you stated: "I am interested in this but at the same time I am disconcerted by the issues regarding the safety of hypnosis."
you stated: I have read tons of information that hypnosis is exceedingly psychologically dangerous. I have also read numerous times that hypnosis has its origin in the occult!
That is off putting to say the least.
I was only stating that if you are disconcerted by issues relating to safety of hypnosis and additionally you have read "tons" of information that hypnosis had it's origin in the occult, then hypnosis doesn't not seem to be for you.
Hypnosis is not magical or having roots in occult and will not work in the mind that holds these
Hypnosis is dealing with things at a deeper level. At a deeper level scars represent how we feel about ourselves and what we choose to reveal to the world. So changing how we perceive and how we judge can alter the output as internal projections form external realities giving us feedback on how to adjust inwardly followed by projecting outwardly. This cyclical pattern is how we adjust.
Just as with breast enlargement there are some methods that will yield improvement by opening up the bodies ability to deal with scar tissue and increase blood supply and healing factors nothing magical but I would see a therapist who has worked with it before. Not sure about a cd could help start the process of ridding limiting beliefs as they clog up the mind and body systems. I teach my clients to do self hypnosis rather thann string them out on products or tons of sessions.
Most therapists will not want to work with a negative or skeptic mindset because the subconscious throws up a screen to prevent the limiting thoughts from being disposed of. The subconscious thinks it is protecting you when this occurs. Had you said I have read tons of information that hypnosis works and is good. I could guarantee some form of success. The greatest successes come from those whose minds are open and that is a bit magical.
The mindset is very important in healing.
Because of a discussion on CZ about the mindset and hypnosis I wrote a brief article dated Feb 4th it is very topical because I wrote it as an introduction. I will write deeper on it soon as I am getting a lot of questions and seeing people with limiting beliefs who desire to breakthrough.
If you listen closely internally or read your post you can clearly hear and see the limiting beliefs and yes the barrier formed by the unconscious can be broken and things in your life that you do not deserve can be changed This goes for everyone self included we all have these voices in our heads. We are not locked up because we repress them and do not give voice to them but they unconsciously cretae our lives.
... I posted on eye forum yesterday about scars on my eyes. I was diagnosed several years back with a rare eye disease at the same time I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. My mindset was such that I did not believe in MS. So my mind did not accept the diagnosis. The eye disease however was a bit harder because I had changed the way I viewed things internally and there were certain things I refused to see so as my corneas grew thinner scars formed right in the center of my field of vision and light was not refracted properly and I saw kaleidescope imagery in all things. Because this was in my primary field of vision and the doctors told me these deep scars were irreversible, I had no choice but to go inside and examine myself. Long story short I see things differently inside and out. The doctors are speechless and just say do whatever it is that you are doing. The biggest depest scar on my right cornea has healed and progression of scars has stopped. So yes scars can be healed even ones called irreversible it depends on what you believe and what your limiting beliefs are.