Your reality just breaks my heart.
So many times I have wracked my mind to see if *I* ever did the sorts of things you leaving someone in a car injured and off to make my favorite sandwich. YUM!
But no..............I can honestly say I have never done the sorts of things my NPD did. I may have done other worse sins in my life BUT AT LEAST I TOLD ON MYSELF, TOLD THE TRUTH AND HANDLED REPENTENCE SCRIPTURALLY. Amazing what a difference that can make. Confession, repentence, restoration is God's way. He is a God of 2nd chances, indeed.
The difference with an NPD is that they will not submit to God. They won't submit to truth (it's always "THEIR truth", you notice, and it has no foundation in reality whatsoEVER!) I don't have much tolerance for all the games. Seen them ALL. (NPD's ARE "god" so there is no submission involved. Narcissis....quit a mythological character. Too bad it's real.)
Just keep remembering the example of the Hero Firefighter. Turns out HE set the fire.
I cannot tell you how often my NPD has snarled something like, "Yeah....YOU'RE always SICK"....after I've suffered a migraine or am in the middle of one. I just shake my head and think, "My God....this guy hit me so hard in the head and he acts like he wasn't even THERE!" (It truly is like OJ whining that his children have no mother.)
It's the LIES I am struggling so hard with. I am resolved to be happy someday. I will do the best I can in these circumstances but GETTING OUT/FIGHTING for your rightful way of life takes energy I simply no longer have. I already divorced mine once. I am going to let go and let God. Seriously.
Best regards to you as you find your way out.