DMAE, a fish oil derivative, is drying but the only thing that detoxes the dark, toxic free-radical-filled pigment of liver spots and circles under eyes. Feed your liver L-Acetyl Carinitine, and use Caprylic Acid to kill Candida that seems to be infesting your sinuses. Email me your UK address and I'll send you some silver wire and a wee kit or make your own silver colloid per instructions in this posting:
C.C. SILVER & GOLD, INC. in Phoenix (online) sells 99.99 FINE SILVER 14 gauge silver wire, get a foot, cut in two pieces. Then get three 9 volt battery clips (from Radio Shack) and 3 9 Volt batteries and hook them up red to black (27 volts), then hook the free black and the free red end of this daisy chain to two alligator clips, keep silver wire tips parallel and 3/8" apart, stick them about .5
inches in rubber or wood mount of some kind, hook clips above mount, and keep mount bottom with the 5.5" of wire sticking out 1/2
inch away from pure, distilled water in brown plastic or glass (non-metallic) container and in three minutes you can MAKE YOUR OWN! Clean electrodes with plastic scrubber, rinse and repeat to make gallons. Do not add salt to speed up reaction or use non-distilled water as it creates contaminants. It's fresher and purer than health food store silver colloid per info from one chain that had tests run and found quality uneven and heavy metal contaminants (Wild Oats). Keep the alligator clips out of the water or you'll have contaminants, too! Use environmentally (to clean defroster tray in fridge for example), topically or internally. If used internally, take N-Acetyl Cysteine to form Glutathione as Glutathione is used up with silver colloid use as silver colloid is a powerful oxidant that oxygenates bugs and
parasites in one-celled stage to death. Get an extra 6" of 9999 FINE SILVER wire to put inside tank water filters to keep the slime off. God bless and tell a friend!