websites...NOT the website of the products.
So "I" don't know...I've studied natural healing since 1978, but I'm as confused
with the mess I've found MYSELF in...just as much as many others on curezone have
been about themselves...and I can't tell you the number of people in our area that
have come to ME for help...and I've been able to help them...but I don't seem to
be able to help myself. But I'm also like most everyone else in that I'm always
rushed...pressed for time...and I look for 'quicker fixes' just like everyone else.
Time will tell...but if you or anyone else out there has advice on healing this
liver of mine...I'd like to hear it. It had enlarged to the point that I could
see the protrusion on the outside. And I 'have' had a tremendous detox with this
doctor...in fact, it sent us rushing to the emergency room...I was running to the
bathroom about every 10 minutes...became very dehydrated...my electrolytes got off whack...I was having chills and sweats at the same time...got just as weak as a
cat...lost 10
pounds in just a few days...but it all came right out of my tummy.
My liver area DID go down...but now, it's pooching back out again.
This is why I have such compassion for people who come on here...have just heard
of natural healing...and are wanting advice on something. Because it is sooooooooo easy to become overwhelmed with all the information and the many natural things
you can do.
Well, I've gone on wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long, as usual. I'll post my
foot bath results in a day or so. kathryn