What do you think of the probiotic? How long have you been on it? I checked out the link and it's pretty interesting, although every brand claims to be super powerful, and it's hard to know. i've flushed a lot of hard earned cash down the drain in trying a lot of them.
I have been making my own kefir for years, though I'm not sure the dairy agrees with me, even as kefir. I've had long term, ongoing bowel issues related to candida and
parasites (mainly protozoa, according to my naturpopath/homeopath) that I'm having a very hard time eradicating. I do best if I eat very little and very low carb and proper food combining, but I can never seem to stick to that regime for any great length of time. I made my own cultured veggies off and on for awhile, first using starters from Body Ecology, and then just a
Sea Salt brine. They always gave me gas (the cabbage, probably) and the last few batches I made seemed kind of "off," so I eventually gave up. The expensive Rejuvinative Foods brand cultured veggies create the same problem - big time farts, silent but deadly. Ugh!! Now that's ladylike...
I'd love to hear your thoughts on that probiotic, and whether you have any suggestios on the cultured veggies. Do you buy into the
Blood Type Diet theory? I know some people who do, and apparently cabbage is an "avoid" for type A's. I had thought fermenting would help, but so far it doesn't seem to make a difference.