If you click on Dr. Clark, she will list the order in which to complete the cleanses. There is a very good reason for this.
However, if you are having gallbladder trouble, most people on this forum would tell you to go ahead and get some relief. No one wants you to suffer. You probably have 2,000
Gallstones in your liver/gallbladder area, give or take a few hundred. You may clean out your liver/gallbladder area in just a few flushes or it may take you many flushes. Just remember, no two people are alike nor or their flushes going to be alike. You are unique--God just made one of you. So, you can't be like anyone else and experience that they experience.
I completed eight flushes over a 2 1/2 month period. Most times, I waited two weeks in between flushes. Every flush I completed was different. My 2nd and 3rd flushes produced the biggest and darkest stones. (a lot of black, hard-looking stones) My very 1st flush began at 1:30 in the morning with a long, long solid green rope-looking thing and I passed a lot of stones the next morning. After the 7th flush, there were just a few "draggers behinders," but I wanted to make sure they were all gone, so I did #8. Now I will just complete a "preventative maintenance flush" later on this year.
parasite cleanses showed a LOT of rice looking things, which are
parasite eggs. I also passed a lot of skinny, black thread looking things for about a week. (I'm not sure what they were) I also passed a human fluke and that scared me to death. (literally) So, the
parasite cleanse works. I also use a zapper.
Do you subscribe to the newsletter? If not, go to the newsletter archive forum and read the post from the lady who had gallbladder surgery. Make sure your brother reads it, too. It would be wise for you to also read from that archive "The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US."
I don't think your days are numbered. Look at it this way. Something led you to this website, so consider yourself lucky.
So, decide for yourself what you are going to do. Then, JUST DO IT!
We are all here on the same journey and we will be here to support you. I will always call myself "a work in progress" because I really don't think I will ever get to the point in my quest for good health that I will EVER know everything.
Good luck and good health!