Essex most of my life, now West Midlands.
I cant think where any heavy metals came from, other than childhood vaccines and possible environmental sources.
Hair mineral analysis showed high calcium and low magnesium, but Im not sure how accurate it is. It showed very little of anything toxic, some lead.
Im taking brazil nuts (selenium) about 4 a day.
Will start eating lots of chilantro and see what happens.
All my problems started suddenly after a bad illness.
CFS, aches, pains, strange feeling in my head of lightness, arrythmia, malaise. The odd thing is the transient nature of pains over time, hips, knees, calves, fingers, elbows, chest. All changing over time. There is no pattern to any of it that I can see.
It tried a round of the Cutler chelation with ALA, but nothing apparent happened.
Any of your eruditism is always much appreciated, you've taught me much since I found this part of CZ!