What to eat on the day of the flush? This is a common question and people have adopted several different solution. The theory states that the reason for not eating a fat is so that the bile pressure can build up but in practice the bile only reaches a certain maximum pressure and then leaks out. Small amounts of bile are secreted even with eating vegetables because hey have bitter compounds that increase the amount of bile secreting hormones. Also, stomach acid from the digestion of food causes the biliary system to secrete bicarbonate, which also releases bile. The body can easily recycle this bile with as little as 2 hours. Filling of the biliary system takes about 4 hours after the stomach is empty. The key to this eating dilemma; you need to eat simple combination of food that is nutritional and do take ages to digest and this is where the rules of food combining help, which are:
Eat protein with vegetables and fruit as a meal.
Eat carbohydrate with vegetables but not acid fruit; which includes tomatoes.
Fat can be eaten with any meal.
As we are not eating fat on the day of the flush then you are left with the two main options. But bear in mind that protein meals are passed out of the stomach very quickly; as little as 30 minutes. Carbohydrate meals can take up to two hours but a 'heavy' complex meal could take between 4 and 8 hours.
What to eat in the weeks leading up o the flush? This depends on you and your metabolism. We are all supposed to be using liver-cleansing as part of a life-style change. The
Liver Flush gets rid of the junk that has accumulated in the liver because of what we eat and how we live our lives. The weeks leading up to a flush programme are you chance to introduce so changes in the way you eat that are liver friendly. Basically, try to get rid of as much junk as possible, read as much as you can, listen to people’s advice and tailor it to suit.