"So now we have every group of strange belief calling themselves Christians."
Even - the evangelicals!
Boy! You've really got yourself wrapped up in the conspiracy theories. You've got all figured out, don't you. In the mean time, you're shivering in your boots and peeing in your pants.
One of the reasons for secret societies is because their beliefs went against that of the church. If the church found out what they believed, it was a death sentence - and the church (Christian) controlled most all of Europe. They have just carried it down as a tradition. And yes, the evangelical church wants to kill everyone who doesn't believe the way they do. Some things never change.
The Mafia is also a secret society. I'm sure that it too fits into your little world of conspiracies. Hey, I've been there, I know what you believe. I was raised on the lies of the protocols of the elders of Zion, the Soviet conspiracies, and The Defender Magazine, and all that trash. It's nothing but garbage.
How does the break down of the Soviet Union fit into your little world? The world is fragmenting. It is not joining together. And don't give me the Euro Union garbage either. They can't even agree on a currency. Britain is still using the Pound.
Just because there are secret societies, doesn't mean there is a world wide conspiracy. Two plus two doesn't equal six.
"I also think that we are not that far off in our reasoning about the abuse of christianity , we just split on the cause! Why would a true christian do the exact opposite of what a true christian is suppose to stand for? There is a seed of this corruption , we just need to identify it!"
I'm a Christian, and I and many others are abused by the evangelicals. We are the hated enemy. (I'm a WASP.) That doesn't really bother me, but they are more of the conspiracists than any one else I'm aware of and they are international.
The last thing I read on conspiracies - just to see what the current (then) thing was all about, was "The New World Order" by Pat Robertson. It was filled with the same baseless charges that I was raised on (I'm ancient) and its references were circular. Everybody referenced their friends books and used each other as their authority. It was also filled with downright lies. That's when my opinion of Yale zoomed to zero (even before Bush came along). Robertson got a PhD from them in law? In getting that PhD he in no way could have used the type of documentation to even graduate from high school. He is also an ex-marine who was kept out of combat by his senator father. I was in the trenches while Robertson was in the rear area staying drunk. I consider that a conspiracy, but nobody ever talks about that one.
All international conspiracy theorists are bananas. There are truly what one can call conspiracies on a national level, ours - and other countries too. But headed for a one-world government? No way.
"You statement above says NAIVE in great big Capitol letters to me!"
SO I'M NAIVE. ;-) I remember the world when there was only one communist country! I remember when the evangelicals spewed ONE WORLD government BS - from the pulpits, proclaiming that communism and "international Jewry" was behind that big push. Even though, Leon Trotsky, the only Jew of any import in the communist hierarchy was murdered in Mexico City in 1938 on orders from Stalin. Then, as communism spread it reinforced their beliefs. When communism fell, they no longer had a whipping boy so have had to find new villains, new conspiracies, and they have invented many of them.
The world is falling apart, politically. All of Eastern Europe and Russia are free! There is no force on the planet that is uniting the world together into one political sphere. Nothing! There is more rebellion in the world than at any time in history, and as I've said before - it is fun to watch.
Behind all international one-world conspiracy believers is one thing that controls them, and that is fear. Just by believing that stuff, you are being controlled. As long as your/our leaders keep you in fear, you are controlled.
I respect you views, I just don't agree.
"So you beleive in a national Conspiracy
to corrupt christianity ,but denounce a european connection ! Thats almost
humorous! But even more sorrowful than funny!
You beleive that chrisitianity is being abused but only by other christians
and only in america! Wow!"
The murder and elimination of Christians by Christians has historically been far more prevalent than Christians being wiped out by other religions. It is just as true today as has been historically.
The Gnostics were completely wiped out by what we now call the Catholic Church. From what little that we have left after the Catholic Church destroyed them and all of their writings we now know that the beliefs of the varied sects of Gnosticism was more widespread than any other Christian sect. The Gnostic movement was also much larger than is generally known. Gnosticism was much more close to what was taught by Jesus than anything else that calls itself Christianity today. They failed because they were not into the power games of the surviving church and had no hierarchy because they believed that all members were equal. The evangelicals are trying to become the power/government group that the Catholic Church was for centuries. The evangelicals originated in the USA (the Pentecostals originated in an African American church in Los Angeles, at the turn of the last century). They literally want to kill everyone who does not believe the way they do. Their aim is identical to the purpose of the Catholic Church's position through about the 17th or 18th Century. I think the evangelical movement is more of a threat to real Christianity than anything else, but I don't worry about it because I know that we are in the end times (end of the era, not a rapture) and people are going nuts because the Christ is returning. Through the returning of the Christ, the evangelicals will not succeed in wiping out true Christianity this time. I see no threat to Christianity from Europe at all.
I have a faith in God. I have a faith in what is happening on the planet, and it is enjoyable to watch!