Sorry for name change. Someone else is "Amanda" too on other forums that is not me. I am changin my name to Tupper_Amanda to try to be unique.
The reason I am here.
Had two ultra sounds. No stones revealed.
I Had HIDA scan. (iodine injection) It revealed "low CCK".
The gallbladder contraction rate is lower than normal.
Yes..I am overweight, but not obese.
I seem to fit the "gallstone" profile for women.
The four F's (fertile, fat, 40, female)
I am not in my 40's yet, but I am overweight, female, and fertile.
I started having problems due to a stressful event. (Several websites I have found link stress to gallstones)
I also live in a heavy limestone region. This is also a common factor in gallstone formation.
Only calcified stones are seen in ultrasound.
I have passed many stones (4th flush-Flush Club-
Hulda Clark )
Last flush ... many grape size (3/4 inch-2
cm stones emerald green)
My direct relatives have no gallbladder problems, but my aunt already had her gallbladder removed. She is extremely overweight.
Overweight...seems to be a big factor.
Age is a big factor too. (The older you get....)
My hope is to not to "cleanses" forever.
I think to do this requires a "permanent" diet change.
The American Diet is hard on one's gallbladder, pancreas... and everything else.
Here's to the journey!!!!
Tupper_Amanda (was Amanda)