I started using castor oil for pulling 6 days ago. Had used coconut oil, safflower and olive oil. Started pulling back about 2nd wk of Dec. Anyway, the olive oil was great till it began to turn by teeth really yellow. I then switched to coconut, which I really like. The safflower is good too. But since I had castor oil in the house (as it's so wonderful for so many things) I decided to use it. This is what I found:
-very thick for 1st 10 mins or so and then thins out
-my teeth look whither than w/the other oils (coconut and safflower)
-I've got mercury fillings and w/the castor oil I began feeling a "sensation" around a molor that's filled for 3 days while using the castor oil--I did not get that w/the other oils
So what I'm thinking is, the castor oil is quite powerful and is perhaps pulling out toxins out in and around the molar cuz there's a filling there. So yesterday, I switched to the safflower and so today makes 2 days and the "sensation" around molar wasn't there. So I don't know for sure, but I'll go back to castor oil and see what happens.
Don't give up on the castor oil too soon. And several people on this forum switch oils every so many weeks or days or sometimes pull 2 and 3 times a day w/different oils. I think all the oils work on different things within the body. All I do know is my teeth look great since I've started pulling. Don't know why the olive oil turned them yellow but others have mentioned that too. I stick w/the oils now that are very clear in color. My complextion looks great too. That's one thing that has become very apparent within the past 3 wks. I also started brushing my teeth w/soap which added to the whitening.
Anyway, this is experience w/castor oil.