I am getting somewhat forgetful, since in the last year I have been reading so much different information. Not old age :), just overload they say nowadays.
Reason for flushing 1" gallstone stuck in neck, inflammed gallbladder, the wall was 42mm instead of 3 mm. Pain upper back, indigestion, pain in lower front right (intestine, reflex point for the gallbladder) after eating. Came home from surgeon and jumped into the flush, luckily I just had learned to use the computer.
After 1st flush the sinus pain was unbearable. Since I wanted
Antibiotics for my inflammation, called the doctor (did not tell him about the flush), he thought my pain was strange and I should come in for a brain scan. I did not go.
I don't know if I had this pain for other flushes. In the next few months all the pain in my body disappeared, knees, hip, arms. Found out it was allergy season, but realized I had not noticed it. It is funny you know that you have pains and allergies but then don't know that they are gone.
After about 3 months I had boxes full of supplements and lots of different oils, that I started gaining weight. Of course I believed everybody and did not know there are a lot of different protocols.
I went back what I call basics and followed
Andreas Moritz , no supplements, but improved lifestyle.
After 8 months I went back for an ultrasound the stone was now free floating (same size), inflammation gone and the wall back to normal 3 mm.
Kept flushing, did not get many stones out, but I was feeling fine, no symptoms. In that time when I saw Andreas he said as long as I stayed on prescription or over the counter drugs I would be keeping making new stones. So in the next month I dropped all my medications, I think I wrote them in my message above.
May be 1 year after I finally had my 3x in a row stone free flushes.
In Dec'05 I added urine therapy and that cleared my head even more.
So here I am still with my stone, after using for months all kinds of softeners, but the stone never changed size. I skip the US this year but I have an appointment for next June. I know I still have the stone, when I feel sluggish or have some upper back pain (no trouble with food) I do a flush and feel like new.
Now when I do a flush I often have some green peas again, but I don't give them a chance to become bigger and calcified.
Now I am looking more into things for general health which are easy.
My main reason for answering posts is, that I want people to know that there are many protocols and I won't them to end up with boxes of supplements. At that time I felt cheated and a lot of people have had the same problem I learned later.
So my suggestion is keep reading do one thing at a time, so you know what works for you.